anonymous 1726500974369

Just out of pure curiosity + just seeing. Are you pro endo or no?

hm , i guess whoever wanted to block me already did⋯

yes , i am . though⋯ i guess it's more that i don't care , nothing stops existing just because you hate it so , i guess for me it looked disavantageous to try and hate it⋯ eh , for me , any side is fine as long as no harm's being done , as in death threats or harrassment — i'd hate anyone that did it no matter what side they took ig⋯ either way , i don't care about these things " just don't commit a crime , i'll be me so you do you " mentality⋯

be warned tho , this is the first and last time i'm speaking about this , i made this account because i wanted my friends to ask me silly questions ( like how the first question is "are you gay" pfftt ) so engaging too much into so called " drama " is just gonna make things salty for everyone .


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