anonymous 1728522345317

sorry if this is really invasive, you don't need to answer it if you're not comfortable with it! Did your health issues (both mental and physical) contribute to your interest with ritsu? do you think it's a realistic portrayal?

absolutely! as i said multiple times before, i feel like ritsu's experiences are pretty similar to mine, both physical health-wise and mental health-wise. before ritsu i never had a character i truly saw myself in, but reading his stories, the way he's portrayed, his thoughts and everything, it was like a slap in the face, i felt like someone was mocking me because not only his experiences were similar, our personalities are also quite alike kjjfnjkghk

i don't know how accurate his portrayal is given that different from other characters they never stated exactly what he has (except for a few bits like chronic pain or low blood pressure, but they never named what the "sakuma condition" is exactly), everything we have to go by basically comes from headcanons (like the chronic fatigue syndrome thing, which i believe is a pretty accepted hc for him). if you're asking me especifically about CFS though, and how realistic his portrayal would be if that's the case, i'd say it's pretty truthful to the actual thing. i don't know if that was the writers intention (or if they even know CFS is a thing since... welp, japan and all that jazz), but even if they did that on accident, they hit the representation right on the money imo.

★☆ mia. 1728524310686


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