★☆ mia.


—𝐡𝐞𝐰𝐰𝐨~ 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐛𝐨𝐱!
𝟐𝟒 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲/𝐧𝐲𝐚𝐧

𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞!)

stray cat 1728710519442

do you have another hobby outside of translating? don't you ever get tired of doing it as a job and as a hobby thing? /gen

surprisingly, i don't get tired of it? maybe cuz when it comes to translating as a hobby it's for things i actually enjoy and am willing to spend my time working on it, to share that same joy and stuff, you know? whereas when it's for work sometimes i have to force myself to get through it, when i translate as a hobby it flows easily, so it doesn't feel like a burden~

i do have other hobbies, though! i love writing first and foremost, so i have a limbo of unfinished fics and og stories that i work on from time to time njfjgnkgk i also like reading, watching animes, playing VNs and listening to music. i'm slowly coming back to knitting too, and i'm a big crossword enthusiast, i do at least one a day haha

★☆ mia. 1728771515380
stray cat 1728755125197

What direction do you think they will take with the sakumas and Raika? I think it can be super interesting for Ritsu cause he might be forced into a similar position as Rei and therefore will make him more understanding of Rei. But on the other hand i don't think the sakumas would make it public that they are related to Raika and instead help him from the shadows.

i don't think i thought about it, actually? maybe in these first few stories after 4piece their relationship will be more like trust-building and stuff, and if/when we eventually get focus events on the new kids they'll start exploring more about them lore-wise (if that makes sense)? i don't know if they'd hide that he's related to the sakumas though, since rei himself said he's happy to see more of their kind coming into the light and opening a path to others, making raika a known sakuma family member could be beneficial for their plan of having vampires/supernatural beings and humans living together under the sun, but idk.

you raised a good point, though, maybe having ritsu be a brother-like presence to raika could be good for him. at the same time i don't think that ritsu lacks understanding of rei, he does understand why he did what he did, he was just upset about it for a long time (especially as a child) and still acts petty around him bc, well, it's ritsu. but let's see how raika's addition to their little family circle affects their relationship.

★☆ mia. 1728770834347
stray cat 1728596976157

Thoughts on seemingly new unit and its song?

i liked the song, the lyrics are so cute! i love mafumafu's work, and if the song is truly related to 4piece and stuff, then it'd be something never seen before in enstars (the whole "faceless" characters singing thing and the vibe overall).

as for the unit... well, i have some conflicting thoughts about the theories going around. i admit that the voices sound very similar to the new kids, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to me why there'd only be 4 of them in the unit? if it is something related to enstars, i don't see the point of letting one of them out or making them go solo (even if briefly) when they were introduced together and everything until now points to them forming a unit in the end, so the writers better give a good reason for that to happen. i'm also completely against the theories of the missing kid joining one of the other previously established units, in my opinion that's a really far-fetched idea. i mean, i don't think hapiele would be as crazy (or stupid) as to mess with already-established character bonds that have been developed for almost 10 years and risk having their fans camping in front of their building with pitchforks so... lol

i haven't really thought much about it other than that? i'd rather wait and find out in due time ig heh

★☆ mia. 1728617257694
stray cat 1728546157860

I mean isn’t the common thing with anime characters that they designed to be quirky and unusual and it unintentionally leads to them being relatable to people that are divergent in some way? Ritsu is probably one out of many examples. It doesn’t make it bad, just an interesting coincidence

yeah, that's why i said it probably wasn't intentional, still the similarities are crazy, so it definetely influenced me into being invested in him as a character. i mean, coincidence or not, ritsu was the first ever character i've seen that could be seriously read as a portrayal of CFS (there might be others out there, i just haven't seen any), instead of just "oh sleepy boy". and don't get me wrong, i love a good nemuidere (like i'm a hardcore fan of kushu from magia record and sophy from pripara lol), it's just that ritsu ended up accidentally being a very accurate representation of someone who suffers from chronic fatigue and how that affected his life/relationships in the long run, yk?

(of course, there are a lot more things that i love about him/make me invested in him, i'm just saying that from the standpoint of physical and mental health)

★☆ mia. 1728587566045
stray cat 1728522345317

sorry if this is really invasive, you don't need to answer it if you're not comfortable with it! Did your health issues (both mental and physical) contribute to your interest with ritsu? do you think it's a realistic portrayal?

absolutely! as i said multiple times before, i feel like ritsu's experiences are pretty similar to mine, both physical health-wise and mental health-wise. before ritsu i never had a character i truly saw myself in, but reading his stories, the way he's portrayed, his thoughts and everything, it was like a slap in the face, i felt like someone was mocking me because not only his experiences were similar, our personalities are also quite alike kjjfnjkghk

i don't know how accurate his portrayal is given that different from other characters they never stated exactly what he has (except for a few bits like chronic pain or low blood pressure, but they never named what the "sakuma condition" is exactly), everything we have to go by basically comes from headcanons (like the chronic fatigue syndrome thing, which i believe is a pretty accepted hc for him). if you're asking me especifically about CFS though, and how realistic his portrayal would be if that's the case, i'd say it's pretty truthful to the actual thing. i don't know if that was the writers intention (or if they even know CFS is a thing since... welp, japan and all that jazz), but even if they did that on accident, they hit the representation right on the money imo.

★☆ mia. 1728524310686
stray cat 1728362947866

What kind of mental health and physical health issues do you not have?

I'm pretty sure there are more physical and mental health issues out there than I could possibly have in one body lmao I was just blessed with really shitty health from birth and life wasn't exactly kind to me either :D

(tho I know this question was probably done in bad faith and I should just ignore it, sigh.... don't be an asshole, it's literally written in the askbox dude...)

★☆ mia. 1728364215884
stray cat 1728356280855

Hiiiii.... So I'm genuinely asking this in good faith, but what keeps you (or motivates you IG) to be invested in enstars if the writing decisions either annoy/hurt you? To be clear, I think there's nothing wrong with your opinions and personally agree with a lot of them. I think critique is healthy & important, but at some point I wonder where one should cut their losses y'know? Maybe I just don't understand enstars fans commitment to the series as a relatively new-ish fan 😅? I see a lot of outrage all the time, and it makes me wonder WHY people still like enstars, if that makes sense. I kind of get it when I read old material, but the newer content just makes me feel more apathetic than not ??? So I'm like. Why do people like this series if it upsets them so much?? Is it a case of sunk cost fallacy?? IDK. Sorry if this is rude, I'm genuinely not trying to be 🙇‍♀️.

there are a lot of things that keep me invested in enstars, most poignantly the characters themselves. every franchise has its share of bad or questionable writing decisions (or what we, as fans, judge as bad as the ones consuming the media), but I believe the good points of it still stand out against the negative ones. it's still an enjoyable game with good art, nice gameplay, fair rotation, and the character building is really good, even if it gets lost sometimes in the story. we also have a lot of other media forms to enjoy the franchise, such as the stages, the shows, the music, the youtube content; despite it all, enstars has created a vast universe story-wise that still gets people invested in it.

most of all, I still wanna see more of the characters I like, some who actually made a big impact in my life in ways that others never did (such as ritsu), so I guess that's my biggest driven force to keep playing, and translating and helping overall? idk if that's enough of a reason for you, but it's what I feel kghfsfhhj

★☆ mia. 1728363934383
stray cat 1727983261777

what is your interpretation of Ritsu's relation with sleep? i kinda see it as though he uses it as a coping mechnesium or a way to escape reality, but now in the present he doesnt feel the need to do use it in that way so he just sleeps when he is bored or tired.

i think it's as much of a coping mechanism as it is a physical need for him, yes. i will admit that my thoughts on the matter are heavily influenced by my own hc of ritsu having chronic fatigue syndrome (like i do) and my personal experience with it, which i feel like are pretty similar to his, but i'll try to remain as neutral as possible.

i do believe that sleeping a lot is inherintly part of his condition, especially considering that as a child and in early stories he has pretty low stamina and canon low blood pressure, it's to be expected that someone with his health issues would need lots of rest. at some point, though, it surely became a form of escapism for him. going by what janus shows us that even as a kid he was always alone in the mansion, he must've started using sleep as a way to make time pass faster, and as time went by and his obvious depression got worse, sleeping probably became an unhealthy coping mechanism. because when he was sleeping he didn't need to hear what his family or the people around him said behind his back, he didn't need to confront the reality where he believed he was being left behind by his brother (and later on by mao too), didn't need to deal with knights infighting or school or even his own health issues. he could just forget everything and live in a blissful dream.

but once you become victim of bad habits like these it's hard to let go. his first year at yumenosaki (the one he had to repeat) is proof of that, he was probably at his lowest back then, and without mao or rei to urge him to get up, go to school or just do his chores, he held onto his need to sleep like a crutch. but you can also see how he slowly stops using that as escapism as the story progresses and knights hold his hands, as he regains his purpose and starts moving forward with his friends. he still sleeps most than the average person, but nowadays i feel like it's more of a necessity due to his condition (like it's supposed to be) than a way of escaping reality, like he has come to terms with it and is now a more balanced thing.

i'm sorry if this is messy, i'm terrible at character analysis and again i was trying not to make my own experiences bleed into this too much heh but i hope it was a good enough answer for you ;u;

★☆ mia. 1728331033142
stray cat 1728278783129

omg I already figured it out !! Thank you so much for help🤍

you're welcome! glad i could help ^^

★☆ mia. 1728329510592
stray cat 1727982743927

What's your favorite platonic Ritsu relationship? for me it's naru-ritsu, they have a lot of similarities when you look deeper in it. Both pretty neglected as kids and now have a similar role in knights (they both stop fights and act as mediators).

I really like the girls' party quartet (ritsu, arashi, mika and mayoi)! I think especially when it comes to mika and arashi, they were both very important to ritsu's growth as an independent person. knights aside, the both of them can be considered some of ritsu's first actual friends, people he actually feels comfortable opening up to and relying on, for serious matters or just silly teenager things, like pajama parties. after only having mao by his side for so long, he found people who would actually care for him, understand him (sometimes in ways that even mao never could) and do their best to match his mood (that's why he feels so comfortable living with mika despite hating the idea of sharing a room with someone, as stated by ritsu himself).

other than them, I really like his relationship with anzu. I just find really really cute how they both became such close friends and how they rely so much on each other, to the point that even anzu, who's always trying to deal with everything by herself, will go to ritsu for advice bc she trusts him a lot as a strategist but also as a good friend. she's also not someone who shies away from his affectionate nature or his vampiric behavior (including his gorey jokes lol), and I guess that's very heartwarming for him, she's not only a competent producer but also someone who he can be himself with and he's comfortable around her. I really enjoy seeing their mutual trust in each other and how it was developed throughout the story <3

★☆ mia. 1728277751358
stray cat 1728275601892

Thank u, but whenever i paste a link for my profile, it's error. Idk what to do

are you copying the link for the page or for the image? it needs to be the image link (left click with the mouse, "copy link from image"). If it still doesn't work, it might be bc the site is not compatible. in this case, I advise you to save the image and upload it into another site, like tumblr or imgur, and then copy the image link (my banner and pfp are both uploaded in a private tumblr blog, for example).

★☆ mia. 1728276814234
stray cat 1728266233749

also how do u change the bg color and all? tyia

I assume you're the person who sent the other two profile related asks, so I'm gonna answer them all here. for starters, go to settings, everything you need to set your profile is there. neospring doesn't host images, so if you find an image you like for your profile/banner, just copy the link from the image and paste it in their respective spaces in the settings. as for colors, you pick a color you like and copy the hex code (make sure to include the # in the beginning), then paste it in the respective space in settings (all elements have a specific space in settings, you don't need to fill all of them, just the ones you actively want to change colors, such as the bg). hope this helps.

★☆ mia. 1728275440275
Seine 1727935498448



★☆ mia. 1727971700516

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