

New house new me ! Bring the tea.

Clinical yapper

Chanellies 1727724172687 Oh definitely but I feel like in some other companies there's at least some artistic value somewhere like kpop isn't really about the art so no one actually cares about the art of making good albums but sm did make the perfect velvet, hybe teaser photoshoots tend to be really good, jyp I'm sure has some good titles for zb1 there's clearly talent for some of the members and they're very good looking so there's a lot of potential and at least half of the members seem actually passionate about their jobs but wakeone just give.. nothing 😭 which is why it's hard for them to gain new fans

I’m hopeful they are on an upwards trajectory because I really like the direction they went in for cinema paradise tbh 😭 we will have to see next cb ig

Chanelcrocs 1727724246262
Chanellies 1727724045446

This is just a suggestion but i feel like there are some akgaes sending you stuff here (for example the one who mentioned hanbin) so i would just ignore them if you dont want them to get even more annoying in your inbox

Yeah, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt because sometimes they may just mentioned something or someone without thinking twice but I’ve already blocked quite a few people who are just being straight up hateful to members 😭

Chanelcrocs 1727724177258
Chanellies 1727724038084

Zeroses are used to complaining about the lack of promotion but zb1 and bnd are probably the most promoted bgs right now Wonbin is considered as it boy of 5 gen and he has nowhere near as many solos schedules

the truth is that until their music is recognized by the general public (in sk or the west) there is no point in hoping for big offers

That’s true, I don’t keep up with groups aside zb1 but I always see zb1 and bnd doing things (from 5th gen) even groups people might consider bigger with the gp i dont see doing as much

Chanelcrocs 1727724123332
Chanelcrocs 1727724038300

I’ve said it before but I’m not going to spread harmful of hateful things so let’s not send any 🛑


Chanelcrocs 1727724050896
Chanellies 1727723767338 There is like. Way way more than his 14 yo troll posts this was an openly gay man whose whole life was on the internet, it doesn't just hit him it hits his family, his friends, his exes it goes very very far and china isn't progressist at all

Isn’t this what his dcgall is setting up legal action for anyway, I assume he would have a good legal team in place for the future

Chanelcrocs 1727723963914
requeefiem 1727723746921 NFNNDNFMMDMDMD sowwy like the Matthew perc just hits he's cringe but it's ok cuz it's him we gwannn

😂😂😂 like there’s just something endearing about him I can’t be a hater

Chanelcrocs 1727723899904
Chanellies 1727723595908 Yuehua is in my opinion worse than cube and arguably as bad or even worse as wakeone they could give us like three good mini albums before the inevitable yuehua act fate tho however wakeone is HORRIIIIBLE I've heard they only have like 60 or so staffs and these staffs clearly aren't great from openly yelling at Ricky on live without shame to laughing at fans to their face and even mocking the boys and the fans for crying??? You could tell by their work that these people do not value artistry or soul but by these accounts you can really tell they do not value kpop as artistic at all and female fanbases are worthy of respect, nevermind the fact that they allegedly shit talk all the members 🤦‍♀️ just souless and mysoginistic

I think most companies are capitalistic and are shit from the but that’s just my opinion 🫡 like none not one of these companies are good and if you could say it’s trying to find the lesser evil but from what I’ve seen if you think they would care or value someone more in one place than the other especially between yh and wakeone then your probably one. Wakeone is bottom of the barrel scum but imo they have more incentive to do more for zb1 because they have limited time with them and limited time to make money of them and this is quite frankly the most successful group they have ever and probably will ever have. If the other boys are already locked in with artist contracts to their original companies then they don’t have that incentive to do as much because they are stuck their either way 😭 and they have been taking a chunk of that zb1 money this whole time anyway. Moral of the story … everyone is bad !

Chanelcrocs 1727723854276
Chanellies 1727723286485

This reply is honestly nonsensical. Nobody actually cares about his 14 yo posts besides internet trolls. There are way bigger limitations to continuing a career in Korea than Yuehua using their connections in the c-market. He doesn't have to be a musician, most celebrities are hybrid, and yuehua has singers too. C-ent has so many singing shows. How is yuehua going to give him a music gig when he's under wakeone?

For anon

Chanelcrocs 1727723604685
Chanellies 1727723360181

Unpopular opinion as a gunwook fan I really do not like Matthew 😭 the aegyo voice, fanservice and referring to himself in the third person give me the ick BROTHER YOU'RE 22 I want gunwook to get close to shimkongz instead 😭😭🙏sorry I had to say it somewhere and aestasmoon and req kinda ride for Matthew

Sorry anon but I ride for Matthew too😭 sorry , I think he’s really talented and I think his and Gunwook’s friendship is really sweet. Icl the rizz tiktoks make my toes curl a little so I understand certain things not hitting for you but each to their own ig.

Chanelcrocs 1727723579458
Chanellies 1727722960264

This is random but do you have any opinions on katseye? I think they're the best promoted GG I've seen since newjeans

Oh actually I do know a little about them! Their documentary was on my Netflix recommendations and I was so bored so I binged it and I truly thought their label had really screwed them over but surprisingly they seem a lot more popular now and have gained more recognition from it. I’m not too sure about how they are promoted but I do see them a lot more on my fyp than I did when they formed as a group so their label must be doing something right.

Chanelcrocs 1727723336086
Chanellies 1727722658188 The issue is that Yuehua doesn't have a good track record of handling their artists well and they've given Hao a grand total of zero (0) music related gigs while wakeone did give him a huge ost gig, the mama intro and lee mujin service, and it's logical because China doesn't have a fully developed music market yet but the thing is Hao is a musician before he is a model or a comedian or actor hes one of the rare actually musically inclined idols out there.. I don't have high hopes for any members careers post contract, I do think yuehua will try for yhz maybe for like a solid year and a half before giving up and focusing on the next survival show like they've done for the past ten years (literally all of their acts left guys their CEO approval rate by staff is like 9% yuehua isn't good) and I think Hanbin is building connections and the l1ve loooves him but I sadly don't think it'll go very far, jiwoong is dome, gunwook is under jellyfish and they seem to have 0 plans for now he could hopefully get taken by someone else tho, Matthew probably won't redebut, I have no idea what taerae will do

For Hao in particular he has the most complex situation in the entire group: Hao is way safer as a kpop idol than he would be in the cent, he has an extensive very easily serachable past as such he cannot get too big because if he does he'll get into a situation like the 8stars thing but to a potentially national level which would just be overkill the guy has suffered enough from the crime of being gay, a troll and having had a normal teen life there's no need to traumatise him and his loved ones further, he also cannot get out of yuehua because he probably already signed a contract after the finale that is visibly still working as their relationship strengthen after the dinner and if he offends yuehua and betrays them in anyway they will bring that national scandal themselves, as such he is very limited, but at least he has an education and according to himself has money

Damn why does this feel like a lose lose situation 😭 and yeah yuehua really ain’t the shit from what I’ve heard

Chanelcrocs 1727722785971
Chanellies 1727721841635

Anon, logically if he wasn't promoted well enough during his time in ZB1, who in the right mind wouldn't leave the kpop industry when he has yuehua in c industry? That's the entire point. He's not being given a choice. They're actually wasting his fanbase in korea and internationally every single day. When is the next time a foreigner will have claim to winning an mnet survival show? It already happened to Sakura where she's getting paid dust unless it's in Japan. It hasn't gotten better even with the rank switching between p02 and p01. It's sad these are the limitations people are just accepting. And no, they're actually quite capable but they don't care about zhang hao. They were positioning hanbin from the very beginning. Zhang Hao wasn't even prioritized for amazing saturday over jiwoong or matthew when nobody had any previous experience because they never had the intent.

I don’t mind when people give opinions but please don’t bring in members names into your asks because if I answer it’s just going to cause my inbox to be flooded with arguments and I don’t really want that. SO LET IT BE KNOWN, if you have any new asks or reply to this ask with member names I’m not answering. Also for anon didn’t the whole group go on Amazing Saturday?

Chanelcrocs 1727722509594
Chanellies 1727721292633

anon, if you have the links i would love seeing the viral posts(?) and the ratings from his appearance. he deserves this so much!

@ anon

Chanelcrocs 1727721476871
Chanellies 1727720100337

TBH i would not care much whether hao gets gigs in china or korea or if its for money or not, if only wakeone wasn’t literally known for rejecting offers for their chinese artists without them knowing 😅 hao has expressed multiple times that he wanted to showcase himself more and i know the kr industry is particularly hard on chinese idols but there’s no way not a single one invited him on anything when all the tv guestings he have been on went viral or had the highest ratings even jtbc mentioned him again recently after their talk pawon episode and he probably has the longest screen time on all the isac episodes

Hopefully he has some opportunities coming his way anon 🥺❤️ let’s hope October is kind to him

Chanelcrocs 1727720706479
Chanellies 1727719674457 You can not expect Hao to be a fixed cast of some Chinese show. I dont expect from any of the Zb1 boys no matter the country. Even the show gigs the korean menbers get are shit. The show benefits more of having them there than the boys benefitting from it. Things looked different during their Debut days where they would get invited to these big Shows but they sadly dont anymore. You are also undermining Yuehua and their connections and its fine cause Hao will thrive over there and be everywhere the moment Zb1 disbands. I just hope thats something he wants and not something he is getting pressured into.

I agree with the fixed cast thing, it wouldn’t work out logistically especially with the world tour.

Chanelcrocs 1727720636244
Chanellies 1727719271591

Is it usual for magazine teams to fly to another country for a shoot?

If it works out scheduling wise and they don’t have a base in another country I’d say so ?

Chanelcrocs 1727719324267
Chanellies 1727718828310

Yep the l'officiel team flew to kr

I thought i remembered hearing about that! Yeah so they possibly did the same for MF

Chanelcrocs 1727719004507
Chanellies 1727718771098

Don’t worry you guys hao is following baekhyun’s footsteps of no solo gigs but biggest fandom in exo til today 👀

I don’t know much about baekhyun but go him 💅🏼

Chanelcrocs 1727718978879
Chanellies 1727718636725

Blue one

Yay ! I can only see the pink one and I thought I’d done something wrong 😂

Chanelcrocs 1727718869822
Chanellies 1727718728299 I don't understand anon. The activities that could potentially give him massive exposure in china are variety shows, festivals and OSTs if they're from popular dramas, but what have Hao's chinese schedules been so far? AH+ cover, L'officiel solo cover, Gucci Ancora, Loewe Crafted World, Keep Running, Tangle Teezer BA, Mistine BA, Tangle Teezer fanmeeting, and Madame Figaro solo cover. So far, Keep Running is the only variety show he's been in. And while his fashion schedules can give him some exposure given that many magazines and reporters posted about them on social media, they don't have the same reach a variety show or festival would have. Don't get me wrong, attending fashion events and being on the cover of prestigious magazines can improve his branding as an artist, and the record-breaking sales of his magazines and endorsements can attract the attention of other brands. But if we're talking about creating the new Wang Yibo... Yuehua hasn't really done that much to prepare Hao for the role. You mentioned Ollie and it's obvious Duhua wanted him to be an It boy. She worked her magic and got him invited to GQ's 2023 Gala Runway when he was still a trainee, and after he debuted he became the fixed guest of a MangoTV (a HUGE streaming platform) variety show, he went on other variety shows, one of which was singing show that would have allowed him to show his talents to a wider audience if he had played his cards right (but he didn't), he went to festivals, and got a magazine cover. But the point is that Duhua gave him schedules that could give him massive exposure, what has she done for Hao? She can't force Tangle Teezer and Mistine to make him their Brand Spokesperson, Gucci and Loewe personally invited him to their events, we know Madame Figaro invited him too, and Hao said he was "honored to be invited" in his L'officiel ze_episode, so he was invited by them too. Unless his rumored cn schedules are variety shows or festivals, you have nothing to worry about, anon.

For anon !

Chanelcrocs 1727718838804
Chanelcrocs 1727718406856

Do you guys see the blue pfp for anon or only the pink one 🥺 I drew the blue one but I can only see it if i actually click on my page


Chanelcrocs 1727718420898
Chanellies 1727718219471

Chanel good luck to you cause your audience is about to be people from one specific subfandom. My condolences 😔🙏🏽 If you dont want any headaches tell them what they want to hear

Oh anon 😭 that’s probably going be hard because irdc to cater to what people want to hear I just give my honest opinion on something and as long as I know I’m not hateful nor bigoted in my opinion then I’m not to bothered if others don’t agree.

Chanelcrocs 1727718356572
Chanellies 1727717716102

Ahh ok I got you I also think figaro was probably shot in Korea it makes a lot more sense logistically

Yeah iirc l’officiel was shot in kr too ?

Chanelcrocs 1727718099014
Chanellies 1727717414763 way before gsb and magazine rumors were already floating that time but still not widely known and everyone thought he’ll fly back immediately because the event ended quite early but he actually stayed til the next day then people only saw him at night when he filmed his vlog. i do doubt it was filmed that early too but it’s one magazine shoot compared to their off days or even during promo period where they could let other members miss a mushow for a schedule so conflicts in scheds are no problem to them

Ahh I see, I mean when they release the behind for it we’d find out anyway?

Chanelcrocs 1727717651973
Chanellies 1727717514045

No offense but we dont need a jiwoong magazine give us gunwook

They didn’t put him in the duo magazine because he has a solo magazine coming 🙂‍↕️ I already put it into the universe for him

Chanelcrocs 1727717574530

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