⑅ⁿ..ⁿ₎♡ Mei / bronya


“but they still left me“

“Child child I am the useless child”

This profile is not currently accepting questions.

not exactly a ask game since i forgets what the emojis/numbers are but here are some suggestions of what you should ask me

  • about interests
  • what chars i thinks of you as
  • some random words that pops in my head when i look at your profile
  • rating if your profile
  • game suggestions
  • a random moot of mine
  • hire me as a hitman i dunno

just a psa. im not using neosprings a lot any more so expect late replies

if i do decline giving away a specifc url you want you can always pay for them with 3-10 buck nitro depending on how many urls

also i decided to make this a posting only account because i wanted to and i barely gets questiond anyways