anonymous 1726515843640


facts / lore

  1. the numbers of an ipv4 all indicate something about your connection, computer's connectivity, and location. BUT. that is ONLY for ipv4 addresses. [ type addresses ] ipv6 addresses are formatted differently and indicated different connections, ports, locations, ethers, etc. and ipv6 addresses are becoming more common, as ipv4 addresses are running out of unique number combos ( can u tell vi wanna be a computer science major )
  2. violy dad works as an IT cybersecurity worker at a hospital! he's the one who inspired vei to garner an interest computer science, web design, and cybersecurity :p

and lovemail? TODAY you guys get to hear about violy adoration for violy goober MYSTERY whom vi adore. silly, funny, supportive, talented, interesting, unique, WOW!!! also lesbian vi guess ...... /silly. but vi love hanging out with zher !!! zhe's really cool and fun to hang out with and vi hope zhe knows vi would die for zher tbh


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