

striker or andrew all prns

    01.26.07 (17)

️️️️ㅤㅤㅤㅤweirdos ignored & deleted <3

welcome to my neospring / sparkler !

howdy, my name is andrew - you can call me striker or andy if you want... i'm 17 years old (turning 18 January 26th) and I use every pronoun ever!

be sure to shoot me an ask, so long as it isn't overtly personal; they'll be deleted.

bye! spare a follow! i'm silly.

#introduction #intro #pinned

ask game shit <3

🐄 - one interest + fact abt it 🐎 - fav hozier song (i'm normal) 🔥 - fav character + fact abt them 💣 - bird / avian fact!! :-)


⠀ ⠀⠀‿︵  Hello Everyone! ☁️ ‿ I’m here to spread this yet again, as I have done on my other socials… Please spread this as much as you can! Please do not forget about it! 🤍🇵🇸 https://rentry.co/yabujin

🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸!! boost!! <3

I'd love to specify this, but this is my only active social media at the moment! I personally don't like using others (discord, x/twitter, tumblr, ect ect) for the sake of toxicity - this place is the only place I feel safe in?! It's so tight knit like a little town in a minor state... I love this place so much and I feel comfortable talking to people here.

I appreciate all of you for being nothing but polite to me, and I love all of you for making me feel comfortable and at home.

Thank you, very much, from the bottom of my heart.

I would love to say this, as it's important:

I stand by the victim, always. And you should too. S/A is one of the most painful things to ever experience, and I'd never wish it on ANYBODY. NOBODY deserves such a thing happen to them.

I'm taking this opportunity to share the document once more, to spread awareness on the matter. Please, take the time to read through thoroughly.

Every victim deserves a voice, and this one is no different. Please, for the love of Fucking God, spread this so the victim can be heard. It really pains me what they had to go through, my heart aches for them and I hope their life going forward is better. Consent is CRUCIAL in relationships, and just because someone gave consent to something in the past, doesn't mean they're okay with it at the moment.

One last post about this, but let's please not harass the victim of the situation. Felt the need to say this as well since it's been happening.

maxine / harvey ❤ 1726575691218

nom nom nom nom (eating theme)


  ♡   FAN  . 1726567141407

you were kinda rude to last anon tbh Dont Do That

I didn't see anything rude about it but... I'm sorry?

  ♡   FAN  . 1726565668044

i lowk like like u

From the bottom of my heart, Anon - and in the kindest way I can possibly say this - don't put yourself through that. Just, no. Find someone that can write you lovey-dovey poems at 3 A.M, that makes you breakfast in bed when you're too sick to walk to the kitchen in the morning, someone that also makes you hangover cures when you're unable to move... NOT someone that sits on neospring half the day and sleeps the rest..

Best of luck to you, Anon! Hope you find the one[tm}

what the sigma? I'mawake again?

i'm going to bed really really really soon ahhhh..goodnight...

Since I legit cannot tell. Is your pfp dream (genuine question)

HELPP NO..it's Andrew John Hozier-Byrne...

All of your themes are so amazing..Like, AWESOME amazing, how do you guys do it..silly..

cracks knuckles dramatically

🐄 - GOOD OMENS!!! Might come as a shock to literally nobody but it's a show about an angel and demon finding the antichrist and stopping the end of the world.. Very British, only 6 episodes per season. The fun fact!! Season 3 is actually being made sooooooonnn? I don't know how soon, it took nearly 3 years for season 2 to come out.. sad..

💣 - The largest egg is from an ostrich, which is the size of a cantaloupe!! The smallest is a hummingbird egg, which is the size of a pea. ^_^!

What the hell is that anon on hello, that's an insane claim. Anyways some positive asks for you I love your profile. it's so like, leafy and shiny and reflecty. /pos

THANKU RAY you're so cool... :-)

  ♡   FAN  . 1726534049224

r u a proshipper bc you absolutely seem like one that's just hiding it :3 /neg

But for real, I'm not a proshipper. You're genuinely crazy for assuming that? Much love, anon! (derogatory)


🐎 (is this the right emoji ?)

Yes, it is!

Moment's Silence is one of my faaavorites Forever.. 💚 Thanks to all the people that misinterpreted TMTC so we could get that song

  ♡   FAN  . 1726502700367

skibidi dop dop dop

  ♡   FAN  . 1726492486061

hi spider


I love all seven of my followers, you're all real ones

I............. Am Steve.

just got back from theatre yay

it’s favorite song monday share your favorite song(s)


Nobody's Soldier by Hozier, Blood and Bones by Blake Robinson, those stupid animation meme songs (headbobs), anything by Lady Gaga (they are such a bop idc), Monster by Meg Myers, Lonely Hearts Club by Marina...hmmhmhm..

That's it rn

  ♡   FAN  . 1726476734332

are you

can someone help me find a banner I CANNOTTT FIND ONE ANYWHERE!!!

idk if I wanna retheme or not..I really love my theme rn buttttt i'm indecisive as Fuck

I AM so tired halp, it's 3:41 rn

  ♡   FAN  . 1726470927105

synnibear03 kin

The first thing I got when I looked her up again was an "I'm so sorry" video, what do you mean anon...

  ♡   FAN  . 1726469907318


I love ICP thank oyu

bridget 1726469829373

🐄 , so you atleast have one normal ask HDJHDHD


It's so hard to choose one, ahh.. Dante's Inferno (or The Divine Comedy as a whole)

Basically, short version of the story, Bible Fanfiction about Dante meeting some dead poet guy that he totally doesn't have a crush on (okay, might be stretching that, but seriously.. Why would you traverse Hell with a spirit that you don't even know and trust him wholeheartedly even though you're in HELL.) and he moves down the 9 rings while Virgil (the dead poet) is like "haha, we're on a mission from The Big G[tm]" and everyone's like "ah cool, cmon through."

Everyone GLAZES THE SHIT out of Dante too, like "oh Dante, you're such an amazing poet LALALA sign my right cheek <3 <3" IT'S SO FUNNY

Very good book, very outdated by today's means but it's the most referenced piece of literature that many people haven't read... one of my favorite translations are here, though, there are plenty of other translations.


peter 1726468820422

religious or nay?

I'm cagey on discussing my beliefs in any way - but I guess I'll say for future reference since it isn't really that personal to me??

I consider myself agnostic, honestly. Flip-flopped between atheist and agnostic... One thing I do say, though, is to not harass someone because of their beliefs.

Did I word that good? I don't know.

  ♡   FAN  . 1726468325951

pls tell us your partner

Non-disclosed information, I'm afraid.

Truly sorry for getting your hopes up, but you know how people are, I fear.

  ♡   FAN  . 1726467811455

Sorry for bringing up old drama, but can you address the Handsome Squidward incident again

Sits in front of camera, teary-eyed

Howdy guys, Andrew here.

I cannot believe this has been brought up again... But that's the internet for you. I am deeply sorry for what transpired that fateful year of 2020. It's truly disgusting how I uploaded such a heinous video on my Instagram to pierce your retinas and cause irreversible damage to your corneas.

I wasn't high.

My phone, truly, shat the bed that day.

Sniffle, I can't believe such an event occurred and I'm sorry again, as I didn't know that it would be uploaded like that. It was only for The Boys.

Bye, and with love, Andy.

  ♡   FAN  . 1726467166509

what other music do you listen to anyway


I listen to a plethora of other things, but I mainly listen to Hozier because ? i'm autistic.

The other music I listen to is bluesy stuff, jazz sometimes, joke country songs, metal, rock... if you want specific artists: Elton John, Queen, Electric Light Orchestra, Will Wood (And The Tapeworms), Korn, Limp Bizkit, System Of A Down, Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra, Marina (And The Diamonds), Meg Myers, Chaos Chaos, Alabama Shakes, uhh some rappers... Stevie Wonder, The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Johnny Cash...

Yeah that's all I can think of at the moment.

new bio how we feeling..

  ♡   FAN  . 1726465933036


I JUST WOKE UP AND MY RIGHT EAR AINT EARING...?? (I cannot hear out of it)

  ♡   FAN  . 1726446130715

do you like regular show

(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) 1726445798764

uhh waves at you while holding a bomb behind my back./j

I am going kaplooey....ba-boom, maybe even pewpewpew!!

why is it SO HARD to make a simple rentry..am I losing my magic touch LMFAO?!?

  ♡   FAN  . 1726445055140

do you do weed

ehm I used to tbh, quit cold turkey though 💪

  ♡   FAN  . 1726443329520

striker you are awesome and I love your theme hehe

venti 1725907028146

question of the day: day 06
who is a character you relate to (optional) and why


susie from deltarune because..idk..i'm silly like that

  ♡   FAN  . 1726442666910

can you draw me

come off anon so I can draw you, I'm EAGER now, pal

  ♡   FAN  . 1726442322342


Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.



i'm working on this still but I need opinions https://stellular.net/harvestmoonfestival

  ♡   FAN  . 1726432639109

I love you

  ♡   FAN  . 1726425500338

he might be hozier vro

𝓲 𝓪𝓶 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓵𝓹𝓱𝓪.

Bobby-Boy 1726425092239

I really respect how you keep your personal life private? I can't explain it, but I think that's very admirable in a sense. Y'get what I'm saying?? I hope you do. Not many people do that nowadays tbh.

HAHA thanks, neospring user bobby-boy. I'm not a public figure by any means, but divulging in personal matters just feels really.. uncomfortable? I think that's how I'd describe that?????@??$

It's perfectly fine if you're okay with putting info out there - but i'd really only like to put the important info out, like illnesses that impair my ability to communicate or the fact that i'm taken (not anything about me and my partner's personal lives).....

long answer, I know, but I appreciate the ask nonetheless. Thanks.

u awesome and u theme is cool and awesome and prettt

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