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anonymous 1728722007667

all of us come here and talk about our analysis to try to understand the characters better, read others' theories and have fun, we literally have a fan club it's so cute

It IS so cute 😭 and also amazing and inspiring and so motivating like I’m genuinely in awe of you guys 😭🥺

thejoth 1728743277075
anonymous 1728683656583

Oh, also adding another thought: I really like how JK is learning to appreciate Tae's care. I feel like most people kinda take Tae for granted.

Me, ignoring the obvious tantalizing Sope drama: what makes you say that??? ehehehe 🤭

thejoth 1728705079099
anonymous 1728683015940

I'm so glad anon went there with the character analysis. I've typed my own out a time or two but deleted bc I usually end up in the bushes turned the wrong way and it's always embarrassing. I'll keep this one short though. I really like how JK and Tae have become a soft place to land for each other. JK is so practical at the way he takes care of Tae - like the blanket in the car, driving, validating his feelings, and even just the head-on way he approached for that kiss in the locker room after the party. And Tae takes care of the sentimental and emotional. Actually, both of them do both, it's just the emphasis with jk is more practical and with Tae is more emotional. Anyway, the story keeps getting better and better.

“End up in the bushes turned the wrong way” is an iconic phrase, first of all. My heart is legit pitter-pattering rn thinking of you doing your own analysis, even if you never made it out of the woods with it. I LOVE your take on their relationship!!! JK truly is so practical in his way, and Tae’s a little more thought through…. god I love them 😭 my boys 🥺💖 also they ARE a soft place to land for one another YOURE SO RIGHT! thank you for this message it’s given me so many nicotine feels 🥹💖

thejoth 1728704986869
anonymous 1728682323838

“He’s such a PHYSICAL person, and less cerebral than, say, Tae or Namjoon.”

Sorry diff anon that keeps intruding on this discussion but yes! Jk is obviously much more physical. It seems like he is the one to always initiate physical contact first (throwing his arm over Tae the first night they shared a bed, grabbing his neck when Tae got in the car, kissing him in the locker room and the bar, going in for a hug after Tae brought him soup). It just speaks to your skill as a writer that these little actions really fit with the character you’re trying to create. I think these little demonstrations of affection come naturally to jk after being in a straight relationship for years. Whereas Tae doesn’t have the same experience with these physical acts of intimacy since he’s still in the closet and not been able to have an open relationship. I love that they are both learning from each other.

Cue insane screaming coming out my mouth for the fact that you picked up on all of that!!! I deeef think a lot of that comes naturally for him not just bc of his straight relationship (since not all hetero couples are so physically affectionate) but rather just who he is, his past experiences, how emotionally ✨repressed✨ he’s had to be in order to survive 😌

thejoth 1728704713244
anonymous 1728679493516

omg if Tae says ily during sex and then kisses his cheekbone me and jungkook would probably cry

i love this in theory but do you really think these two are that gentle w one another in bed…

thejoth 1728704541555
anonymous 1728370652535

When Nicotine tk start saying ily to eo ughhhhhh. Moaning shaking crying throwing up. UGHHHH. AND WHAT WHEN THEY DROP ILYS DURING SEX faints dramatically

HAHAHAHAH you and me are the same about this anon!!!!!

thejoth 1728678553495
anonymous 1728414199075 nicotine!tk

omg LOL

thejoth 1728678537371
anonymous 1728389781200

how do you think of titles for your fics? i swear one of the hardest parts about writing literally is thinking of the title T___T thejoth please bless us with your infinite wisdom, how have you thought of the perfect names for all of your stories? love u so freaking much btw <3

omg I mostly take them from song lyrics and soooometimes poetry I’m ngl… although with Aching Joints and Venus’s Tears, those just came to me in the middle of writing and I Just Knew… so idk if that helps 🥲

thejoth 1728678452141
anonymous 1728417687839

oh one more suggestion! so considering about the obsession i have for nicotine is it obvious that i love jocks enemies to lovers?

thank you for the rec!!! ykno I think I might have read this one in my baby army days but not since and barely remember it—very curious about how it’ll land now!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼

thejoth 1728678326787
anonymous 1728323634326

[[continuing again]] He even tries to almost let it go, have it be a one-time thing, but he’s aware of jungkook’s own desire to feel that way with him again and so it goes on. its not really about dynamics. even jungkook almost goes down that road, but he quickly realises that it isn't about what role he's playing in sex, its about what feels good, what makes him feel good, what works for him at this given time. he mentions liking slow sex with raven, i assume its when things hadn't gone downhill, but him preferring it hard and fast later on could signify that it became less about dragging it out and truly emmersing himself into the moment and more about chasing pleasure while trying to run away from smth else. i could be reaching with this ofc but atp im just yapping (sorry if its annoying lol) so it actually felt like a significant moment when jungkook could choose and he still chose to keep going as they already had been. it sort of felt like this was a moment of familiarity and trust and intimacy, esp the kind that jungkook not only liked but wanted more of. he didnt want to change things up because he truly felt good.

that it i think. it would be so funny if at the end of all this (or even before that) youre like "girl it ain't that deep" 😂😭 but yes as i said just indulging. these are actually really well-crafted characters and so i just wanted to get into this one aspect bc it felt like it meant more seeing how jk is (and also tae as well for that matter, that he would give him that choice, sit on his lap basically offering himself up, esp when i remember you saying him preferring to top also has a background)

PART 3: Yeah so in this part what’s striking to me right away is your mentioning that Jk isn’t actively thinking about dynamics, just what feels good to him—like! YEEEEEESS! That’s it, ahhhh, for every hairbrained message I’ve ever gotten insisting that whatever top/bottom dynamic is the Right one for these characters, all of it fails to understand what you clearly do: it’s entirely based around what he (and tae too) feel is good for them together in the moment and in their bodies. and in that sense, yes, it was significant for him in his current arc to choose to continue what they’ve been doing so far (aka him bottoming) bc he’s like… freshly obsessed with that kind of physical expression, if that makes sense.

I also reeeeeally find it juicy how you interpreted Tae’s actions in that moment too heheehh. It has me very 👀 What I’ll say is we’ll definitely see more of that come up for them in the future—the switching up of roles (or, like w this chapter, the lack of that) as a means of gauging their growing closeness… veeery important.

THANK YOU AGAIN for this message—it’s sooooo inspiring to me as an author any time people spend time with the characters and with their own thoughts on the characters. I’m truly so lucky 💖💖💖

thejoth 1728678056373
anonymous 1728323121342

[[continuing]] His struggles weigh him down, he has no other means to let go other than football and smoking, and football itself came with the stress of his teammates and the presence of taehyung so he couldn’t really truly unwind with it before. Plus raven and her games, him chasing after something that made him weary but provided a false sense of comfort that he felt like he must chase, that if he felt like he could live without it and find something better, he was wrong and it would come crashing down.

But then sex with taehyung frees him in multiple ways, proves to him that it could feel good, that he its not a given to be put down for the things he indulges himself in, no matter what it is. He experiences a new kind of pleasure, something that truly aligns with his own methods of unwinding, using his body to make himself feel better. only he’s not the only one pushing it to the brink. He can trust his body in taehyung’s hands because he’s shown he could take good care of him. Makes sure he feels good, makes sure he knows he’s feeling good, makes sure he knows exactly how and by whom. Sex with taehyung is a new awakening into his own body and its pleasures, playing it like an instrument and actually enjoying it for himself instead of being limited to catering to someone else. It keeps jungkook in the moment, connected to not only his own body, but also his partners’. Sex with taehyung is not selfish for him, it’s what sex is supposed to be, a mutual connection, a dance of bodies, a friendly game that has no losers and only winners.

Taehyung makes him feel like he can indulge in the things he likes and not be battered for them, unlike how i assume it was with raven, who would probably use things he liked against him when shit got ugly. Of course the way taehyung treats jungkook stems from his own experiences, but initially, taehyung doesn’t really expect much of him. [[contd. again maybe i need to chill]]

PART 2: THIS PART: “But then sex with taehyung frees him in multiple ways, proves to him that it could feel good, that he its not a given to be put down for the things he indulges himself in, no matter what it is.“ YES! I’m so glad you’re seeing that bc that’s what I’ve been trying soooo hard to do with Jk’s character!!!

“He experiences a new kind of pleasure, something that truly aligns with his own methods of unwinding, using his body to make himself feel better. only he’s not the only one pushing it to the brink. He can trust his body in taehyung’s hands because he’s shown he could take good care of him.” SCREAMING FOR A THOUSAND YEARS BECAUSE THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS!!!! I cannot express to you how validating it is for me as the writer to have a reader who completely gets their character. He’s such a PHYSICAL person, and less cerebral than, say, Tae or Namjoon. Having a person and a space that sees that and works with it, but also encourages him to connect more with his thoughts and feelings is exactly what I’ve been trying to build, although subtly, inside their sexual relationship. Cryyyingg forever about you seeing that 🥹

Honestly this whole ask gets it, THANK YOU 🙏🏼💖

thejoth 1728677666630
anonymous 1728323028555

Since nicotine is the only thing i can focus on recently and it would be incredibly unfair to expect more of it im just going to indulge & dissect that scene where jk chose to bottom. its a psychoanalytical character study if you will, i have no intentions of being offensive so forgive me if it comes out that way Basically how jungkook, a “straight” guy still figuring out his sexuality, came to like having the kind of sex he was having with taehyung Ofc most of it is credited to th & his treatment of jk especially when they’re being intimate. th pays very careful attention to jks comfort its evident from the very first scene of the fic. Despite being “enemies” before the opening scene, th makes sure to make things as good for jk as he feels for himself. We see it in th's pov but jk becomes aware of it by the end of the scene. It goes beyond attraction for a guy like jk who’d been pining over a single girl all his life hadn’t ever entertained the thought of being attracted to another guy and then actually ending up enjoying himself while being fucked. Half of it was the way th made sure that jk felt it good. Not only his comfort but also his own pleasure, to talk him through it by bantering. I’m not saying th did it entirely intentionally but i think by now its clear that th is just a nice guy. He cares for people, their wellbeing, tries to make them comfortable. But then of course he can also not be nice It could have started off as simply a pleasurable distraction for them both, but sex, no matter what kind, is always intimate. it matters alot how a person is made to feel throughout it, before it, after it. th made sure to keep it on jk's terms alot of the times jk, from what i feel, is someone who desperately needs taking care of. Not that he needs to be babied but he needs to feel like he can be completely himself & not get shamed for it. His struggles weigh him down he has no other means to let go other than football and smoking. [[contd. i hate character/word limits ugh]]

PART 1: THIS ANALYSIS IS SO! GOOOOD!!!! Literally what an honor to have even received this, like… one of my characters earned this? What??? Augh. So, THANK YOU, sincerely 💖💖💖 In this part of your message, I’m just sooo excited to see how much you see in the characters from what I had in my head as I was conceiving them and building up their dynamic? Especially from the start! Also I LOVE that you align Jk’s needing to feel safe from his partner to a sense of being taken care of? Bc like, yeah… maybe in the heat of sex he likes that Tae takes the lead bc it makes sense to him somewhat, like that’s just that some of their irl nemesis dynamic has carried over into the sex they have—but outside that, I think he’s very self-reliant. Not entirely re: emotional needs (as we see with Raven), but in other ways, I think he’s a more imposing presence and not someone who goes quiet and needs the other person to coax him into bloom, if that makes sense. But even with that being maintained, he really is drawn to someone like Tae who is open to some of those really big hard knots he holds of himself… It’s like, what might seem big to Jk doesn’t ever seem that big to Tae. And in that sense, yeah, he’s being “taken care of!”

thejoth 1728677355783
anonymous 1728669275905


HI YES THEY ARE (ok wait technically in exile leaving you out is considered an open ending but if you look through the comments I believe I told someone else how I see them being endgame after the end of the story sskfjshs BUT EVERYTHING ELSE YES!)

thejoth 1728676353516
anonymous 1728325393966

you probably read this buuut it's so funny and hot

omg i haven’t yet, thanks for the rec!! 💖

thejoth 1728327210338
anonymous 1728327052213

When will nicotine complete?

me to myself every day fkgfjdh 😭 idk yet!!

thejoth 1728327193545
anonymous 1728259915921

Twitter is still suspended in Brazil but I had to find a way to check your updates and cheer about the last update with the other readers on your acc. I'm also one of those who can't stop thinking about the last scene! 😭❤️ Tae going to JK's house with miyeok guk made me so soft and love their relationship even more.... and I need to tell you again (I already wrote a comment on Ao3): thank you SO MUCH for writing this story! 💜

Omg yeah it’s trueeee I’m so happy you found a way to reach out to me anyway 🥺 omg also YES I saw your comment!! It made me feel warm and fuzzy, and right now I’m feeling that way all over again just happy that we can still stay connected without twitter around!! The last scene so deserves all the love you guys have given it, I’m genuinely soooo happy ☹️☹️☹️ thank YOU so much for reading 💖💖💖💖

thejoth 1728320327656
anonymous 1728314985137

I found this hidden gem dystopian enemies to lovers tk fic and i think u would love it

thanks for the rec! 💖💖

thejoth 1728320048063
anonymous 1728178075108

Hello, may I please talk to Taylor Wedell?

She’s not home yet, who’s calling?

thejoth 1728181500881
anonymous 1728148248368

man that last scene is literally everything to me i keep thinking about it randomly and the flutters i get because of it like 😭😭😭 i cannot i just know i will always be haunted by nicotine taekook omg you're seriously a genius

i’m so glad to hear it ☺️ am personally a huge fan of when my written characters haunt readers 🥹 thank you so much seriously 💖🙏🏼

thejoth 1728171323924
anonymous 1728162383270

I have a guess. I think the anonymous angry voice might be stav? He just keeps coming up in the narrative and it seems like it could fit👀

Omggg juicy juicy guess anon 👀🤭💖

thejoth 1728170122477
anonymous 1728090236729

That nose kiss was everything and more. Like I keep going back to it, it’s so🦋🦋🦋✨✨✨✨🥰🥰🥰🥰yk

Eeeeeee hearing that you love that part and keep going to it has me all 🥰🥹✨💖🍏🎉🫧🦋

thejoth 1728095215975
anonymous 1728049742768

TAES CRUSH ON JK? and him not being able to hide it anymore ?? Omg

hehehe you knoooow I did hint at it before this chapter 🤭👀

thejoth 1728050258142
anonymous 1728071143623

omg where

hahahaha i don’t knoooow why don’t you go find it 😉

thejoth 1728083920616
anonymous 1728061535510

SHNDBSNSNSJ WHAT im extremely serious right now.. i love it so much i get so excited when it happens to live the scene in other’s head soo good (amazing chapter as always btw)

OK SORRY I JUST COULDNT TELL THE TONE my bad anon!!!! I love being able to switch perspectives between these two, esp in terms of deciding whose headspace would make whatever info im revealing in the scene land harder?? if that makes sense??? SORRY AGAIN ANON ALL THE LOVE TO YOU 💖🥰

thejoth 1728065676548
anonymous 1728060674514

i LOVEE when the narrator changes and there is no signal like a different font or a sub title we always understand who’s minds we are in after a sentence or two its so exhilarating

i can’t tell if this is sarcastic or not but cheers anon dkfjdsh 🙏🏼

thejoth 1728061005129
anonymous 0

THIS MESSAGE HAS MY WHOLE HEART??? LIKE WHAT??? This whole tale??? 😭 You’re so me anon, when I’m reading something that really impacts or moves me, I can remember when/where I was reading it kind of like a sense memory, like you know how a scent can take you back to a specific time? JUST like that!

I AM SO HAPPY AND THANKFUL that you love Nicotine Tae 😭 my sweet complicated son!!! Ahhh YES! I think it’s the first time he’s admitted it bluntly to himself, but he’s definitely acknowledged and hinted at it (in his own incredibly repressed and avoidant way) so I’m so HAPPY it worked and that you KNEWW 🥰 Also you totally clocked his repressed and avoidant nature later in this message bc hahha NO, you guys shouldn’t yet know… like this chapter was the most open he’s been the entire time……. :’) love him fkfjfsh

alsooooo anon your guesses are kinda tea… can’t reveal anything to you but you’re totally onto smt there… 🥰

seriously thank you for this whole message, I just kept reading it all day yesterday all 🥰🙏🏼💖💖💖

thejoth 1728060802337

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