

New house new me ! Bring the tea.

Clinical yapper

Chanellies 1727741966327 I found the link in moon's cc

For anon!! This is about Ollie but it will be gone by the 7th since cc is shutting down.

Chanelcrocs 1727743671517
Chanellies 1727734441672 I don't know if you're serious or not, but he won't become china's public enemy #1 or get blacklisted just because he's gay. The younger generation is way more accepting of lgbt folks and even adults no longer give too much of a fuck as long as the gay in question isn't their son or daughter lmao. That being said, homophobes exist everywhere and he'll get hate, but it won't ruin his career. The only way he could get blacklisted is if he commits a crime (being gay isn't illegal in china) or says he hates the CCP. Another case where the gp could hate him without him being blacklisted is if he visits the Yasukuni shrine in Japan or says something really offensive about one of china's historical days or says he supports Taiwan independence. Other than that? He'll be fine. Take Cai Xukun for example, he got one of his fans pregnant, paid the girl to abort the baby and his mother harassed the girl like a lunatic for "ruining his baby's life", but that man is fine. He lost some fans, but his fandom is still huge and he got announced as the new BA of Versace. There are rumors that he has secret babies with other women, but his fans are very good at ignoring that. So no, Hao's career won't end just because he's gay. You also talked about 8stars as if it was the end of the world, but that's just what a regular weibo fanwar looks like. If you think that's bad, then Xiao Zhan's 227 incident would make you cry. XZ's was the biggest incident with boycotts from multiple fandoms and even regular young adults, and I guess you could say it was on a national level since even news channels talked about it, but he survived the storm and is one of the biggest stars of china today. So, again, Hao will be fine. Besides, crosins have "proof" that Hao also likes girls because he once said on weibo that he "wanted to be more handsome so more girls could like him". So, at the end of the day, they can always use that to "debunk" the allegations even if he's actually gay. He'll always have that as a shield.


Chanelcrocs 1727734570504
Chanellies 1727732025209

what ollie thing? scandal? I'm out of loop

Umm just a load of messy things tbh 😭 it’s quite long to explain but I do remember another cc made a big list of it it but I don’t remember the UN 😭

Chanelcrocs 1727732964105
Chanellies 1727730944599 I'm not undermining Yuehua, I'm criticizing Duhua. There's a reason cfans (crosins included) hate her guts, even the fans of Wang Yibo, who is undeniably Yuehua's biggest star, hate her and hope he doesn't renew his contract in 2026. Out of 8 cn schedules Hao had (I'm not counting the fanmeeting), 6 were invitations, so that leaves AH+ and Keep Running. AH+ thanked Yuehua for the collaboration in a xhs post, so that confirms Yuehua had something to do with it. Now, for the sake of the argument, let's say Keep Running was also a Yuehua schedule. That's 2. I'm not expecting him to be a fixed cast in a chinese show because that'd be impossible, I was just comparing the differences between Ollie and Hao's resources. Again, he doesn't need to be a fixed guest, he could go as a regular guest like in Keep Running. Maybe he will be promoted properly in china after zb1 disbands, but as things are now, he's not being treated as "the next Wang Yibo" by Duhua, that would be Ollie. Is she dumb for choosing Ollie as her next it boy? Yes. Will she change her mind after all of his scandals? Let's hope so, she cancelled some of his activities and put him on hiatus for a few weeks, but I heard he's promoting again, so...

I heard about the Ollie thing 😭 I also heard her daughter is a big fan of him? So idk if that’s true it’s unlikely she will drop him from being the most pushed unless her daughter suddenly drops him ig

Chanelcrocs 1727731653698
Chanellies 1727731370075 I'm none of these anons but am I the only one who sees him succeeding in Korea? I constantly lurk kside on kforums and ksocial media and out of all the members Ricky and Yujin are the ones reaching the Korean gp with positive engagements whereas most member's reach is within the fandom (I'm a Rosin but I'm trying to have an objective conversation so you akgaes please kindly f off). I don't know how often you go on requeefiem's cc but they've talked about Ricky going viral on Theqoo multiple times for his fashion sense and Theqoo is known to be hateful towards anything Chinese yet they were praising and even respecting him for his commitment and dedication knowing he's Chinese and this wasn't just a one time thing he went viral multiple times already.

But what I haven't seen being talked about is he also goes viral on Korean IG reels and YT shorts for his visuals and fashion sense but that's because our social media is adjusted to our location but I use vpn so I get to see what Koreans actually see and Ricky's engagement with non fans/ korean gp is crazy. His isac appearance got him 2.5 millions views on IG reels in Korea recently. So it's not like Koreans don't like him or his visuals, they do and are clearly interested but the interest have no where to go because he's not pushed and his content is limited which is why I can see him succeeding if after ZB1 he signs with a Korean company that will actually push him in the right ways to get the interest to stick.

Same for Japan and it's why I'm interested to see how their Japan comeback is going to go since it's Lapone making the decisions instead of Wakeone (I think). Japan gp is obviously intrigued with his visuals, that viral FTP era fansign pic with 122k likes, his recent Korean concert pic with 60k likes and his Japanese variety clips always go viral on jside. I know they'll push GunHaoMatt because they're the most popular in Japan but I wonder what they'll do with Ricky since his fandom isn't the biggest but has gp reach.

Actually anon I agree! Idk if staying under yuehua will help him much but he’s really well recived by the kside and I did see the cc’s he’s gone viral a lot for his looks and fashion which is a major plus to his brand building. I think it would all just depend on finding a company that is right for him and understands how to market and promote him well.

Chanelcrocs 1727731571277
Chanellies 1727729352803 hmmm idk I feel like Chinese entertainment/ fashion industry is too controlling for Ricky. He seems free spirited and stubborn in a positive way in what he likes and wants to pursue. I just remember their first kcon appearance in Japan where staff made him wear a shirt untucked and he was struggling to not tuck in his shirt the entire time on stage but in the end he ended up tucking it in 😭

😭 that’s true he does seem quite free spirited. I feel like Ricky is really hard to pin point because aside from group activities I feel like we don’t really know that much about him and how he is in daily life that would give away what he might want to do in the future? He could really suprise us for all we know and do something super unexpected

Chanelcrocs 1727729489283
Chanellies 1727728849295

were you fashion anon? sorry your @ suddenly popped up in my head when I went to check and found out cc is shutting down but I haven't been on cc for awhile so I want to make sure. And if you are fashion anon do you prefer fashion related question or anything zb1?

Yes I’m fashion anon from requeefiems cc 😂 I love zb1 so i will happily talk about anything to do with them !

Chanelcrocs 1727729152911
Chanellies 1727728090386

If Ricky goes back to China Kris wu's path is a good one to follow (before anyone starts please Ricky is nothing like that sex criminal I'm just talking about career trajectory) Kris had very good fashion resources probably the best out of all the exo members who returned to China, released songs occasionally but not as regularly as idols would in korea and was on varieties that suited him I think he was a rap mentor for something and did acting on the side but not as a main job

Ouuu anon my heart nearly stopped for a second then. Yes definitely not the other stuff but tapping into fashion would be a good move for Ricky.

Chanelcrocs 1727728531600
Chanellies 1727727782338 Its performance video still did well so where do we go from here? If random peoples opinions mattered this much all of Zb1 members solo works would be dookie but they arent.


Chanelcrocs 1727727875213
Chanellies 1727727400708 Opinion: I think stanning a ship but not an individual is nonsensical. I'd rather shippers be honest about who they bias than letting them get stepped on for the sake of "a ship". What are you going to do after disbandment?

I think you sent thing to the wrong page 😂 but I semi agree. If your whole online identity is built on shipping it is odd if you don’t actually like and support one of the people in that ship. Also I think post disbandment most will just follow whoever they bias more or feel like they are getting more/ better content from.

Chanelcrocs 1727727832578
Chanellies 1727727614333

Now why do i feel like hanbin only recorded bad boy for his aotm because that song is so not him

Iirc the song was given by studio choom and he had the option of either a cover or new song. It could be that he had a selection of demos and just chose this one? Like the song wasn’t written specifically for him but already written and then just selected.

Chanelcrocs 1727727711719
Chanellies 1727727056377 You guys paint everyone as hater Bad Boy as as song is a dookie

Ok I wouldn’t say that .. I personally didn’t like the rap part at the end but up until that i actually didn’t mind it. I don’t really like when songs have big changes in them anyway.

Chanelcrocs 1727727409558
Chanellies 1727727124811

i will be honest the only members i can see doing well after zb1 disbands are hao, hanbin, gunwook and yujin. gunwook only if he leaves his company and debuts in a big 4 company like im praying because he deserves it

Please 😭 you don’t understand like I fully have nights where I just think about how everyone’s going to go back to companies who might try and do shit for them and then we have him stuck in jellyfish. I’m even open to another members company trying to take him like free him I beg 😭

Chanelcrocs 1727727348929
Chanelcrocs 1727726496414

I should have learnt from queef. Anonymous comment privileges are off!


Chanelcrocs 1727726509819
Chanellies 1727726238699

General thoughts on Ricky's future? I know people are very concerned with Hao and where he'll go but it's also interesting that Ricky is getting decent Chinese gigs too, he has a mag cover, gucci event, running man, and now an endorsement so quite similar to Hao? I wonder if he'll continue as a kpop idol it also feels like Yuehua's attitude towards him has changed a bit their twitter finally posted about him when he had a mag cover

Yeah I think they weren’t interested in investing in him at all while he was on boys planet and pre debut. Tbh it only seems recently they think he’s worth investing in, I think Ricky has a lot more freedom in the sense of he wants to leave yh I’m assuming he has the financial freedom to buy out his contract. I could see him going into the more influencer fashion side with the occasional music release. If he were to stay in kr though I could only ever see him in a group and his most secure place for that is with yuehua.

Chanelcrocs 1727726434986
Chanellies 1727726104141

and Rosins will wonder why everybody dislikes their guts... wonder Why 😑


Chanelcrocs 1727726274371
Chanellies 1727726210869

I meant the commenter not OP

Oops sorry anon 🫡

Chanelcrocs 1727726248189
Chanellies 1727725784720

Yall are so disgusting its actually insane. Not to mention the fact that his AOTM got over 10 mil views and yeah you will start talking about ads but even if the video got 3-5 mil views through ads thats still 5 mil views for a performance video. He will have the most opportunities after Zb1 disbands in Korea. Its time to accept that fact.

Anon no one said anything negative about hanbin? And the og anon didn’t say he’s be a nugu flop or anything the just said mid sized fanbase which is actually quite the compliment considering from what I know most soloist that aren’t from big companies rarely make it big. On the general scale to it’s extremely unlikely any of the zb1 members will be as popular post zb1 as they are now, nothing about this was hateful at all.

Chanelcrocs 1727726156244
Chanellies 1727725573584 Sorry to anybody that likes Riize but I need them to do bad 😭😭 Where is Han Sohee when you actually need her? She dropped a few things and vanished

😭😭 I swore she was in jail or facing a lawsuit ?

Chanelcrocs 1727726047565
Chanellies 1727725728411

Eh you'd be surprised at the scandals that Chinese celebs have walked away relatively unscathed from or even if it affects them they can still do stuff, unless he does something to get blacklisted by the government (and genuinely as someone quite deep into the zhang hao predebut lore beyond what exists on twt he's ok he hasn't evaded taxes or anything similar) he should be fine

Yeah like he hasn’t done anything illegal i think he will be fine !

Chanelcrocs 1727725958903
Chanellies 1727725806203

Wait why do I see Ricky targeting bay area asians too he could go down a similar path to keshi or join smthing like 88rising

Hmm I can see it too a little

Chanelcrocs 1727725869308
Chanellies 1727724768354

Honestly these would be my ideal post zb1 careers for the members: -Hanbin: I mean he clearly has a set vision of what he wants to do and is ambitious and I think being a mid size soloist who mcs and takes some variety gigs and eventually goes into acting could fit him well, I think Hanbin wants to be edgier sound wise and he's male so I don't think he'll be big but a decent sized fanbase is good and possible, I'm interested in what he wants to do since he's someone who's very strict with his image we don't know much about his inner thoughts -Hao: ideal career for Hao would definitely be a solo pop star in the west lol but I think he wants to stay in Korea, I think he prefers slower songs but I'd like him with something upbeat and very vocal, something sexy too he's said in the past he's interested in composing so I'm interested in that and if he would want to fully become a producer at some point since he implied it at one point -Gunwook: I want him to have an artsy hip hop album, all rap obviously with some singing hooks etc but fully hip hop with a Boom bap sound, for a more traditionally career I could definitely see him in a group too he's very versatile, I could see him as the leader but I really want a hip hop project from him Ricky: He's definitely the one who will go into fashion but he does seem genuinely interested in music so I'd be interested in what he has to offer, it'll be definitely slow rnb and for some reason I could see it working if he tries to target the bay area Asians lmao

Oo these are very interesting takes anon, I really wanna see more of gunwooks raps too especially since we know he’s interested in writing them!

Chanelcrocs 1727724867684
Chanellies 1727724275762 If something happens in Korea he should be good since winning a defamation case is the easiest thing ever in Korea which is why you know that April girl was a bully fr😭 the issue is when it comes from overseas

I’m not sure what happened with the April girl but I do know the defamation laws in Korea are strict !

Chanelcrocs 1727724355364
Chanellies 1727724189646

I usually dont like it when idols are cringe (bnd myungjae for example) but it just works with matthew sorry you will never see me hating him

Right like when it comes to him I can look past loads of things that would usually cringe me out 😂

Chanelcrocs 1727724302958

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