i talk to literally whoever i want and i say whatevers on my mind. if they don't like what you have to say then theres no point in being friends. if you actively put in an effort to go an meet new people you WILL find people like you.
also not everyone you meet has to be your number one bff. you can make friends with people you're not entirely similar to. its even better when they're extroverted/social because they'll likely introduce you to other people
I just bes social mostly and kind. That also leads for people to parasocially hate me for some reason so do it at your own risk
Basically what f00f said! I'm very bad at social interactions which leads to me having very few close friends so I don't have any advice, but I consider you a friend if that helps at all!
3 friends is not bad tbh
You just have to talk to people. And if you like talking to someone, talk to them again. Actively start conversations. If they enjoy the conversations too, eventually they'll start thinking of you as a friend.