Well I think one piece of advice for insomnia... Is to not be like me right now and place yourself in front of a device like a phone, phone or anything with a screen for media. Just go back to bed and try to close your eyes, because seriously, your device is not going to naturally lull you to sleep. /gen

"Oh but I fell asleep while using my phone many times!!" (aimed mostly at myself)

Yeah because you were either physically or mentally tired, or bored cuz that happens too. Your device is definitely not going to help you fall asleep. The light emanating from it? It's going to prevent you from from feeling comfortable and sleeping. The notifications (especially if you're someone who compulsively checks notifs)? That's going to fuel you to stay awake and keep tapping away. Whatever games or apps you like on that device too, yeahhh they'll keep you up so PUT IT DOWN! /srs

Put the phone down, close the laptop, and lay in bed even if you can't fall asleep.

"What about music or noise? I need that to sleep."

That's... Different I guess. If it actually helps you sleep, that's probably the only exception. I guess it's fine. /gen

After that, I unfortunately don't have much advice for people who need help falling asleep with insomnia, because I most certainly can't right now.


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