♱ ﹒ 𝓧ochiquetzal



  .co/flesh 19yrs
 ruin / bruise prns


✧  ﹕ 𝓐sk vei anything !

✚ 。 ﹒ What do you do when the void blinks back at you ?

╬════════════  ✚ 。

🖤 ﹚ ﹒   a song

🕸 ﹚ ﹒   how are you?

🕷 ﹚ ﹒   a fact / lore

🎱 ﹚ ﹒   infodump

🔌 ﹚ ﹒   lovemail

🪦 ﹚ ﹒   quote

✚ 。  ═══════════╬

Do you stare back defiantly? Or do you cower in fear, that it will see you for you? ﹒ 。✚

⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726707862170


hmmmm... lovemail for violy friend sif today!! sif is a rlly great friend !! love hanging out w hymn, love listening to hymn ramble, feel immense concern every time shy talks about dislocating hyr shoulder [ shy has EDS ] but u know /silly. hy has a special place in violy heart, and is very kind and open minded with everyone hy meets, trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. vi wouldn't trade hyr for the world :D

Showcase of a custom graphic vi did for a friend! THIS GRAPHIC IS NF2U!

guh. sick as balls chat. this is terrible. someone cure vei :(

didn't respond to any of the stuff last night because horrifically stressed out but vi am now alive neospring thank you

⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726605494464

hi i& have you added on simply plural and wanted to ask what formation level meant? if you’re willing to share ofc!! /nf just curious :3

no worries! it's a personal thing for vei, vi use it to signify how fragmented violy zombies are! 1 = full fragment, no identity, just functional all the way to 6 = complex, full identity, memories, front tells, interests, etc!

Yubi , Aero ! 1726600168458

can I have the psd for the icon/banner if zomb used one?

vi made it violenceself! vi would be willing to dm it to you as long as it's not redistributed please ^^

⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726594355268


oh violy god. the time. the time has come. /silly

vi could infodump about transformers [ longest held spin ] but today vi am gonna infodump about undertale bc thats violy second longest running spin.

so. vi want to talk about the imagery of stars in undertale.

for one, we all know the most popular star in the game, the save star. it represents the players ability to fold time to fix a mistake, redo an interaction, replay something, etc.

but vi want to talk about the significance of the stars to monsters as a whole. vi have a running theory / headcanon that the save star is a kind of magic that was accessible to monsters a long time ago, which is why they're there in the first place, but that monsters no longer believe in its magic or find no use for it so they can no longer see the stars hidden throughout their home.

also, the actual sky stars, is something that is brought up quite a bit in the game! it's something that a lot of monsters hope to see, due to being locked underground their whole lives. vi feel that the sky stars represent freedom and an end of a conflict to monsterkind. as their being able to see it means that they have the chance to rebuild, hope, and live again on the surface.

and a bonus fact completely unrelated to this infodump is that transformers has canon transfem lesbians :D

good morning neospringers vi am sick but would you like to see a picture of violy stuffie Harold.

⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726515843640


facts / lore

  1. the numbers of an ipv4 all indicate something about your connection, computer's connectivity, and location. BUT. that is ONLY for ipv4 addresses. [ type addresses ] ipv6 addresses are formatted differently and indicated different connections, ports, locations, ethers, etc. and ipv6 addresses are becoming more common, as ipv4 addresses are running out of unique number combos ( can u tell vi wanna be a computer science major )
  2. violy dad works as an IT cybersecurity worker at a hospital! he's the one who inspired vei to garner an interest computer science, web design, and cybersecurity :p

and lovemail? TODAY you guys get to hear about violy adoration for violy goober MYSTERY whom vi adore. silly, funny, supportive, talented, interesting, unique, WOW!!! also lesbian vi guess ...... /silly. but vi love hanging out with zher !!! zhe's really cool and fun to hang out with and vi hope zhe knows vi would die for zher tbh

⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726510651150

i wanted to ask if i could get the little banner/divider things under the rules bit? i’ve seen them everywhere but can never find the separate parts

vi found them here !! this person made them originally :3

⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726509224770


what is zombie problem ,,, why are zomb purpble /ref

what is SPIRALS problem. why are are SPIRAL purpble.......... /silly

⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726506394481


uhhhh fact of the day is that some spiders eat their own webs to make new webs !! like recycling but like Spider

everytime vi'm sad vi remember violy qpp is bill cipher [ silly ]

just clearing up that vi am not gonna be responding to hate or discourse !! srry for the initial response to the first ask, that was immature of vei, but vi am not gonna continue that. thank you and have a nice day! drink some water!

♱ㅤ—ㅤtaichou 1726498285112

( i'm not used to 2nd person prns so pls excuse any mistakes TT ) zombie page is very cool, do zomb take requests ? it's ok if not !

thank you so much !! vi do take requests ! and thank you for trying :D

⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726487347880

how do you pronounce your display name?

zoh-chee-quet-zall!! it's an aztec / mexica name, from mythology, and represents the goddess of love, art, dance and fertility :]

⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726454790005


⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726454394630


Vi am uh. Sick. right now. but its OK bc vi have chicken noodle soup!!!!!!

⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726454405688



⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726449354846


thanks! unfortunately at this juncture, violy schedule is packed!

Kafka mention

holy shit kafka hsr is real?

⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726338316014

🕷 🕷

two bits of lore gotcha!!

  1. well, until recently, violy swarm had no host. xe've had hosts in the past, but from about march to august 2024, xe had no functional host. it wasn't the Worst, but yes xe had some memory issues and a lot worse time remembering things and getting through the day since xe switch multiple times a day. but recently xe've finally settled on a host! so xe're adjusting to that, after having adjusted to operating without one for months.

  2. xe've never left america.... this is a very unfortunate piece of lore but, xe've never been able to afford it. xe have family who live in ethiopia and the dominican republic and other places, but xe've never been able to go there xourselves.

⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726252037816


god. vi love violy friends so much. rn going to appreciate violy friend sekigan, since seki's the first to come to mind. we've known each other for a few years now, admittedly had a pretty bad falling out, but vi'm so glad we're talking again. seki's so fun and interesting and wonderful. and vi love waking up to see notifs from seki hehe. 10/10 goober highly recommend.

⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726252017325


a little tired right now... been working on Career Stuff and some low priority tasks for most of the day so blegh. but taking some time to relax rn! :)

⠀ ✦ ⠀ ┄  THE DECAYED 1726183011014


hmmm some lore... when vi was around 13-14 years old, vi could quote pretty much the entire 2007 Transformers movie from memory

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