maxine / harvey ❤


tell me anything pls i want friendship

strawpage over here!!

with your consenting mind,

bridget 1726760174130


ok alt doesnt work but ehh im chilling

closing the ask game for a bit sorry ya boy tired

should i make an alt account or something

dances in your inbox haiiihihihifghfhiihi HI HI

oomfies that i love who wants to be in my lovemail rentry. PLEEAAASE IM ON MY KNEES RN

i cant decide if the rentry should be lovemail for my oomfs, or for my yumeships


why do so many people fail to realize that a website looking good on mobile is a really important accesibility thing? most people use mobile devices these days. making your website readable on mobile is the bare minimum. you shouldnt call yourself a webmaster if you cant even code a site that can be read by majority of people

ive never understood url hoarders. making accounts on sites just to take urls that ou wont even use? just because you dont want others to have them or what? evil


Zura ༢ུ 1726698999037

oh em gee.. new oomf !! waves :3

HII NEW OOMF!!!!!!!!

evil resident 1726696093174

Uhhh one of your mutual's is a groomer btw

tell me who it is bc i am not collecting your 8 pages to find out

ive never really used rentry but i sent a claim request for an url bc it was so unused that it didnt even link back to a hoard or was updated or anything and its abt one of my biggest interests so...... how long does rentry take to answer things ? can someone tel lme bc idk anything bout this site (dummy)

my headphones broke sigh

𝜗𝒞 𓎟 QOTD ✉️ 𓈒

are you a morning or night person?

hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai 「⚠️ 」

fun fact about me i have a very bad sense of smell

bridget 1726672336464

❓ :3

im too tired to talk rn so instead im gonna show you every yumeship drawing ive made so far. that includes ugly old art too

i hope you can tell in my art that im learning how to draw older guys more. i swear doug looks so bad in my old art but say my recent art with ethan looks better.... i wouldnt know though. i know ive improved, but its hard to tell sometimes.
power of love though gang

Ypu're the coolest mutual I have on this site..I wish I had your swagger

WHAAAAT!!! THAN KYOU. youre one of my favorite oomfs ur so sweet

remembered why going to celebrate things sucks for me and its because everyone ignored me everytime. even in topics i know plenty about or 1 on 1 conversations. the second someone else interrupts me and butts in they ignore me every time i try to say anything and then i get upset and just leave. whats the point of inviting me if youre gonna ignore me the entire time??? WHY AM I EVEN BEING IGNORED???

harbeyyy Harvey..hii haiiu.. ⚠️!!!

⚠️ - fun fact my first social media was instagram when i was younger

big ol update to the, how do we feel abt it?

sebastianshoelace 1726658216141

one of ur ocs! (i cant get the emote) ⚠

⚠️ - i was born in spain but have lived in chile my whole life!!

🧪 - an oc... today you meet james hill. hes a detective and i think one of the wttg ocs i have that felinon wants to kiss.

detective jamey works for the NYPD and is kind of completely oblivious to whats going on with the noir. some interference from clint bc if james found out hed probably get killed

hes a rude and sarcastic guy because hes so exhausted from everytthing. HUGEE workaholic (has no life) and paranoid man.

he loves cheap coffee and drinking and smoking but he mostly just does the first and latter.

hes really good at digging up dirt and is extremely dedicated to his job due to his strong sense of justice. he may be passionate abt his job but hes incompetent when it comes to the noir stuff (huge technophobe)

other fun facts... hes colombian, was born october 26, 5'10", 42 years old, and omnisexual

and heres your art

guhh today i have to go to grandmas for a barbecue its gonna be so BORING

Mari 1726651218685

This is more information on Vincent, specifically what he did to me / Elysia.

Yes, I am the Elysia in the doc. I faked my suicide because of his harassment and he had contact with my father, who was/is(?) a cultist. He could have put me in serious danger.

Trigger warning for everything bad in the book in these screenshots. Do not support him. He is a rapist & a general freak. If you can, please report him to the police.

evil resident 1726623407589

Love you /R

im going to bed goodnight resident evil gang

i wonder what the chances of felinon seeing this are. hi felinon

Fyi codeinschizo on disc / wynterstorme on neospring just admitted to being a rapist.

Type your response!

boosting because this is disgusting

ANYONE HERE LIKE FEARS TO FATHOM... i rlly enjoyed woodbury getaway. nora my fav fr FR

fun fact: I was the one that drew narrator on your strawpagw.. silly..

AWW U WERE?? thank you so much oomfie... i loved it..... i heart narrator

🧪 ⚠️ ❓ or 🔦... pick your poison(s)..

ooh poison!!! ok so.......

🧪 - one of my ocs... william burr!!! william burr was an oc that started as a batsona (what if I was batman?) but then later become his own thing. im not proud of his original design or personality bc imma be fr its boring and edgy. however he was recently redesigned and turned into my silly little oc so i win at life.

heres a picture of him!

⚠️ - i have a tooth gap. you can fit like the metal part of a push pin in it

❓ - due to the title for it being my wife, i feel like i should talk about one of my romantic selfships... but i also have familial ones too. would any of you like that? maybe i should change it to yumeships in general.... anyway me and caz mcleary are married real not fake. i cried when he died idk how i got so attached to a character so fast... my little badass survivor..... ugh. all that for nothing

i hope just bc i use he/they prns none of you assume im a guy

elon / eilon 1726610293061

what’s your opinion on tea,,,,

i dont drink it a lot (i only rlly drink water and juice imma keep it real) but i think its nice. i like tea with honey when im sick

new sona dropped... me irl guyse

evil resident 1726583371401

⚠️ hayyyyy

haiiii ok fun fact.... i have a lot of moles on my arms

error / caine 1726545905925

Hello I would like to order a ⚠️ with a 🧪 !!!

fun fact abt me... im the oldest sibling. bc i only have one little brother

one of my ocs.. this time im presenting you eveline westwood-burbank!!! evie is the daughter of coal westwood and roselyn burbank.

rose was coals highschool sweetheart and they got married really fast after going to the same college. while coal went thru his whole slowly becoming a worse person while his acting career skyrocketed in popularity thing and eventually it ended with him abandoning rose while she was pregnant with evie

evie mostly resembles her dad in appearance and acts a bit like him too (much to her moms disdain). you know how coal manipulates ppl with his attractiveness, evie does it with her cuteness. evie is significantly less evil than coal though.

evie wants nothing more than to meet her dad and be a star like him! :-)

evie and coals relationship changes depending on whatever i feel like writing at the moment. but it goes through three different options:

  1. coal cares so little he completely forgets rose was pregnant, and evie lives with her mom and theyre okay forever
  2. coal takes evie from rose so evie can eventually take his place not just as an actor (being a child star), but also becoming spokesperson of the noir. so sort of grooms her (NOT THE SEXUAL GROOMING!!! NOT) into joining his cult
  3. coal cares about evie due to being his daughter so he actually tries to take care of her and love her every so often, sharing custody with rose. yay!!!!!

i wouldnt say any of these are out of character for coal himself (i love experimenting with my characters, so altough they do have set personalities and stories, i kind of just interpret them however i wish at the time. fun themes encouraged!) but its mostly the first one id call "canon"

and heres some art for you to enjoy!

(*´▽`*) 1726537470569

Hi idk what happened but I thought you should see this .

i was informed and responded already yeah

evil resident 1726532405435

I have their discord added aswell. They said if you want to talk it out you can on discord 👍🏻 Just the messanger here

okay thanks messanger

lottie 1726531521482

Do you collect anything? (Toys, figures, manga, etc.) I collect dolls!

i collecttt flashlights. having horror games as a medium in general be your special interest just meant i had to do it. flashlights. theyre in every horror game, you know?

my favorite one is this shitty one i care on my bag because that one makes me feel like a real horror game protagonist. easy to hold, common looking, the light is just fine.

another one i really like is this big one i got from my dad. its meant for camping so the light is really bright but its a nuisance to hold for me...

and anothe ri like is one my mother bought me. its a headlight tha tyou charge with your usual phone charger. and then you put it on your head like a headband. you know like when exploring caves... its really cool

evil resident 1726532650648

May I ask how they treated you ?

thats private conversations. i dont want to make them public out of respect to leon (and myself), this isnt drama or whatever else so i dont think theres any reason to. not trying to be mean to you, i understand wanting to know, but im not sharing private things like that. dont worry, its not anything too bad. i dont thin kyou should block leon or unfollow them or anything. please dont make a big deal out of these things

evil resident 1726532473840

Also hope your feeling alright. Nobody deserves that

thanks! im feeling okay.

leon is posting abt u & asked someone share his 'apology' of sorts in the post with you.. (u_u//)

evil resident 1726532252011

“can someone tell @residentevil that im sorry and that im not doing mentally well right now i know its not an excuse to do whatever i did or something but i just wanted to. briefly apologize and of course they do not have to be friends with me again i will not force that on them if they wanna unfriend me its really their choice i do not usually tell people i hate them im very sorry from the bottom of my heart i fear”

Im mutuals with this person and they asked for it so I guess

ahh alright, thanks for telling me. its okay. im not mad or anything, i forgive them if that matters to them. i dont know if i want to be friends. i cant really handle being treated the way they treated me the past few days? i dont know. im not really gonna say much obviously this is a public platform. but its okay. im sorry for blocking so suddenly, but it kind of gives me a knot in the stomach and teary eyes to hear those kinds of things.

Ink 1726532098199

Your strawpage tastes like honey direct from honeycombs i dont kno but your strawpage is very hney themed i think it's bc of the color

omg yayy i love honey

evil resident 1726531425310

Hope you're feeling ok

wuh? i am!! dw abt me im doing aight. kinda hungry thoo

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