
Sparkler is a faithful Retrospring recreation designed to be faster and easier. You can ask your friends questions, view their responses, and interact with them!


  • Sparkler does not allow harassment of users in any way.
  • Sparkler only collects data that you give to it. This includes data you post through questions or responses, data you store in your profile metadata (settings), and data that is automatically given by your browser when you browse the site (IP address, preferred language, etc.)
  • Sparkler does not knowingly collect data of users under the age of 13. Users found to be under 13 will be promptly removed from Sparkler.
  • When you anonymously ask a question, Sparkler stores a cookie containing a unique tag so people can still protect themselves from users who are anonymous. This cookie value is only visible to you, the person you asked the question to, and the server admin.
  • Sparkler does not allow gore content at all (anonymous or not)
  • Profiles which will repeatedly reference NSFW themes should have a warning on them to specifiy this. Failure to do this may result in your account being terminated.
  • Questions referencing NSFW content should only be asked to profiles which explicitly state they accept NSFW questions through a profile warning.
  • Hoarding or squatting usernames is not allowed. Accounts found to be doing this will be removed in order to save space on the server.
  • Spreading rumors through people's inboxes or purposefully starting drama is not allowed. Moderators will warn or terminate your account for violating this rule.


Contributions are welcome! You can view Sparkler's source at

❤️ Sparkler

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