anonymous 1728229573090

I was wondering for the report stuff if the people at hand could get some detail when a harmful report gets processed? I know people can get petty and report for no reason I'm not sure if there's successful processing like other platforms where something actually harmful gets taken down and noticed but I've been getting some pretty nasty anonymous asks full of slurs and just disgusting language so I wanted to know if it was possible that when something gets to that point if the reporter could get info like country of origin's information like that Ive just been dealing with a lot of ex relationships harassing me

Yes, questions that are reported will have the sender's account deleted, and their IP address banned if applicable. IP addresses are included with all questions, even anonymous. This allows us to catch users going anonymous or users that never had an account.

Nearly every type of content is reportable in some way, although some reports may take us awhile to process. It is recommended that you include an email in your reports, but we'll likely begin automatically including your account ID when you report.

spark 1728232365723


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