striker 1726477657554

Thought I could do one of these qotd things since they looked fun..

01: What is your favorite character and why? Yap as much as you want about them! 🌱



oh boy i definitely do wonder who my favourite character is, its DEFINITELY not some stupid random ass boxer froma random stupud game   ─ little mac is a 17 year old italian american boxer from new york (specifically the bronx) & is trained by his trainer, doc louis. he has had a passion for boxing ever since he was young & has held onto that. he has beaten three circuits that being the minor circuit, major circuit & champion circuit (i think its called that i dint remember im a FAKE FAN). little mac is considered "little" due to his height, which is 5'5"-5'7". in the arcade version, he was actually 4'8" & he was also a nameless boxer! fun fact, little mac's real name is actually Neil! he is also considered a quiet protagonist according to his wiki page along with ness (earthbound), link (legend of zelda) & kirby! though he does (barely) talk every once in a while.

i like len (n_n//). do i need to explain anymore!!!

hawks. always & forever. i think the exploration of morality through his character and how there's no such thing as a black and white "good person" vs "bad person" is one of the best written character arcs in mha, maybe in manga in general. his storyline is so powerful because he represents a mirror image of another character (dabi); they were both products of abuse (albeit different types of abuse but both physical and emotional to an extent) and yet one chose revenge and hatred and the other chose to value others to the point of sacrificing himself and his morality, despite the fact that until he was ten years old he'd hardly ever been outside of his tiny home and been horrifically abused by his parents. he hung all of his hopes on his wings, on his quirk, even when his mother asked him what were they even good for? and he became such a powerful and influential hero and did everything his child self had dreamed of only to lose his wings and his job- and yet he found a way to still be a hero, to still help people. his wings had already been burned off when he lost his quirk. he could have been more careful and allowed other heroes to take the lead since he was already at a higher risk in his weakened state and he didn't. he faced the man he'd killed who was the only person in the league he could genuinely call a friend. and yet through all this horikoshi does not once portray him as a saint or someone flawless and above doing bad things. literally his almost immediate reaction to seeing twice again is to scream "kill him right now!" he is so agonizingly conflicted and repressed and tortured and human. i love him so much.

can u not ask me this leon kennedy… oh my god.. leon kennedy ❤️❤️ the reason why i like him is because i relate to him. like NO i didnt get broken up with and join a police department a day later and then got caught in a zombie apocalypse cuz umbrella corporation sucks can we fuckin cancel that company?? that gave my bf trauma guys. anyway thats not the reason its really just because i think hes awesome and i relate to him somehow, especially his drinking problem i used to drink alot when i was stressed i no longer do that since im older and more mature and i have better coping mechanisms but you know what i mean. leon is my boyfriend (real) and i think the fact that he has PTSD makes me feel more closer to him in some way. he experienced something traumatic and gained PTSD from it and the only way he can ever feel better is by drinking and his backstory is actually really sad i fear but thats okay because mine too leon!! and about ada manipulating leon i do NOT hate ada i am her #2 fan (my friend is #1) and i am not an ada hater she slayed and did it for her job !!! okay back to leon. resident evil 4. I SMILED WHENEVER HE SHOWED EMPATHY tTO ASHLEY i have seen multiple people say that leon lacks empathy but no he does not. he liteally treated ashley like his own little sibiling in re4 and it makes me happy. i do not ship leshley cuz i think the agegap is fucking weird but they’re so adorable ufhfhrhfhrrjr. AND when luis died he showed empathy yall r going to hell for saying he never did. “oh well he looks emotionless” HE IS NOT a gacha life character he shows emotions and i feel bad that he had to go through thag zombie apocalypse and i love him so so so much and nobody should have to go through that. he a little sassy in some games but its olay i excuse it because he’s been through a lot, fighting bioterrorism and all. also i have yet to play re6 sooo… need to do that i fear. also i love leon kennedy in death island so so so much auuauauauuaghhh hes gebuinely so awesome and not funny ans CORNY and its the reason why i loge uim. hes ugly and a basic white man and very fucking corny and extra but its okay because i love him

i dont think i have much of an all time character. when i think of characters i rlly like i think of doug, clint, and edward... so i guess ill explain why i like each of them a bit?

doug... i cant rlly explain well. i used to REALLY hate him and constantly think abt how much i hated him. i hated him so much it circled into liking him and now hes my most beloved character ever its actually rlly funny

clint... ive always liked horror game protags the most in games. the protag going through all those horrible things, and i play as him, i cant help but start liking him. i like how well he portrays the themes of the game. how he wants to help amelea but sacrifices others in the way. how he ends up picking the selfish choice because hes just human. its the guilt that gets me, similarly with doug

edward... how can you not liek him? hes so fucking funny RIDDLER 4LIFE!!!! i dont even have to say anything i did not name my nekoweb site after riddler for no reason. i love you riddler best batman villain

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