f00f the f00fy


autistic electronic music and free software nerd. proud weirdo. use your favorite pronouns and keep your drama away from me.

fediverse: https://woem.space/f00fc7c8
DM me for my Signal, Matrix, and Discord accounts.


ask me about my special interests, my opinions, myself, or recommend me music!

f00f the f00fy 1723687426394

quick asks

0/🎹 music recommendation (i recommend, but do not require, that you send me one as well!) 1/📺 video recommendation (don't send me recommendations back, i won't have time to watch them) 2/💽 cool open-source software or services (you may specify a type of software/website you are looking for) 3/👽 Star Trek character (one I associate you with, or just random if I don't know you well enough) 4/🖖 Star Trek episode (you may specify a type of episode you are looking for, or ask for a way to get into the series) 5/🔣 Random fact (most likely about one of my interests)

f00f the f00fy 1723687459458
f00f the f00fy 1723687498643


If you involve yourself regularly with drama or queer community/fandom/social justice discourse, you may interact, but I will probably not follow back and may mute you if it is pervasive enough. You are encouraged to talk to me about controversial topics if and only if you are willing to accept that I may disagree with you, and hear me out. In return, I will keep an open mind to what you are saying. If you intend to cut me off, harass me, or go after my friends if I'm not convinced of your position, don't bother asking in the first place.

Non-sexual flirting is okay, but ask before making overtly sexual comments. Since I allow followers under 18 and Retrospring does not yet support content warnings, it may be best to move those conversations to another venue. Feel free to ask for my contact information on other platforms.

f00f the f00fy 1723687525488
twilight 1728790511706

in f00f we trust for helping literally everyone and anyone with css code !!!

As long as I don't get too many asks about this to the point that it starts to feel like a job, I'll gladly answer any tech questions!

(If it starts to feel like a job, then I'll start demanding a living wage. But I enjoy helping folks.)

f00f the f00fy 1728790810251

Alex 1729095333957

Bought a memory stick Monday because I remembered I have this baby my father gave me. Any game recommendations?

You should install custom firmware on it


f00f the f00fy 1729095659607

#019 , 16 / 10 / 2024 , QOTD

Do you have signature emoji? One you use everywhere?

Current Theme : General Questions

I'm more partial to old-style emoticons :)

Emojis seem corny to me for some reason. Sometimes corniness is appropriate, though, and that's when I use things like 🥰🖖😎😭. I also like using emoji that people least expect, like 🔣.

f00f the f00fy 1729095244339
george ⟡ 1729091219616

what is your favourite flavour of ice cream?


f00f the f00fy 1729092203091
Steven Universe ! 1729070113817

Could I please get 🎹 + 📺 + 👽 please? My song recommendation to you is 'Play Me' by Snacktoast!

"Play Me" is just a 1-minute album intro, but I like the synth sounds a lot, they're like a cross between PilotRedSky and the Sega Genesis.

🎹 "Alive" by C418

📺 Installing Windows ME on an iMac

👽 Jake Sisko

f00f the f00fy 1729092128955

what are yall's fav medias ever hehe...

I guess it'd be Star Trek. One of very few works of fiction to genuinely influence my outlook on life.

f00f the f00fy 1729035996868

hello global questions…. whats your best corny pickup line…. 🩶🩶

Hey, are you the Sun? Because you're the light of my life and it is very difficult to overcome my attraction to you.

Hey, do you contain Carbon-12? Because I want to date you.

Hey, do you know any good pickup lines? Because I want to ask you out and I'm not very good at this.

f00f the f00fy 1729034595365
MISSINGNO. 1729031326474

Please I need to know. I can't login anymore from mobile (and PC is too old to get past the login screen) because the site frezes when I click on the captcha. Could you ask as global if they also have the issue for me? It just won't let me open the captcha without crashing!

-- randompcb (as guest)

I can log in from private window, though the captcha does seem to lag a little and I have a pretty good PC. I'll link this to @spark since they're the go-to tech support account here

f00f the f00fy 1729032384674
Ink 1729026249018

BTW i wanted to say i admire you for helping everyone w css coding on neospring, i would try to help ppl but i'm barely active here LOL

hey no problem, I think it's fun

f00f the f00fy 1729026603733
𝟅𝟈 1729009149614

haiii global questionss 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 how do u all get a pagedoll to float up n down 𓈒 𓈒 bleh idrk how css works umm 😓

can't test at the moment but try adding this at the beginning of your CSS:

@keyframes float {
  0% {bottom: 0px;}
  50% {bottom: 50px;}

and this under body::before:

  animation-name: float;
  animation-duration: 4s;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;

you may adjust the "bottom" (under keyframes) and "animation-duration" values to your liking

f00f the f00fy 1729020097710

when i get home should i work on my spanish assignment (due tomorrow) or play destiny

do the minimum required to comfortably pass the assignment then play destiny

f00f the f00fy 1729015042622

What is your favorite song currently ~ ? Mine is " Lucky " by Lucky Twice . . . !

idk, but "The Garden Goblin" by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard is stuck in my head for some reason

f00f the f00fy 1729008115719
nurse 1728994649873

Hello dear patients ⭑.ᐟ

QOTD - Do you collect things ? if so , what do you collect ? ૮꒰ྀི◜༝◝ ꒱ྀིა

Game Boy cartridges, CDs, formerly coins and Pokémon cards.

f00f the f00fy 1729008068733



f00f the f00fy 1729007608011

☆ : dear friends,

if you could have a movie night with all of your neospring oomfs, what would you watch?

signed , PARASITE .ᐟ.ᐟ

Star Trek: First Contact because I want to convert everyone here into Trekkies

f00f the f00fy 1729007390388
enanan 1729005035760

should i make an ask game? and if so, how would that work? is it simply just a post with ex. 🌼 - tell me ab blah 🍂 - current (thing) today ? this sounds just a little silly but ive never made one of these things and i have no clue what im doing

yeah that's pretty much it

it's entirely up to you, don't feel obligated to assimilate into the site culture, but if you think it'd be fun, do it!

f00f the f00fy 1729005719993
twilight 1728859569389

do u favorite nintendo console? I personally really like the GBA SP ! I think they have the best colors imo.. pearl pink will forever be iconic !

The GBA SP is my favorite too! I grew up with one. It was cobalt blue though, and the one I have now is pearl blue. The GBA, combined with the original Game Boy, has one of tne of the best game libraries ever in my opinion.

f00f the f00fy 1728859768985

HOW LONG did it take for you to learn all this software stuff, and where could I start.. Because it's genuinely interesting to me (I loveee the old web and stuff related to that) ^_^!!

Software has been a lifelong passion of mine, going back to around fourth grade. I can't remember what I did first, it was either my mom teaching my Python, or myself trying to learn Pokémon ROMhacking. It's hard to estimate "how long" because I've been learning on and off for my whole life about a whole bunch of different areas.

Just focusing on the web stuff - I was hyperfixated on that for at least a year, probably two years, in high school. It started when I was developing a personal website for a class, I had much more ambitious ideas than everyone else and whenever I didn't know how to do something, I looked it up. Usually the result would come from either w3schools.com, developer.mozilla.org, a random StackOverflow answer, or a random web developer's blog. I'd also be a bit of a perfectionist and test my site on every browser I knew of. I kept developing new websites with even more ambitious ideas and the same process, and eventually got really confident with it.

As for where you could start, that depends on where you are now, but a few tips for general computer stuff:

  • Find a way that works for you to learn programming. Al Sweigart has a bunch of free online (and inexpensive paperback) books which introduce the Python programming language in different ways, and one book on the educational game programming system Scratch. There are tons of other books out there to help you learn to program.
  • Set up a virtual machine (if your computer is powerful enough to support it) or an old computer or spare hard drive with a Linux distribution, and play around with it. Mess with themes, browse the software repository, set up servers, or anything else you're interested in.
  • If you are curious about something, look it up or ask someone who would know! Don't let your curiosity go unresolved. Learning the right search engine keywords is a key skill.

And for web stuff specifically:

  • Find a simple-ish website that you like, then right click -> Inspect. See what you can learn on your own just by poking around.
  • Install lots of browsers with different engines, open various pages in those browsers, and use their Inspect tools.
  • Get a Neocities account and experiment with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript there.
f00f the f00fy 1728855008063
MISSINGNO. 1728849500341

f00f do u know how to place a sepia filter over only other users profile pic & emojis? like Only ovr that, not on my profile pic, banner & embedded imgs ?! i've been trying to do this for like half an hour ;w;

I don't think what you're asking is entirely possible. CSS cannot distinguish between images posted by one user and another user. A userscript probably could, but writing one for you is outside of the scope of my time and abilities at the moment. On top of that, even if you have user themes disabled, Neospring won't apply your CSS to another person's page.

However, after extensive searching on Mozilla's developer site, I did find a way to set everything except your banner and profile pic to sepia - basically, you need to set ALL images to sepia, then individually specify the ones you would like not to be sepia (using the end of their URL):

img {
  filter: sepia(100%);

img[src$="yourusername/banner"], img[src$="yourusername/avatar"] {
  filter: none;

If you just want avatars to be set to sepia (not other users' embedded images), this may work:

img[src$="avatar"] {
  filter: sepia(100%);

img[src$="yourusername/banner"], img[src$="yourusername/avatar"] {
  filter: none;

You can also exclude (or include) all emoji (no matter who posted them):

img[class="emoji"] {
  filter: none;
  /* or: filter: sepia(100%); */

And if you have a unique string that's present in all of your image URLs (unlikely unless you have a personal website), you can exclude/include that too:

img[src~="image-by-waluigi"] {
  filter: none;

This is somewhat annoying and likely to break when Neospring updates, but I honestly doubt that a better way exists.

f00f the f00fy 1728851799543
randompcb 1728848229151

(Theming help again) Why doesn't the warning show up?

It appeared for me after reloading a few times. When it didn't, it seemed that the dialog element was set to display: none;

f00f the f00fy 1728848899346

well, you have to be logged in

otherwise those buttons are useless anyway

f00f the f00fy 1728848266425
Neptune . Nobori 1728837785538

will you be trick or treating this halloween?? !!

Probably not, but I will be handing out candy

f00f the f00fy 1728839439968

your so cool btw! ^_° I'm going to give you a song/band based on your profile/general vibes!

Jean of arc - gap girls OR falling and crawling - gap girls

I love gap girls so much ahem. Cough cough

I really like the beat on Jean of Arc. big, yet atmospheric :D

and Falling and Crawling I'm not as big on, but I do like the soft, brass-y lead synth

would you like me to recommend you something too?

f00f the f00fy 1728835029462
MISSINGNO. 1728816477914

How did you make the nav smaller without it looking weird?

I kept the horizontal padding and just removed the vertical padding, border radius on the buttons, and default height. My code:

nav, nav button, nav a.button, .pillmenu a, .sidenav a {
  padding: 0 0.75rem;
  border: none;
  height: unset;

nav button::before, nav a::before {
  border-radius: 0;
f00f the f00fy 1728832700301
MISSINGNO. 1728816492970

Code for getting rid of all the border radius?

Here's what I did, had to work around a bunch of default Neospring stuff so this will not work on other sites:

body, button, input {
  --radius: 0;

.pillmenu {
  border: none;
  --radius: 0;

nav button::before, nav a::before, .card:not(:has(form)) button, .card:not(:has(form)) a.button, .card:not(:has(form)) button:not(dialog *), .card:not(:has(form)) a.button:not(dialog *) {
  border-radius: 0;
f00f the f00fy 1728832603800
randompcb 1728778312357

How do I import a font from a different website into Neospring? Because I wanted to import Tomo (the font on my Nekoweb site) but it won't let me...

For now it's just plain old monospace, which is boring because I prefer it when the font is pixel :/

Fonts seem to be oddly finnicky. Maybe Neospring is trying to proxy it and getting a captcha. Or maybe you just need to add !important to the font-family line.

f00f the f00fy 1728791651610

Pressing continue will bring you to the following URL:

Are sure you want to go there?
