Thought I could do one of these qotd things since they looked fun..

01: What is your favorite character and why? Yap as much as you want about them! ๐ŸŒฑ

hawks. always & forever. i think the exploration of morality through his character and how there's no such thing as a black and white "good person" vs "bad person" is one of the best written character arcs in mha, maybe in manga in general. his storyline is so powerful because he represents a mirror image of another character (dabi); they were both products of abuse (albeit different types of abuse but both physical and emotional to an extent) and yet one chose revenge and hatred and the other chose to value others to the point of sacrificing himself and his morality, despite the fact that until he was ten years old he'd hardly ever been outside of his tiny home and been horrifically abused by his parents. he hung all of his hopes on his wings, on his quirk, even when his mother asked him what were they even good for? and he became such a powerful and influential hero and did everything his child self had dreamed of only to lose his wings and his job- and yet he found a way to still be a hero, to still help people. his wings had already been burned off when he lost his quirk. he could have been more careful and allowed other heroes to take the lead since he was already at a higher risk in his weakened state and he didn't. he faced the man he'd killed who was the only person in the league he could genuinely call a friend. and yet through all this horikoshi does not once portray him as a saint or someone flawless and above doing bad things. literally his almost immediate reaction to seeing twice again is to scream "kill him right now!" he is so agonizingly conflicted and repressed and tortured and human. i love him so much.


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