

🛡️ Staff

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Hey all!

I'm sure you're used to this by now if you're into smaller websites like this, but we're officially launching a Patreon!

Servers are more expensive than I can cover for the rest of time, so tiny support from people who are passionate about the idea is so super helpful!

We're passionate about creating a simple social media platform that is free of algorithms and harmful practices which are designed to keep people addicted.

All of Neospring's development is open source, and as of now has all been done by one person (me) with some tiny PRs here and there.

Over the past week, we've added:

  • Website skins (+ skins per profile) (In your settings! Account settings for local, profile settings for on your profile)
  • Better reporting
  • Global searching (at
  • Better permissions through the Helper permission
  • Profile embeds (any profile /embed)
  • 3 new timelines available from your timeline feeds
  • A bunch of tiny bug fixes

There's a ton more to come, but I hope that gives you the idea! We'd love to expand Neospring even more and improve our current features until they're as good as they could possibly be, but we can't do this without your help!

Thank you all for your continued support, the past month has been great, and I'm sure the next months will follow!

Changes to blocking!

Please update your block lists. Blocks are now managed through the new relationships system, and previously blocked users are now unblocked! Please manually re-add their usernames. We're sorry for the inconvenience, but this new system allows us to better manage blocked users.

Blocked users are now forced to unfollow you, and you are forced to unfollow them.

Other stuff

Line breaks in profile warning have been fixed, as well as full Markdown support in warnings...

There's also now a Discord server! You can join at

We appreciate everybody who has done any mascot-related things. You can find all of these that are sent to us at!


anonymous 1724674635978

Will Sparkler have cute anime mascot?

There’s currently not a mascot at all so I’ll do a mascot if somebody draws one!

Maybe a way to block anonymous users? Since sometimes you get sent nsfw links and yada yada with anon so it would be cool to be able to block anons (not the anon button)

Yup! We're planning on adding the ability to block specific anonymous users and such. We also plan on allowing you to block specific strings from questions asked to you.

anonymous 1723621032643

hi! could i suggest adding reactions to answers / replies? :) it would be really cool!! maybe a heart reaction?

anonymous 1723621103188

can you let us change our usernames😭?

anonymous 1723627655090

will it be possible to receive a notification when someone has answered our anonymous question? (like on retrospring)

anonymous 1723660245645

will u add a way 2 like comments / answers?

XAVIER 1723668013690

I was wondering if a like feature will be added to this site in the future? Like how retrospring has the smile face button I just always thought that was a fun feature personally

anonymous 1723670860665

when will we be able to smile questions/comments/asks ?

anonymous 1723710329401

When I try to follow users I get the error "No asset with this ID could be found."

Should be fixed!

anonymous 1723712410333

an anon is sending me nsfw on , i know there jsnt anything you can due to them being anonymous, but just letting you know this is happening incase theres other people experiencing it

If you're able to report the response, we can see who the anonymous user is and block them site-wide. Individual anonymous blocking will be coming soon!

anonymous 1723713788343

is there a way to export our retrospring questions and answers on here or wouldn’t it be possible?

Not possible. Our frontend is designed similarly, but the backend is completely different.

anonymous 1723720153063

what's the maximum number of accounts you can have?

We'd like to keep it down to 1 or 2. In reality, it's very hard for us to actually know who is who. More than 1 or 2 per person makes moderation much harder.

anonymous 1723731702529

could there be the option for anons to reply to specific other anon(and non-anon) messages just like curiouscat?

Could be done. We'll see!

✦ renato 1723734641502

hi spark! i hope your day is going well! and since i'm curious, what are your plans for sparkler? things you might possibly add, change, ect

A lot coming! Public posts timeline, global question searching, account searching, etc.

Feel free to also submit feature requests here or on the Github!

anonymous 1723737011856

i can't reset "super lowered" to its default color

Should be fixed.

thank u for being so receptive to user input 🫡 ur the goat

anonymous 1723751470830

i went to center something in my bio without adding <\center> at the end and now nothing shows up in my settings (bio, display name, theme etc) everything is blank but my profile looks fine. what should i do?

anonymous 1723768028998

have you thought about adding a "switch account" feature like on discord, so we can swap between our main and our alt

Probably not, it could be reconsidered, but it wouldn't currently serve much of a purpose.

anonymous 1723781876033

could maybe a reply feature be added? 🤔 like if someone were to comment on one of your posts, you can reply to them and they will be notified? it’s alright if no but thanks so much!

anonymous 1723861142740

even when i do ctrl shift r for linebreak it still doesn't work , i think other people are having this issue too

Should be fixed.

anonymous 1723885176666

Would you add unlimited characters to responses? People want to put imgs in responses & sometimes it takes up around 30 characters so!

Limit increased.


& are you going to fix the edit feature? When I go to edit something it says “you’re not allowed to do this!” 😞

Should be fixed.

anonymous 1724134898444

would you ever consider allowing custom profile html & css? i can see how JS would be problematic but i'd have fun with complete control over how the assets on my profile look

Likely not. We'd like to keep it simpler, however more customization options will definitely come!

anonymous 1724156150865

will there be a feature to search public circles?

Coming soon!

anonymous 0

Should be fixed. You may need to reblock them.

anonymous 1724270743689

is it possible for me to change my user?

anonymous 1724278992614

Why can't people ask me questions? It shows them "Nothing with this path exists or you do not have access to it!" and I don't have anything regarding asking questions turned off :( Is there a wait time after making an account?

anonymous 1724282407069

super lowered still doesnt work </3 also deleting sessions is buged they still show up

Should all be fixed.

anonymous 1725319592696

when will you guys answer emails? no rush just wondering

We'll likely get to them all sometime today or tomorrow!

anonymous 1725322897818

hey! my acc keeps telling me i dont have access to this resource whenever i try to log in. it happens on all my devices no matter what i do. how can i fix that?

Double-check your password. Email [email protected] if you're still unable to get it!

anonymous 1725120400411

please give us ability to block anons

It's on the way!

anonymous 1725318177773

Haii are vent accounts okay if I add a warning on it??

Sparkler Release v1.0.0 ("Neospring")

Sparkler has entered its first stable release! This release includes minor branding updates, accessibility updates, profile searching, profile outbox, username changing, and more!

All character limits have been increased to be multiples of 64:

  • Responses: 4096 (64 * 64)
  • Comments/Questions: 2048 (64 * 32)

We're still working to make this release perfect for you, so bare with us for a little! You can view this release here.

We're also still planning a lot in the future, such as a public posts (only) timeline, question filtering, and much more.


Ink 1725163042964

I beg, plsssss make the reply limit higher!!! 😭

anonymous 1725207045596

hi when i open notifs it takes me to a whole new window (opens chrome again) could this be fixed

This is likely on you as there is nothing causing that, and I cannot reproduce this.

anonymous 1725298420072

how can i add multiple lines of css to a part of my profile? is it just as normal using ; to differentiate them?

You cannot currently.

Will there ever be a way to change usernames or do you have to create a whole another account?

Absolutely! It’ll be coming very soon. We’re working to tie up everything that is currently blocking this feature now.

anonymous 1724754509560

Could you make it so reactions can show up in your inbox since it’s annoying to not see them in your inbox (or for me)

anonymous 1724979828212

What does it mean when others can send stuff into peoples inbox but you can’t? Sorry I’m just confused if I’m blocked or not

You're likely blocked. The blocked message is the same as the inbox being locked, so be wary of that.

anonymous 1724807009646

Can you make smth that will be able to block specific words from entering your inbox?

anonymous 1724674693233

Sending a question removes the message from the input box but the character count remains?

Just a visual bug, typing in the field should fix it.


hi hello !! for some reason , i always get an error ( specifically " an unspecified error has occurred " ) when i try to answer something in my inbox , globally or not

i can send questions and stuff perfectly fine , it's just that answering stuff is the problem ??

Should be fixed!

anonymous 1724694983600

hello... it says an unspecified error when i try replying to any of my anon messages.

Should be fixed!

anonymous 1724745192257

would u guys one day allow users to change usernames? just asking, thank you!

It's coming very soon!

anonymous 1724795924216

I’ve been waiting for an email response for 3 days now, when do you guys get to emails??

So sorry! We'll get to these as soon as possible.

anonymous 1724621311601

Why does it show "No results matching this query yet!" on my profile and when people want to ask me questions?

This shows when no responses have been published on the profile matching the query (page or tag).

anonymous 1724088945726

”i sent you an email to explain the situation better with a subject that starts with “empty fields” also because of this issue it’s now impossible for people to send me messages

Should be fixed. Hopefully.

laika 𓂃 1724256382077

can u pls make it so that reacting to a message doesnt have a popup and take u to another page and then back

anonymous 1724360665422

Would it be possible to allow for a toggle to remove the slight boss/sticker effect for the avatar section? It isn't a problem with a square profile, but objects with transparency along the edges (such as the spark account) leaves a slight effect.

Change the color of shadow in your profile settings to transparent to hide shadows like that on your profile.

anonymous 1724436096705

BTW! super lowered works but it doesnt show up in the menu thing as filled in like the others, idk what the problem is but i thought id update! hopefully its able to be fixed cuz id like it to show up too like the other ones

Should be fixed now, sorry!

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