it's hard to say bc I don't really think of characters this way, personality and story significance always trump visuals to me. a character can look like an utterly boring nobody and still be a favorite because the story around them is interesting
but when I have absolutely no context as to a character's personality or story significance there are certain things that make them "cute" or "cool"
things I find cute: bright colors, simple outfits, or really glamorous outfits sometimes, short straight hair, dresses and vests, animal ears
things I find cool: wonky weapons or tools, striking color palettes, utterly unrealistic hair styles, anything shiny or glowing, emblems representing the character or faction
i also like nice, simple, iconic designs. like most nintendo characters
I definetly agree with the first thing you said. A character with a good design but bad writing is practically worthless.
I mainly asked this instead of "what character traits do you like" as that might spark discourse over what people think is good, bad, etc and stuff like color palette and hairstyles seem to do that less.I agree also with what u find cute/cool! :]