

🛡️ Staff

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spark 1727728414083

Chats changes

  • CHATS NOW ACTUALLY WORK! Sorry for you being unable to create chats for the past day, but this issue has now been fixed
  • Chats are a little more compact now, so they hopefully don't feel as weird
  • Chats no longer refresh the page every time a message is sent/received

That's it for now! Please continue to report bugs and suggest features.

spark 1727917424599

Rainbeam 1.7.0 (Threads)

  • You can now go to "Share" on any response and press "Follow-up"
  • You can now put the ID of a response in your replies to reply to them in a separate response
    • Pressing "Follow-up" adds this to the question and makes it automatically do this when the question is answered
  • Added some extra sharing options (Twitter)
  • Increased sharing text from 240 characters total to 280

That's it for 1.7.0 (+ a bunch of bug fixes). Thanks!

spark 1728090162320

Rainbeam 1.8.0 (Drawings)

Hey! This is slightly experimental, but you can now allow people to send you drawings with their questions in your account settings! You must enable this feature to allow people to send you drawings through your profile.

Thanks! (+ minor bug fixes)

spark 1728098679166

Drawings Clarifications

Hey! Here’s some small clarifications as we refine the drawings feature:

  • I will add undo/redo at some point!
  • You can now download/upload images
  • The image format has been updates to specify the width and height of the canvas that it the image was created in
  • The maximum size for a drawing is 32kb (up from 8kb)

Thanks for testing drawings, I’ll continue to make it better from here but I’m happy with what we have right now!

Also if you read all of this, you can play with drawings at!

anonymous 1728229573090

I was wondering for the report stuff if the people at hand could get some detail when a harmful report gets processed? I know people can get petty and report for no reason I'm not sure if there's successful processing like other platforms where something actually harmful gets taken down and noticed but I've been getting some pretty nasty anonymous asks full of slurs and just disgusting language so I wanted to know if it was possible that when something gets to that point if the reporter could get info like country of origin's information like that Ive just been dealing with a lot of ex relationships harassing me

Yes, questions that are reported will have the sender's account deleted, and their IP address banned if applicable. IP addresses are included with all questions, even anonymous. This allows us to catch users going anonymous or users that never had an account.

Nearly every type of content is reportable in some way, although some reports may take us awhile to process. It is recommended that you include an email in your reports, but we'll likely begin automatically including your account ID when you report.

spark 1728232365723
anonymous 1728136649994

sorry if this is a stupid question, but is there anyway to embed this site to another website? i wanted to add it to my neocities website :^)

Press "More" under "Edit Profile" on your profile, and then press "Embed profile", this will give you a link to embed your profile in an HTML Iframe element. People can still ask you questions through this.

spark 1728137523999
anonymous 1728127505257

will there ever be a "reset password" feature?

I'm working on a system to reset your password if you forgot it. If you have access to the account already, you can change your password in your account settings.

spark 1728137465315
von 1727731470047

Hey it would be cool if notifications saved in their location even when marking as read until we delete it,, unless ofc it takes up too much storage space! Just so we dont lose comment threads by marking as read and such!

I'll consider it, thanks! For right now, the best solution is probably just don't mark anything as read if you want to keep it.

spark 1728137415634
anonymous 1727862236268

hello! for some reason when i send an anon ask to a newly made profile it says “Nothing with this path exists or you do not have access to it!”

Should be fixed now. Follow-up with this if the problem still persists.

spark 1728137383521
anonymous 1727897982600

hi! my friend got his profile all set up but for some reason i can't ask well... asks. this is what it says: Nothing with this path exists or you do not have access to it! he hasn't changed anything that could possibly mess with the asks as far as we're aware. any way to fix or change this?

Should be fixed now. Follow-up with this if the problem still persists.

spark 1728137381288
anonymous 1727904353606

i tried to send myself a question (while being logged out) to see how it looks like (anon pfp) but its written "Nothing with this path exists or you do not have access to it!" is there any problem with the ask option? because i allow anon asks!

Should be fixed now. Follow-up with this if the problem still persists.

spark 1728137379431
anonymous 1728083968633

i made a circle and it won't let me access it 💔💔

Interesting, I'll check it out. Thanks!

spark 1728137362784
anonymous 1728087426181

Me and some other users have been getting harrassed by an anon, the first time he sent us a weird rentry depicting sexual themes, the second time he sent us an ao3 (which i'm not gonna read, so i'm assuming) it depicts of sexual themes. Are you able to do anything about this? -🐟

Click on the ellipsis icon in the top right of the question and then select "Report"

spark 1728137350097
anonymous 1728088125988

hi, would there be a way to back up previous curiouscat asks exported as json ( and import them into neospring since it's shutting down very soon?

Unfortunately, there is not. Neospring stores questions and responses in a very different way. While a translation layer could be added, you still wouldn't really get much.

spark 1728137275047

hi spark ! i am the anon that sent the ask reporting the lack of response to me trying to change my username. i tried again, the issue still persists, however i was trying to think up some sort of way to overcome this as i have a chronic retheme addiction & being inable to change my username was driving me mad. i went incognito, logged into neospring (while still incognito), & the issue resolved itself. i have yet to test around & see if itll work now even off incognito, but the point is the issue is resolved now.

i dont have any experience with coding or how this site would even work, so i was wondering if you yourself had any idea what lead to this & how being incognito fixed it? all good if your clueless, im just a curious gal.

The issue is likely cached client resources, but I'm glad it's fixed for you now!

spark 1728137221713
anonymous 1728078239666

emojis seems to get excluded when responses are shared to twitter 🥹

Yeah, I'll work on it later. Right now it's because it's hard to slice up text when characters like emojis take up more than 1 byte.

spark 1728083791659
anonymous 1728056346025

Please teach me how to input images for pfp & banner? I've tried many times, but still failed 😭

You can upload the image anywhere that won't serve our server a captcha. You can even use an image you uploaded to Twitter!

If it isn't working, the likely issue is the site is giving us a captcha which we obviously cannot solve.

spark 1728083763008
anonymous 1728050471364

can u add an option to mute people its so annoying seeing some people on public tl but i dont wanna block 😢

Sure. I'll consider adding another relationship value!

spark 1728083721777
anonymous 1728025210234

Hai .. Would you ever consider making a list of the css that can be used to customize ur profile ?

It's just any CSS source value.

  • all color names
  • hex
  • hsl/hsla
  • rgb/rgba
  • url("...")
  • linear-gradient()
  • etc

Let me know if that helps or if you need more help! I'd recommend looking up CSS colors.

spark 1728083703103
anonymous 1728002791387



spark 1728083568576
anonymous 1727998371313

The new thread option is great! ty for always considering our feedback and ty for ur hard work!


spark 1728083564251
anonymous 1727918118195

hi spark ! when i try to change my username , nothing happens . my view is moved to the top of the settings page but their is no success or error notification, its just .. nothing . it doesnt update anything , either . this happens on my alt account aswell .

Very weird... I'm unable to reproduce this, so please try again and let me know if this problem still persists!

spark 1728083559140
anonymous 1727977718957

im not getting notifs even though im been invited to a circle?

Hmm weird. You may need to try again, or just visit the circle acceptance page yourself. It's /@NAME/memberlist/accept

spark 1728083536279
anonymous 1727960941134


So pretty!

spark 1728083438235
anonymous 1727971366751

Hello! I hear other people are wanting the same thing to, but would it be possible to add an option in your settings that either doesnt allow you to check a blocked users profile, or allows you to check a blocked users profile? I don’t know much about wrbsite coding, if anything, but theres a suggestion! -🐟

Will do soon, thank you!

spark 1728083433575
spark 1727967681279

Session question asking bug has been fixed, sorry for the inconvenience!

For those interested, an explanation is available below.

Neospring uses Turbo to fetch pages on click and replace the current HTML document, so the site feels smoother and like a SPA. The issue is the script tag that handles the ask function for profiles used a const variable in it. When Turbo would update the page, the new version of the script would fail to overwrite the ask function because it could not update the value of a constant.

The fix was as easy as updating one line.

Thanks for being patient! (also brought back shadows on responses)

Tinder 1727912825679

Spark can I have a hug?


spark 1727917451859
anonymous 1727915493259

where do u see the request to join when you've been invited to a circle? i've checked the circle's tab but i cant see anything


spark 1727917445098
anonymous 1727911351236

Sorry , when I press enter once while trying to make a new line specifically on my bio it doesn't work and I have to press enter twice .. Is this intentional ?

This is how Markdown works. The spec requires you put two lines between paragraphs. You can also alternatively just put two spaces at the end of the first line and then do a line break to start a new paragraph, as per the spec.


I'll ease whitespace a little bit to make it work!

spark 1727911768222

hi spark u awesome okay bye


spark 1727911240167
anonymous 1727825471477

spark why is it when I block someone , I cant even view their page at all. I do not like this

That is how blocking works in most places. You do not need to view their profile at all if you have blocked them, that is the point. Blocking somebody means you want nothing to do with them at all, you should not want to view their profile or anything about them if you have blocked them. That is implied.

I'll reconsider if enough people want it, but this is also the solution that most people preferred for blocking!

spark 1727911218748
von 1727845976529

Hi just letting you know that there is a glitch when editing responses, the question duplicates instead of editing

Are you able to elaborate on this? Unable to reproduce this issue.

spark 1727911142272
anonymous 1727851180866

Hey, I've noticed the share function only shares the first line of text, when Twitter can handle a lot more, which makes it so I have to tediously copy ask and answer to fill everything in. Could you make it so it works like on retrospring, where what's copied/shared is the most Twitter can post, and messages above the character limit for Twitter get abbreviated with a little … character?

I'll up it to 280 characters (+40 characters). The function I wrote for this just takes two different parts of text and then combines them with a link and figures out how long each segment can be to fit within the target character range. I can likely also add a way for you to manually set the character amount.

spark 1727911098342
anonymous 1727851910493

Is linebreak still broken ?


spark 1727911028844
anonymous 1727852238642

Hi, I’m so sorry if this is the wrong place to put this here, but I’ve made two neospring accounts in attempt to get rid of this “You cannot access this resource” message but it won’t go away no matter what. I’m not sure what to do as even deleting my account wouldn’t work cause it said the same message again. I don’t know if anyone else is having this issue, but can you please look into it?

Currently not able to reproduce this on Neospring or local development server at all. This error can be thrown if you're IP banned, somehow the profile isn't allowing anonymous questions, or you're blocked somehow.

spark 1727910995670
anonymous 1727904463947

hi! i tried to change the image for my header and when i pasted the link and pressed save, suddenly every field on the profile customization went black and i can't change anything anymore :( even if i press save, the fields go back to being blank and they won't be saved. the css for the colors of my profile also shows at the bottom of the page. could this be a bug? thank you for this awesome app and i hope you have a great day!!

Hmm, I'll check. Thanks!

spark 1727910467439
anonymous 1727907428002

no idea if a concept like this even works but on tumblr there's the option to respond to asks privately and they won't appear on timelines and your profile, would that be possible to implement here, or nah?

It is technically possible to implement, but there isn't much need since there are already chats.

spark 1727910455422
anonymous 1727868446525

will there be a way to delete posts?

You can if they’re associated with you.

spark 1727906798889
anonymous 1727897264353

Can u not do mandatory nsfw warnings please… keep it only for global posts i dont want it on my profile its the expected stuff here

Yeah that’s the intention. It’s more for stuff that shows up in public timelines. I’ll like add something you can set on your posts to make sure they don’t show up in timelines!

spark 1727906785119
anonymous 1727897685791

Is there a downable version?

Not yet!

spark 1727906750598
anonymous 1727899902833

my profile page is missing a follow & add friend button, is there somewhere in the settings that I can add this?

I’ll check, that’s interesting and impossible.

spark 1727906684552
maxine / ethan 1727820992431

hi spark :3 trick or treat?

Trick 😈

spark 1727821929329

Could you make it so you can tag people if that’s possible

Sure, it’ll be added eventually!

spark 1727817980120
Ink 1727750801835

doodle of a mascot i'm planning to make for neospring

Beautiful! ❤️ These are so fun.

spark 1727817955058
anonymous 1727812176269

thinking about getting an app soon??? _

Not really an “app” since I don’t have the time to maintain a website, IOS codebase, and Android codebase.

I’m going to make the site more PWA accessible so it will feel more like an app (allows you to add to homescreen). I just need to finish doing the manifest!

spark 1727817928861
anonymous 1727773237198

Hi spark! Thank you for creating and sharing this website, it’s very cute and easy to use!

I wanted to ask if there was a plan to have the option to restrict public view from minors? I’m an adult and while I don’t post NSFW content, I would be more comfortable if they didn’t see my account/posts… 🥹

Yes! We currently have response warnings which we plan to make mandatory for responses that contain NSFW content.

spark 1727817844721
anonymous 1727793738910

hi! can we get a preview box as well when we share our responses on twitter?

It’ll be the Twitter intent thing so you’ll see it, don’t worry!

spark 1727817819255
anonymous 1727797404119

hello there way i can report few accounts?? there group of people who trying to harass me and already blocked their accounts but im very scared because they already looked up on old pictures of me on my family members account (in Instagram) and they using my deadname as making fun of me and i love using its website and i dont want to feel unsafe here

File individual reports on all their profiles. You can also just create one report and include the usernames of the other users.

spark 1727817796615
Tinder 1727809729410

Hello! Sorry for interrupting your day, but a funny glitch I would like to point out. In every circle created, this specific post always appears on it and it's so funny

Oh weird! I’ll take a look at it soon, thanks!

spark 1727817760677
anonymous 1727811275815

is there a reason the shadow's option only works for pfp and banners now instead of post's and responses? it used to be really helpful when theme's had the same colours for the bg and reponse/question cards

It looked stupid on light mode with some other things. I’ll probably revert it soon, I just need to fix some other things up to get it to a point where it doesn’t look weird.

spark 1727817724879
Salvatore 1727571658576

hey spark!! is there a way i can change the capitalization of my username without having to change my user twice T_T i rlly wanna have @Batman instead of @batman

There's unfortunately not. All usernames are translated into lowercase so that we don't end up with 5 different users that all have the same name but with different capitalization.

spark 1727730999858

Pressing continue will bring you to the following URL:

Are sure you want to go there?
