f00f the f00fy


autistic electronic music and free software nerd. proud weirdo. use your favorite pronouns and keep your drama away from me.

fediverse: https://woem.space/f00fc7c8
DM me for my Signal, Matrix, and Discord accounts.


ask me about my special interests, my opinions, myself, or recommend me music!

f00f the f00fy 1723687426394

quick asks

0/๐ŸŽน music recommendation (i recommend, but do not require, that you send me one as well!) 1/๐Ÿ“บ video recommendation (don't send me recommendations back, i won't have time to watch them) 2/๐Ÿ’ฝ cool open-source software or services (you may specify a type of software/website you are looking for) 3/๐Ÿ‘ฝ Star Trek character (one I associate you with, or just random if I don't know you well enough) 4/๐Ÿ–– Star Trek episode (you may specify a type of episode you are looking for, or ask for a way to get into the series) 5/๐Ÿ”ฃ Random fact (most likely about one of my interests)

f00f the f00fy 1723687459458
f00f the f00fy 1723687498643


If you involve yourself regularly with drama or queer community/fandom/social justice discourse, you may interact, but I will probably not follow back and may mute you if it is pervasive enough. You are encouraged to talk to me about controversial topics if and only if you are willing to accept that I may disagree with you, and hear me out. In return, I will keep an open mind to what you are saying. If you intend to cut me off, harass me, or go after my friends if I'm not convinced of your position, don't bother asking in the first place.

Non-sexual flirting is okay, but ask before making overtly sexual comments. Since I allow followers under 18 and Retrospring does not yet support content warnings, it may be best to move those conversations to another venue. Feel free to ask for my contact information on other platforms.

f00f the f00fy 1723687525488

twilight 1728770140680

hi first global question !! I need help BAD with css/custom fonts... can someone help me? I'm trying to use zpix as my font and it just wont work at all.

Send me your code and I might be able to offer some help

f00f the f00fy 1728770507227
maxine / ethan 1728768732165

love the sharp theme


turning off the border-radius everywhere was a little hard to figure out though

f00f the f00fy 1728768813541
RAN-RAN 1728767563361

guys. do custom cursors not work on neospring or am i js being stupid

Haven't tested and wouldn't be surprised if this was explicitly disallowed, but maybe try removing the quotes from the cursor: url("..."), Neospring might ignore it for the same reason they ignore background: url("...")

f00f the f00fy 1728768176536

โ €10 . 11 . 24 โ €โ €scarecrow inquires..

โ €โ €โŸก What is something you definitely watched/read/etc too young? โ €โ €( bonus points if it frightened you. i'm trying to get y'all into the halloween spirit after all. )

Skyrim. Didn't frighten me really, but I was several years below the age rating when I played it.

(I could give more serious examples, because I was on the Internet way too young, but they aren't in the Halloween spirit.)

f00f the f00fy 1728767041474
f00f the f00fy 1728765642315

The current contents of my custom CSS field if anyone cares:

body, button, input {
  font-family: monospace, "Noto Mono";
  --radius: 0;

p, nav button, nav a.button {
  font-size: 11pt;

.notification {
  background: inherit;
  color: inherit;
  font-size: inherit;

button.primary, a.button.primary {
  background: var(--color-lowered);
  color: var(--color-primary);

button.primary:hover, a.button.primary:hover, button:not(nav *):hover, a.button:not(nav *):hover {
  background: var(--color-super-lowered)

nav, nav button, nav a.button, .pillmenu a, .sidenav a {
  padding: 0 0.75rem;
  border: none;
  height: unset;

nav button::before, nav a::before, .card:not(:has(form)) button, .card:not(:has(form)) a.button {
  border-radius: 0;

.pillmenu {
  border: none;
  border-radius: 0;
  --radius: 0;

.card, .card-nest, .card-nest .card:last-child {
  border: none;

how do i set an image as the background colour pls im suffering i tried putting the link and it just makes the bg black </3

Rainbeam recently made the (imo annoying, but probably necessary for practical and privacy reasons) choice to break url("https://example.com/image.png") syntax, but according to said announcement it should still work without the quotes if and only if you host them on a website that allows automated requests. So, catbox, filegarden, or postimages, but not vgy or imgur.

f00f the f00fy 1728753515746

hi guys, what's your favourite ship... you can tell me about a boat shipiif you want, but preferably a relationship. yap please

I don't have much interest in shipping in general, and I don't have a favorite, but there are a few ships I do like. In Star Trek, which is by far my most in-depth fandom, I like J/7, Kirk/Spock, Garashir, Kira-Dax, and a few others (not to mention, that show has some great canon relationships especially in recent series, like Mariner/Jennifer and Burnham/Book, and even sexier starships!)

Outside of Star Trek, the only one that comes to mind is Narumitsu (Ace Attorney). I'm sure if I went looking I could find a Doctor Who or Magic: the Gathering ship I like, but I haven't really been exposed to those sides of those fandoms.

f00f the f00fy 1728702904071

hello neospring !!!!!! who up friending they fellow neospringers ... ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

to be honest most of the folks here and on retrospring are too... how do I put this... young and online? for me to connect to easily

but i do try to be friendly regardless and i have made some actual friends!

f00f the f00fy 1728684941267
oliver 1728673722899

Im tired of being nice to people lets fight instead !!! punches you in the face(no dodge)

punches you in the face WITH dodge (the pickup truck brand)

f00f the f00fy 1728674321032
f00f the f00fy 1728624573999

memory alpha (the star trek wiki) out of context:

The Greek gods were an immortal alien species, native to Pollux IV in the Beta Geminorum system, who possessed powerful psychokinetic abilities.

Alex 1728622287743

What's the most random site you guys have an account on? Like for example I have on musescore

a LOT of random forums and wikis and fediverse servers. other than that some odd ones out I noticed in my password manager were pricecharting.com (which i used like, twice, to figure out what my game collection is worth) and hackthebox.com (one of many sites I used to attempt to learn ethical hacking)

f00f the f00fy 1728624220003
f00f the f00fy 1728606130205

I'm surprised at how few of the people who are obsessed with theming their pages on various websites and making really detailed rentry/bundlrs pages have ended up getting hyperfixated on web development

Y'all would go absolutely insane with Neocities

Ink 1728566409583

Who else identifies with this post (pls i cant be the only one)

I was once like you, then I freed myself from Spotify's shackles... by spending twice as much money buying all the music instead

f00f the f00fy 1728568444323
randompcb 1728495540287

Why do I keep losing my socks?

Maybe you need a stronger network connection, and to enable TCP SYN cookies

f00f the f00fy 1728500545283
f00f the f00fy 1728454414249

there's a scarily common belief that the world consists of Good People and Bad People, and making it better means punishing the Bad People and empowering the Good People.

classifying people in such binary terms is very dangerous, and while this is particularly visible in progressive online spaces, it's also a part of how some bigotries work, and how those in power keep us from uniting to make actual change. in my mind, activism is not about separating the villains from the victims, but about building things that help everyone; its enemy is not people, but the systems that make their lives worse.

i'd like to remind everyone here to reach out beyond your bubble, to be very careful and skeptical when someone tells you who to hate, and to not trust anyone who tells you that the world is a scary place full of sinister and dangerous individuals.

Airship Fortress 1728447717055

What are your favorite hobbies?

composing music, doing weird things in video games (glitches or complex creations), armchair philosophy, and recreational mathematics

f00f the f00fy 1728449837010
jasmine 1728430424722

what do u think about subliminals? like the videos that are supposed to make u look like whatever u want or makes u get anything u want. i've been interested in this stuff lately

The way you described subliminals is interesting. Even if I'm being as generous as possible about their efficacy, leaving a video playing while you sleep cannot alter physical reality to your desire on their own. What it can do is alter your perception and change your mode of thinking, perhaps make you see the world differently or inspire you to do something, or even boost your confidence (which can lead to you "looking better" in some people's eyes)... but watching a video while fully awake can do all those things too, and that has the advantage of making better use of my critical thinking faculties, so I never really saw the point.

f00f the f00fy 1728432396262
vinny 1728399674607

what the sigma

Sigma (/หˆsษชษกmษ™/ SIG-mษ™;[1] uppercase ฮฃ, lowercase ฯƒ, lowercase in word-final position ฯ‚; Greek: ฯƒฮฏฮณฮผฮฑ) is the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 200. In general mathematics, uppercase ฮฃ is used as an operator for summation. When used at the end of a letter-case word (one that does not use all caps), the final form (ฯ‚) is used. In แฝˆฮดฯ…ฯƒฯƒฮตฯฯ‚ (Odysseus), for example, the two lowercase sigmas (ฯƒ) in the center of the name are distinct from the word-final sigma (ฯ‚) at the end. The Latin letter S derives from sigma while the Cyrillic letter Es derives from a lunate form of this letter.

f00f the f00fy 1728404351488

how do you guys add images to your profiles๏ผŸ๏ผŸim so confused on how this site worksใ€ใ€

If you mean the account banner, that's just "Banner URL" in profile settings.

If you mean images in posts, Sparkler uses Markdown and HTML syntax. The Markdown for images is ![alt text](url), you can search "markdown cheat sheet" for more.

If you mean background images, you can use url(https://example.com/image) in any field where you would enter a background color. But you should use these sparingly.

f00f the f00fy 1728331384190

Also, please do send me questions! I do not have an ask game at the moment, but everything counts!

"everything counts" depeche mode reference? /j

f00f the f00fy 1728325759743
Alex 1728316272085

Hi are there any single lesbian (or man) that would date my 18 yr old friend pls she's cool I promice

I don't date people just to date, especially online... your friend is free to reach out just for casual discussion though

f00f the f00fy 1728318490840
Stanford . 1728314615673

I enjoy your theme. For your ask game, could I get 2 or 5?

2: Molly, a fully free and enhanced client for the Signal encrypted messaging app

5: Many video games optimize the loading of objects on a map using binary space partitioning - progressively dividing the world into halves containing balanced amounts of objects, and repeating until each partition only contains one object, creating a "tree" that can be used to quickly find objects along the way.

f00f the f00fy 1728317703350
Steven !!! 1728306271999

#010ใ€€,ใ€€7 / 10 / 2024ใ€€:ใ€€QUESTION OF THE DAY

--ใ€€Do you believe in supernatural events? Have you ever had a supernatural experience?

(ใ€€Current Theme : Halloween.ใ€€)

I think that calling something "supernatural" tends to simply mean it's unexplained or unexplainable, and we should seek natural explanations wherever they're possible, because it's always preferable not to leave something unexamined. I also have not had any supernatural experiences, unless you consider life itself to be one.

f00f the f00fy 1728310053976
STANLEY 1728263252698

I want mutuals, but dont know how to find anyone here. Hello world


f00f the f00fy 1728264293285
randompcb 1728240459822

Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?

Because the of conjunction the not noun not related of oven noun.

f00f the f00fy 1728242929422

Pressing continue will bring you to the following URL:

Are sure you want to go there?
