whats with werewolf and the mogai/nonbinary fixation? was mogai discourse as serious for you as it was for him?
I'm unsure what you mean by this?
See, after I outgrew the transmed views, I just didn't care about what people identify as if it's not actively harmful, and me being "mogai" myself, I just wanted to live life. It was the fox that made it such a big deal due to him holding a massive grudge against mogai (Because of bad experiences he had with them and being in the transmed community for so long, where he makes the claim that "they make a mockery of real trans people and makes transphobes hate us"), and tried to make it my problem so bad, despite the fact I don't like getting too much into lgbt discourse. 🤷🏾 That's only when it became serious to me since I kept getting dragged into it.