Neospring alt universe:
- randompcb/system32 --> specificbreadboard/syswow64 (for the computer nerds out there)
- f00fc7c8 --> f100fc7c8 (as in floof, for those who can't read 1337)
- undertale --> deltarune (obvious)
- am --> pm (ante/post meridian ftw)
- pluto --> eris (a s t r o n o m y)
- swapsans --> swapsize (nerdy joke again)
feel free to suggest more...
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Ao Oni ==> Au Onee
orange - green idk if they´re polar opposites
george => peppa (im sorry)
I was so tempted to make the "c7c8" part into c418 tbh
percussionist -> drummachine (the band couldn't afford to pay the drummer anymore)
mozelle -> unpleasant transmasc -> cisfem blackrock -> whitepaper error -> success rockstarwcat -> idolldog