🍏 About me My favorite shark is the thresher shark. Their hunting style and tail based methods they use to survive is really interesting to me. I mean, how cool is that? Imagine havin a big ass tail and puncturing stuff with it for your next dinner. It’s sick.

🌈 Current mood I already answered this in somethin else you sent, but that’s only because I was really fuckin late to respondin to that one. So, I’ll re-iterate. I’m doing better than I was earlier today and that’s because I get to chill with ya. So it’s been cool.

🫧 Enstars stuff There’s going to be another Enstars event on 9/14 and I’m really hyped. It’s centered around Kuro and honestly I’m more neutral when it comes to him, but maybe the story apart of this event will make me like em more. I do really like his character design regardless, though. So, points to him for that. There’s also going to be a 4* Tetora card, and recently I really started lovin his character. I used to hate em for a really dumb reason. LMAO. I got the same 5* card of him twice on special outfit scouts, so I was really salty. I finally got over myself though and took advantage of the elevated level cap and maxed him out. I really love his outfit with that card and he really has grown on me a ton, so I’m excited to get a fuck ton of points and grind my ass off this weekend so I can get his card for this event.

🌾 Random rant I made a really half-assed presentation today for my homeroom class. It took me about 15 minutes and I shoved in random memes into the slides. I’m still getting full credit despite my laziness. Shits crazy, dude. It was a presentation on what my favorite place to be was. He said I couldn’t say “my room” (I’m a fucking loser who never comes out unless I’m obligated to OR when I see my best friend), so I made somethin up. Kinda. I wasn’t lyin about likin the place, it’s just not really my favorite. But anyways, I chose Skyzone as my pick because if you didn’t know, I love trampolines. But do you know what I like MORE than that? I like beatin little kids in skyzone dodgeball. So, I included that fact, too. Fire presentation.

🐛 Based opinion Hop. Isn’t. A. Bad. Rival. I rest my case.


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