f00f the f00fy


autistic electronic music and free software nerd. proud weirdo. use your favorite pronouns and keep your drama away from me.

fediverse: https://woem.space/f00fc7c8 other socials: ask

ask me about my special interests, my opinions, myself, or recommend me music!

f00f the f00fy 1723687426394

quick asks

0/🎹 music recommendation (i recommend, but do not require, that you send me one as well!) 1/πŸ“Ί video recommendation (don't send me recommendations back, i won't have time to watch them) 2/πŸ’½ cool open-source software or services (you may specify a type of software/website you are looking for) 3/πŸ‘½ Star Trek character (one I associate you with, or just random if I don't know you well enough) 4/πŸ–– Star Trek episode (you may specify a type of episode you are looking for, or ask for a way to get into the series) 5/πŸ”£ Random fact (most likely about one of my interests)

f00f the f00fy 1723687459458
f00f the f00fy 1723687498643


If you involve yourself regularly with drama or queer community/fandom/social justice discourse, you may interact, but I will probably not follow back and may mute you if it is pervasive enough. You are encouraged to talk to me about controversial topics if and only if you are willing to accept that I may disagree with you, and hear me out. In return, I will keep an open mind to what you are saying. If you intend to cut me off, harass me, or go after my friends if I'm not convinced of your position, don't bother asking in the first place.

Non-sexual flirting is okay, but ask before making overtly sexual comments. Since I allow followers under 18 and Retrospring does not yet support content warnings, it may be best to move those conversations to another venue. Feel free to ask for my contact information on other platforms.

f00f the f00fy 1723687525488

STANLEY 1728263252698

I want mutuals, but dont know how to find anyone here. Hello world


f00f the f00fy 1728264293285
randompcb 1728240459822

Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?

Because the of conjunction the not noun not related of oven noun.

f00f the f00fy 1728242929422
BLUE 1728242496851

hi neospring... i am bored.... tell me your favourite artist at the moment.... mine is machine girl they are thr top artist of my year so far i lhave loved them since 2020 i am aso excited for MG ultra

I recently discovered an obscure IDM producer called Jorg Kuning who has some great stuff. Feels like it's informed by some sort of animist spirituality


f00f the f00fy 1728242833782

i should post questions more What is your favorite tv show or movie?

TV series: Star Trek: The Next Generation

Movie: Contact (1997)

f00f the f00fy 1728231016427
β € 1728223175933





"Here's the Rest of Your Life" by Chumbawamba is essentially an entire political manifesto in song form, and I agree with 90% of it, but this is my favorite moment:

There are moments in all of our lives Tiny sparks still deep inside When a new-born baby cries When you're watching clouds in a summer sky The first time you walked out on strike Love and sex and holding tight Things that can't be bought By promises and votes

f00f the f00fy 1728230944811
MISSINGNO. 1728193944301


  1. NewPipe, a YouTube client for Android without ads or paywalls.
  2. Fucks Given, a journaling app in which you note the things that you gave a fuck about in hopes of learning to give zero fucks.
  3. SuperTux Advance, an adventure game starring various FOSS mascots
f00f the f00fy 1728229160367

Yap to me about your favorite interests, I want to listen to people right now

I just got a GBA cartridge dumper and flasher, and one of the first games I tried to flash to a cartridge was a fan-made Tetris clone called Apotris, which has ended up being the most fun I've ever had playing Tetris.

The official GBA version of Tetris is Tetris Worlds, and it kinda sucks. It was the first Tetris game to follow "The Tetris Guideline", which means it has gameplay additions like T-spins and holds, but the control feels subtly stiff. Visually, all of the budget went into extremely dated prerendered 3D backgrounds. Plus for some reason my cartridge won't save my settings. The one silver lining is all of the alternate modes exclusive to Worlds, but many of those are also ill-conceived and clunky.

As usual, the fans outdid the company. Apotris has a beautiful, incredibly flashy and stylish look, with lots of screen flashing, shaking, and neon colors. It also implements the Tetris Guideline, but with controls that feel way more fluid and naturalistic. And there are tons of theming options and gameplay tweaks to obsess over. The alternate game modes aren't as quirky as Worlds's, but represent the most popular and well-refined game modes in Tetris, all implemented competently.

So yeah. Best version of Tetris I've played, and it runs on my favorite game console of all time too!

f00f the f00fy 1728174926957


it's just markdown

![alt text](url)

f00f the f00fy 1728171135286

what browser/s do u guys use

Firefox ESR normally, Falkon (KDE version of Chrome) when Firefox ESR doesn't work, and Vanadium (GrapheneOS version of Chrome) on my phone.

f00f the f00fy 1728166455219
β € 1728154717023


Tea. I especially like black tea with fruit flavors.

f00f the f00fy 1728158694965
junie 1728157641595

who else up using this like a curiouscat/retrospring alternative

I guess I am

f00f the f00fy 1728158623446
Steven !!! 1728139558038

#008γ€€,γ€€5 / 10 / 2024γ€€:γ€€QUESTION OF THE DAY

--γ€€What is your favorite horror game?

(γ€€Current Theme : Halloween.γ€€)

I play even fewer horror games than horror movies...

does Yume Nikki count? maybe that.

f00f the f00fy 1728152131150

hiii... πŸ‘½.. I love Star Trek

(ughhh fandom dot com broke breezewiki. and the link has parentheses too. you'll have to look this guy up yourself)

Agent Daniels, the time-traveling contact of the NX-01 Enterprise crew! (And other crews too, but that's a spoiler.)

f00f the f00fy 1728151479442
MISSINGNO. 1728150295922

-This is actually just me giving facts of jellyfishes- Well yes, there are species that can kill someone with just a touch, for example, the Sea Wasp Jellyfish from Australia can kill someone in minutes, that certain specie is one of the most lethal and venomous animals in the world, however, in another hand; There are species of jellyfish that you can eat or that are inoffensive ! for example the Fried Egg Jellyfish, they even filter the water

aw, what a nice jellyfish

f00f the f00fy 1728151258648

How can you fix the CloudFlare error?

Depends on which Cloudflare error. I'd start by clearing your browser cache though

f00f the f00fy 1728149579581
MISSINGNO. 1728145593750

do u like jellyfishes?

yes, but only from a safe distance or behind thick glass

those guys can kill a man with just a touch

f00f the f00fy 1728147930085
f00f the f00fy 1728100549139

btw if you have a Signal or Matrix account, let me know so I can add you as a contact!

(If you aren't on either of these, I would highly recommend setting up Signal and using it in place of text messages whenever you are concerned about surveillance. Discord and SMS are easy to intercept and easier for the government to subpoena. Meanwhile Signal is, by general consensus, the best managed encrypted messaging app on the market, and even under government subpoena was only able to give out their users' account creation and login dates.)

question of the dayyy Let's too

opinion on people who don't use discord? OR (opinion on people who) use VERY VERY unpopular/unknown medias/social medias to DM ppl on or smth like that! My opinion is that they have their own reasons and it's not important anyway :^3

People don't have an obligation to use big social media just as you don't have an obligation to use your friends' social media. Use what works for you.

Personally, I envy people who don't use Discord. I try to avoid corporate platforms, and I also hate some of the design decisions and the Discord Nitro being shoved in my face, but most of my fandoms pretty much only exist there, or on sites too toxic for me to even consider joining. I wish I could convince all my friends to join me on Signal or Matrix, which I don't even think are that obscure, and all those fandoms to move back to web forums, but that's a hard sell for a lot of people.

f00f the f00fy 1728099967781
v 1728079179665

howdo you use this site

same way you use any program: one third trial and error, one third patterns you remember from other programs, and one third asking more specific questions than "how do you use this site"

f00f the f00fy 1728079887542
f00f the f00fy 1727973142616

What's the most experimental music that you like?

for me it's probably Ryoji Ikeda's album Dataplex

(inb4 literally everyone answers with The Caretaker... can't complain though because he's great too)

f00f the f00fy 1727973197499
Steven !!! 1727964258427

#006γ€€,γ€€3 / 10 / 2024γ€€:γ€€QUESTION OF THE DAY

--γ€€What's your favorite scary movie?

(γ€€Current Theme : Halloween.γ€€)

Scary Movie

I didn't really get horror movies until I saw The Shining, some masterful suspense building in that one that is still effective to this day.

f00f the f00fy 1727965480219
f00f the f00fy 1727925667835

Sometimes I reply to a question just to make a silly joke and the thoughtful piece comes later

Are you prefer canon ship?

No, this is patrick /j

It doesn't really matter as long as the writing is good, but I feel like the whole point of ships is to imagine things that weren't explicitly canon but maybe should've been. Expanding on already canon ships is a valid reason to write, but if you aren't putting any major twist on the dynamic or exploring something that's unexplored, I could just get the same experience from the original text, probably in better form.

f00f the f00fy 1727917939915
lottie 1727914608807

you follow btw

Brian Tavid Wilbert???????

f00f the f00fy 1727917144845
MISSINGNO. 1727894837750

you follow a conundrum btw

Yeah, that's a pretty apt description of doing philosophy.

f00f the f00fy 1727903298076
MISSINGNO. 1727891960074

you follow someone bald btw

That's cool! I wonder if I follow someone ginger, too.

f00f the f00fy 1727892104219
Steven !!! 1727870808947

#005γ€€,γ€€2 / 10 / 2024γ€€:γ€€QUESTION OF THE DAY

--γ€€What is your favorite type of candy?

(γ€€Current Theme : Halloween.γ€€)

Anything involving dark chocolate and dried fruit.

f00f the f00fy 1727884414620
f00f the f00fy 1727825039310

y'all should watch Sarah Z. she brings so much clarity and nuance to Internet discourse, I'm sure a lot of you would find her takes refreshing and thought-provoking.

her latest vid is on the YouTube and TikTok influencers who tell you how to detect and root out "narcissists" and "sociopaths" in your life, and why those influencers are not to be trusted. The Narcissist Scare

πœ—π’ž π“ŽŸ QOTD βœ‰οΈ π“ˆ’

less a question more a request, hand me your music recommendations.

Where You Go I Go Too, a near perfect hour-long mix of electro-disco intended for traveling.

f00f the f00fy 1727797643801
Ink 1727747081432

Hiii i can finally send global questions again hihihi so

Question of today: What's a character you dislike but everyone likes? and why?

Lots of "moe" female characters in anime are in this category for me. It seems that in trying to overload the viewer with cuteness the writers often forget to give a character any agency or significance in the plot. The epitome of this is Mayuri from Steins;Gate, who seems to only exist to get saved by Rintaro a few times. I guess for some people, cute character design is enough, but not me.

f00f the f00fy 1727757874236

what is your favorite song at the moment?

Logic ~ Truth of the Crime Scene by Noriyuki Iwadare from the Ace Attorney Investigations 2 OST

f00f the f00fy 1727748439499

If you had to choose one PokΓ©mon to be your main partner PokΓ©mon, which one would it be?

Personally, I feel like I'd choose Litwick and have them evolve/level as my journey continues.

Lunala, because SPAAAAAACE. And also because it'd be cool to have the protection of a god.

Missingno. would be more in character for me, but I'd rather not unravel the fabric of reality more than necessary. Besides, I don't think I can pet or hug a corrupted image.

f00f the f00fy 1727710407434

would blogging on rentry be insaen or cute

if it works it works, i suppose!

f00f the f00fy 1727703865795

Assign me a song you think fits me xx

your current profile might fit Dancing Mad from Final Fantasy VI

that or a baroque concerto, but I don't know any good ones off the top of my head

f00f the f00fy 1727672248302
soph 1727584624707

infodump to me about your special interest or hyperfixation rn!!

I love Doom (1993), and its modding community which is easily the best I've had the pleasure of being involved in! Doom itself is much more simple, fast paced, and arcade-y than other FPSes, which is what makes it my favorite. Later FPS games tend to be more slow and atmospheric with complex stories. Thanks to the game being made open-source in the late 90s, the engine has been updated by the community to be capable of just about anything, which is how we got total conversions like Sonic Robo Blast 2 and Adventures of Square, and oddball mods like MyHouse. But I personally prefer when mods stick to the FPS gameplay and bring a new aesthetic, like the beautiful Japanese Community Project, Ancient Aliens, Struggle, Auger;Zenith, and Eternal Doom (not to be confused with Doom Eternal). Compared to most other games, Doom's developers give their modders a lot more respect, including bringing on community members to make official expansions for the game, both back in the 90s and as recently as this year.

There's a compilation of all of the 90s Doom games that is very cheap on Steam, and if you'd rather not pay, you can download the game engine for free (using a source port like DSDA-Doom) and combine it with Freedoom, a fan game with identical gameplay that is compatible with most Doom mods. It's a must play IMO.

f00f the f00fy 1727657565793
z. 1727639782626


welcome to the newest and most innovative spring

f00f the f00fy 1727656243450
β˜† 1727583940280


pong. response. you get signal. success. ACK. 200 OK. confirmed. all systems go. message received.

f00f the f00fy 1727584662025
f00f the f00fy 1727576806546

I've noticed that there are a lot of kids who play (and possibly develop for?) Roblox on sites like this, so I thought I'd link the People Make Games videos on Roblox's business practices. They're a tad sensationalistic, but raise a lot of very serious issues with the platform including the monetization of minigames basically being a scam.

How Roblox Is Exploiting Young Game Developers
Roblox Pressured Us To Delete Our Video, So We Dug Deeper

and for a somewhat more lighthearted bonus, Hbomberguy's video on the surprisingly deep rabbit hole of why they removed the "oof" sound: ROBLOX_OOF.mp3

anonymous 1727540208659

chat what a char you relate to mine is uzi and charlie from hazbin hotel and murder drones :DDD

Data (Star Trek: The Next Generation), Radical Ed (Cowboy Bebop), Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney), Socrates (Plato's dialogues)

f00f the f00fy 1727561527664
wasian bfβ™ͺ 1727557790890

β€Ž β€Ž β‚Š β€Ž β€Ž still figuring out a format for these, but... What's your favorite album? Does it have a deep meaning (that could be to you or in general)? Do you relate to any of the songs?

I have one, IGOR by Tyler, the Creator.

I've gotten a little tired of explaining why but - Kraftwerk's Computerwelt. Just hits on all the things I like in music - great sound design that uniquely expresses the song ideas, futuristic aesthetics, hypnotic rhythms, a consistent flow between tracks...

f00f the f00fy 1727558950167
alelex 1727546115765

You're the coolest person in this site

thanks, but what makes me so special?

f00f the f00fy 1727546273457
wasian bfβ™ͺ 1727543456920

If you were to be transported to the last piece of media you consumed, what is it and what would you do? Would you like it?

i'm assuming you mean the last fiction media I consumed, and not the satirical news show I am watching right now or the prog rock album I was listening to before that, in which case...

I think it was the Doom II map "Tribute Quilt", in which I would instantly get perforated by a chaingunner and die.

f00f the f00fy 1727545239592
f00f the f00fy 1727537342297

If you keep up with new music at all: what's your 2024 Album of the Year so far?

mine's Cascade by Floating Points, easily.

f00f the f00fy 1727537371187
Steven !!! 1727527513761

#001γ€€,γ€€28 / 9 / 2024γ€€:γ€€QUESTION OF THE DAY

--γ€€What makes your ideal sleeping environment / conditions? How many blankets and pillows? Any plushies or stuffed animals? Specific lighting needs?

(γ€€Current Theme : General Questions.γ€€)

I need quiet (white noise is okay but nothing that could hold attention), darkness, and a flat, somewhat soft surface. Necessity of blankets depends on ambient temperature (I prefer some warmth). Still figuring out the ideal number of pillows.

f00f the f00fy 1727534737260
dylan 1727443575323

Someone.. Rate my music taste Machine love - genitorturers Sour girl - stone temple pilots Waste - KMFDM Hurt - Nine Inch Nails Melting Sun IV: Jade Fields - Lantlos Kiss my super bowl ring - The garden Bonehead's bank quality - oasis :smile:..

8/10. you've got variety!

f00f the f00fy 1727446779554
Vivienne 1727312201420

Who are you going for Halloween? 😲

guy who didn't prepare for halloween and made up a self-referential joke costume name as an excuse

f00f the f00fy 1727312649363
laika 𓂃 1727309909816

question 32 if u could tell ur past self (~5 yrs ago) anything, what would u say?

be nice to yourself now, because it might get harder later

f00f the f00fy 1727312514860
randompcb 1727276967286

PHP or JS?

as a backend language you mean? PHP makes more sense to me. With PHP you're generating an HTML file using macros that are aware of the server, while with JS you're printing HTML, but also running an HTTP server and handling requests, but the HTML also has JS macros in it, and that's not even getting into the mess that is JSX and React, it confuses me.

f00f the f00fy 1727277577659

does anyone know how to add gradients in themes? I keep seeing some themes with those and I think they're so awesome...

I believe it uses the same syntax as the CSS background-color property. which would be linear-gradient(color1, color2, and_so_on)

f00f the f00fy 1727223123990
f00f the f00fy 1727154066868

remember: if you can't get out there and organize, or contribute to a cause, the most important thing you can do to make the world better is be kind. it can be hard to be kind when others are not... but that's precisely why you have to try. cultural change begins with you.

if you must direct your anger somewhere, direct it at the rich and powerful, who profit by creating wars and environmental catastrophes. but to hate other regular people for being different, or be cruel to them for any reason, plays right into the hands of the rich and powerful. the way to resist is to care for each other, fight for each other, organize around common struggles, and create things from which anyone can benefit. it means helping people, even if they are different, even if you don't understand them, and even if they have done bad things in the past. the rich and powerful want us fighting each other, while what they fear most is us uniting as one.

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