𐙚 ` ghostyTrickster


hi! i'm john. i like bo burnham and musicals... i love my boyfriend dirk.... send me funny stuff!!! i would love to reply to them. i'm a big tumblr history nerd... ask me about hiv-living or rabies pride.

send something funny!

tg 1726755480740

imagine a brillo pad the size of the universe. now imagine that instead of steel wool it is made of piss and shit

now imagine that pad being dragged across your brain for the perpetuity of existence

what the fuck is a brillo pad? and why is it so big?

mysterious... 1726685157199

would it be an insult to you if we insinuated you were somehow related to a majestic stallion

Play dandys world with me.

ok. i need to get my WIFE MY WOFE MY WIFE

Hello my omega buddy!

How much for you to die live on camera?

100 bucks and a plane ticket to kansas.

Hello my tickle prince!

mysterious... 1724368214558

Hi waifu. Can I hit?

YES!!! 😁😁😁💙💙💙

john 1724269710967

also the new text is gorgeous and very easy to read. thank you.

i love you johnny boy... licks your face...

john 1724269696120

cancelled for being a bo burnham fan and also ableism, but that's less important than the bo burnham thing.

mysterious... 1724207196086

Hi waifu.

hi my most beautiful sexy waifu! licks your face.

mysterious... 1724199604297

mortis is also on ed twt (eating disorder twt) image links: https://files.catbox.moe/lbl3xn.webp https://files.catbox.moe/0xl3c5.webp


mysterious... 1724190765503

hey btw that guy mortis ur following is a raging racist and a proshipper (dont post this) idk if the img src thing works here so heres the link to the images aswell: https://files.catbox.moe/9qo9rr.webp https://files.catbox.moe/aupqyb.webp

get out of my ask you fucking retard.

john 1723927641309

john i love you but this yellow is actually invisible against this blue. help.

get better. i'm not changing it. get better eyes. i forgot you're blind. you have a screen reader you'll be fine. smh man.

I wanna tickle tickle tickle you alll niighht...

Why are they asking me? Im a lover not a fighter! I thought i told them... Im just a swinging... space aaggee... bachelor man. So i told them; i am just a man, a space age man, thats all i am! But i wanna hold your hands, all your hands, as we make l

Making us listen to broadway karkat last night was insane by the way. Get on medication.


john 1723745777343

hello husbando... /giggle

hello my dearest and sweetest husbando...

I actually changed my mind about this layout. The dirk strider yellow-orange is making me need glasses even more so.


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