

bird‿ im dave ㅤ 18 ㅤ ⁔heart‿ heㅤ crgnblogㅤ⁔ㅤ ⁔ disc‿ infp ㅤ9w8 ㅤㅤ⁔ㅤㅤㅤ

ask me something and be fucking creative about it goddamn it

anon 1726762243755

what are your thoughts on john lennon

i dont have an opinion on john lennon

john 1726756677868

why no vore? do you hate me???

yeah i hate you and want you to die

john 1726756699154

also i didn't mean to be anon for like half of those questions. my bad.

dont worry its funnier that way

anon 1726755929024

wouldn't it be fucked up if the muffin man was called that NOT because he baked muffins, but because his flesh as akin to a muffin-like texture? i ate 3 coins today.

does he still bake muffins though i kind of want one

I dont think we should be friends anymore!

this is a ruse i do not know you

anon 1726755847493

hey stranger! quick question: do you pee vertically or horizontally?

im not sure why youre so fixated on the feng shui of my piss stream but ill have you know that i do it diagonally

anon 1726755885414

i'm quite fond of your shiny new watch. you should look the other way real quick. please there's a cool bird. right there.

oh shit where

hey what happened to my watch

anon 1726755949979

i would love to feed you coins actually. i bet you'd eat them like how a duck eats ice.

do you want a fucking soda in return what do you want from me

john 1726756019768

how many veins do you think you have? can i borrow like three for a project?

yeah sure but youll have to extract them while i am sleeping or otherwise incapacitated so that they dont know whats going on

john 1726756088216

how many ants have marched into your ass today?


john 1726756061323

i bet if you were chewed like gum you'd taste like asphalt and rubber. could you please confirm this by crawling into my mouth?

no i will not let you vore me this is outrageous

donatella VERSACE 💜

thats nice

i don't like you.

i dont think i care for your tone

anon 1726754986859

why are you likr this?

i used to eat needles when i was four years old

i love you king. platonically.

this is a ruse i do not know you

anon 1726754751108

I MISS MY WOFE!!! 😢😢😢😢😢

he disappeared again i think youre just gonna have to deal

John is funnier than you.

maybe if you asked questions more akin to his then youd get to see me be funny for real

Do you like my discord user change!

i dont have an opinion on this

Hi sorry heh i was in the hallway. Anyways if you could assassinate one president who would you do and why?

the answer should be pretty obvious. third times a charm you know

Do you feel guilt?

ive never heard of that word in my life man

i hit puppies for fun

Can i print out a pixture of you and tape it to my wall facing my bed?

yeah go ahead man just dont do anything i dont wanna see


i love the delete question feature

Hi. I miss you king.

i miss when my inbox had funny questions i could respond to

anon 1726753040850


hi caffee

skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet. skibidi toilet.

this is not a question

How much tuah could a hawk tuah tuah if a hawk tuah could hawk tuah?

have you tried being creative

How much tuah could a hawk tuah tuah if a hawk tuah could hawk tuah?

this is not the kind of question i was reffering to

Can i sign terrible things to you?

no but you can ask real actual questions that are funny you should be more like john and ask cool questions

john 1726686748713

i'm sorry for giving you worm trauma. if i drop another bucket on you, will it cancel out?

i will never forgive you

john 1726686639769

want to have a little bit of my suspiciously green corndog?

no but ill take a corndog of my own that is not green at all

john 1726686617684

heh. you don't even know what lead is you shitlicker.

i have never taken high school chemistry

john 1726686559590

is it because i gave you worms last year?

no its because you dropped the damn things at my feet. you didnt even make sure they didnt spill out of the bucket. i had worms crawling up my pant legs john do you know how traumatizing that was for me

john 1726686544287

you're so mean to me and for why?

its because they put lead in my kid cuisines when i was very young

john 1726686448521

will you fight?

john 1726686441061

i'm going to start throwing rocks at your window in 2 hours and 7 minutes.

you will never hit it

john 1726686425865

i bet your head would look awesome with a broom handle dent in it.

i bet it would look even better if i didnt have to answer this insane horseshit

john 1726686325877

also i have a birthmark IN my ass. like between the cheeks. we twin.

are you sure thats not just a dried shit speck

john 1726686270006

you have those stockpiled like survivalist schizophrenics have canned spaghetti.

i resell them online at a heightened price

john 1726686308012

and, i am a wizard. a really cool one. want to see a cool spell?

not really

john 1726686250702

of course you own phallic objects. and several feet photos i'm sure?

yeah. i take cashapp btw if youre interested

john 1726686149327

anyways do you have a favorite kind of turtle or monkey?

i think screaming hairless dickmonkeys are pretty alright

john 1726686171313

and also what would you feed a walking, talking fish if it entered your home? he's friendly.

i have a twenty pound bag of nuts and bolts waiting in my garage for this exact scenario

john 1726686124113

do you have any cool tumors? like in your head.

no but i have a birthmark on my ass

john 1726686059662

i just chewed an entire lollipop to shreds because i was so mad. you did this.

two shredded lolipops? are you by any chance a wizard of some sort

john 1726686056596

i just chewed an entire lollipop to shreds because i was so mad. you did this.

im curious as to what kind of fucking lolipop can be shredded

john 1726685984736

after all we've been through (countless mamma mia movie attempts)....?

this is a ruse i do not know you

john 1726685963187

why can't i have any settlement money? am i just a nobody to you?

you cant have any of my money because i spent it all on various objects that may or may not be phallic in nature

john 1726685919188

you seem like the type of guy to live in flint, michigan.

i see myself as more of a detroit kind of guy

john 1726685898318

did you ever eat kid cuisine or ingest unfathomable amounts of lead?

i dont know what a kid cuisine is but i did eat lead paint and drink tap water from lead pipes

john 1726685869397

favorite tv dinner?

kid cuisine mini corn dogs. next question

This profile has published this warning:

legal warning 1- this profile has lots of dick and balls or whatever. i dunno i got warned legal warning 2- yes you can ask me about dick and balls normal warning 1- there are fourteen ants up my ass and they may crawl out at any time. please be aware of your surroundings

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