𝜗𝜚   SHARK   /   DRAX


☆ : SHE/HE 15 : ☆    linktree (っ- ‸ -ς)

         MY BOYFRIEND <3

( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ  “ 20%  COOLER. ”

YOU’VE ENCOUNTERED A  WILD  ANON! ( ˶°ㅁ°) !! 1726334714362

❮  :: ASK GAME  ☆ ⋆

; 🍏 ABOUT ME ﹟



; ✦ RANDOM RANT ⚡️ )


Okay, done re-theming. Woohoo.

I’m re-themin, so I’m turnin asks off for now.

🍏 About me My favorite shark is the thresher shark. Their hunting style and tail based methods they use to survive is really interesting to me. I mean, how cool is that? Imagine havin a big ass tail and puncturing stuff with it for your next dinner. It’s sick.

🌈 Current mood I already answered this in somethin else you sent, but that’s only because I was really fuckin late to respondin to that one. So, I’ll re-iterate. I’m doing better than I was earlier today and that’s because I get to chill with ya. So it’s been cool.

🫧 Enstars stuff There’s going to be another Enstars event on 9/14 and I’m really hyped. It’s centered around Kuro and honestly I’m more neutral when it comes to him, but maybe the story apart of this event will make me like em more. I do really like his character design regardless, though. So, points to him for that. There’s also going to be a 4* Tetora card, and recently I really started lovin his character. I used to hate em for a really dumb reason. LMAO. I got the same 5* card of him twice on special outfit scouts, so I was really salty. I finally got over myself though and took advantage of the elevated level cap and maxed him out. I really love his outfit with that card and he really has grown on me a ton, so I’m excited to get a fuck ton of points and grind my ass off this weekend so I can get his card for this event.

🌾 Random rant I made a really half-assed presentation today for my homeroom class. It took me about 15 minutes and I shoved in random memes into the slides. I’m still getting full credit despite my laziness. Shits crazy, dude. It was a presentation on what my favorite place to be was. He said I couldn’t say “my room” (I’m a fucking loser who never comes out unless I’m obligated to OR when I see my best friend), so I made somethin up. Kinda. I wasn’t lyin about likin the place, it’s just not really my favorite. But anyways, I chose Skyzone as my pick because if you didn’t know, I love trampolines. But do you know what I like MORE than that? I like beatin little kids in skyzone dodgeball. So, I included that fact, too. Fire presentation.

🐛 Based opinion Hop. Isn’t. A. Bad. Rival. I rest my case.

🌾 Random rant I’ve been having a fun time expressin myself more. Both with my clothing style (and my hair), but also bein generally more open to showin everyone what my interests are. Not everyone likes my self expression, but who cares about them. Been tryin to get better about not carin what people around me think, it’s really fuckin hard but doing this has been freeing. Even with the people who don’t like it, there’s been a lot of compliments I’ve gotten from people who DO like it. Which is cool, and their opinion on that is dope. Overall, it’s been cool and shit. Woohoo. 🐛 Based opinion Uh. I’m thinkin of somethin. Okay, wait. Saw some shit on TikTok and I wanna bring that up because I thought it was stupid as hell. Representing body types ≠ sexualization. I don’t know if you’re aware of what I’m even talkin about, but basically someone drew a plus sized character with a big chest (which, is accurate to a lot of plus sized people for OBVIOUS reasons) and it started an entire controversy surrounding it. I think it’s really fuckin dumb. They were not sexualizin their character at all, they were fully clothed and there was no emphasis on their chest whatsoever, it was just there. Y’know, how actual people are. Just bein there. Nothin was wrong with it at all and yet everyone was sayin “Oo ooo gooner art” or “Why is no one hating?” Please shut up. For one, people WERE hating. People like you that are dumb fucks. No one cares about your stupid opinions. These are just makin people with that body type feel even worse about themselves. Shut the hell up. That’s my opinion for today.

🍏 About me I really like cats. I own two of my own and they are really fuckin cute. You already knew that, though. But, they said hi to you and they love you. Stormy is sprawled out on the floor and Belphie is sleeping on my dresser. They’re both comfortable. 🌈 Current mood I’m relieved to be done with school now, so there’s that. I’ve been really stressed out but I’m glad to be home and finally be able to settle down. Also, I’m on the phone with you now so that’s nice. I like doing that.

Here I made another sideblog for resources and stuff on tumblr and I wanted to show you https://www.tumblr.com/changelinglove

That’s really dope. I love it.

Gotcha 🌈 So I’m getting my hair done right now and I really love the hair stylists here. They make me feel really welcomed and I never feel forced to speak or do anything I don’t wanna. She knows I’m really socially awkward with shit usually do she makes sure I have space from the other clients here when needed. So, in other words, I’m doing good. Also, I get to talk to you so I’m extra good 🐛 Uhhh opinion, I got one. I think people should stop trying to speak on disorders they don’t have and quit speaking OVER those who do. It’s not helping adding to the stigma that people with said disorders are bound to face, one way or another. Not only that, but it adds literally nothing to the conversation. Those who struggle shouldn’t have to put 10x the amount of work to be accepted when they can’t even accept themselves. Just leave people the hell alone if you have no place to speak on the matter, simple as that

Can you give me Tatsumi facts or opinions or what you like about him all that, I wanna learn more

Eerm 🤓 Oofc ofc Sso, I rlly fucking love Tatsumi Kazehaya 4 SOOOOOOO many reasons. Llike I’m literally gonna die. Hhes my pookie bear y’all don’t know him like I do. II luv how open minded he is, despite him being a very religious character. II rlly like this aspect 2 him bc it brings 2 the table the concept of holding faith towards smth, while also being open 2 all possibilities even if they don’t align w ur beliefs. Tthis makes him a very interesting character 2 me and rlly sticks out. Hhe runs a talk show where he allows ppl 2 come on and spill wtv worries they have, as he seeks out 2 help ppl. Wwhen he was first starting his idol career, it was nearly cut entirely short due 2 an injury he underwent. Bbc of this, he’s all the more thankful 4 wuts presented 2 him and doesn’t take things lightly. Hhe has no issue expressing gratitude 4 everything around him and although that sometimes gets him into situations bc of the fact he has such good intent and a pure heart, it’s so fucking admirable nonetheless. II rlly see him in u and that makes me adore him all the more. Hhe always goes out his way 2 spread joy 2 others and doesn’t hesitate 2 put everything he has on the line 4 those he cares abt. Eeven if he doesn’t know someone personally, if @ all, he’s always more than willing 2 lend a helping hand. Tthis can be shown within his actions he took towards completely re-modeling his ENTIRE fucking dorm room into a whole ass dance room 4 his fellow idols, and otherwise. Tthough, bc of this willingness 2 help others, it can often times be rlly hard 4 him 2 accept help 4 himself. Tthis can often turn sour (as stated b4), though every1 around him knows and agrees that his end goals are always in others favors and never filled with malice. Aa very known fact about him to mention is that his family is in possession of a church, and also, his dad being a priest and all that. Tthere is a lot more to him, but there’s some basic information about him. Iif u wanna learn some more on ur own, check out his wiki page too bc that’s always a good place 2 start w learning more abt him.

I'm watching Aphmau right now and I'm watching the Aphmaus Year series what if I sob this is so sad

Give me a fact or two or three about a pokemon of your choosing

II am very glad 2 oblige 2 this request B) #1 Decidueye Tthis isn’t some ground breaking fact and it’s common knowledge 2 anyone in the PKMN community, but I’m gonna say it anyways. Iit’s well-known 4 being introduced in Pokémon S&M (Sun and Moon), but it got RE-introduced in Pokémon Legends Arceus as one of the starter options (as well as Oshawott and cyndaquil as the other two) where it was given another form for it’s final evolution, it’s Hisuian form. II luv both the original design for Decidueye AND this variant native 2 it’s region. II wanna go on a rant abt this game in general so I’ll do that soon, too. #2 Trainer Red IIk u said Pokémon of my choosing, but I wanted 2 list another (well-known) fact abt the trainers specifically. Tthe trainer in this case, being Red, whom of which was the protagonist and trainer u play as in the first generation. In the second generation (Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver), we are playing as a different trainer. As a final challenge apart of these games, u are able 2 visit MT. Silver where u will find the previous champion of Kanto awaiting u. Iit’s here where u r challenged one last time in a battle w a former Pokémon legend in a valiant fight. Iit was (and still is) a large talking point within the PKMN community as a whole, as there can be a lot of discussion brought abt from this one instance. Llike, how long had he’d been waiting? Wwhy was he up there? Sso many questions, and there’s been a lot of theories made centered around this occurrence and I luv little details like these in Pokémon. Nnot 2 mention, this concept has brought along a lot of Poképastas, too. Wwin-win. #3 Spin-off games Aagain, it’s not smth specific 2 random Pokémon and it’s a more generalized statement, but I also wanted 2 bring this up bc I adore Pokémon spin-off games. Tthere are a multitude of branched off Pokémon games that aren’t tailored 2 the main storyline within the series, but ENTIRELY worth looking into and trying 4 urself. Tthis is entirely js a thing I wanted 2 include out of my nerdiness (and, like… Tthis whole reply), but also 2 js acknowledge the hard work Game Freak and the Pokémon company as a whole put into the series. Ffor example, take Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. Tthere r actually a lot of versions of this concept alone and it’s definitely worth it 2 try out and I entirely recommend. Bbut one of my FAVORITE spin-offs of the franchise, would be none other than Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness. NNO ONE FUCKING TALKS ABOUT THIS SHIT AND ITS SO UNDERRATED HOLYFUDBDK. Iit’s very different from other Pokémon games 4 SO many reasons. II luv the take it has, but I will say, if u haven’t played or looked into it, bro ur in 4 it. Nnot gonna spoil shit but it takes the word “darkness” in its title VERY literally. Iit’s so good jshdbb. Ookay, those are 3 little facts of mine I’ve brought 2 the table. Iits prolly not all too surprising 2 those seeing this that r very involved in series, but 2 u Arcjec, I hope these were some cool things 2 learn about. MMWAAAH.

Goodmorning <333 (It'll be morning by the time you see this LMAO) hii 🌈 + 🌾?

Mmoooorning grrr eats u 🌈 II’m doing good, I copped some Call of Duty related URLS earlier 2 use l8r and I’m rlly happy abt that and I’m happy 2 be talking w u <3 🌾 Ttiny rant abt yesterday, I got a book lended 2 me and I haven’t read the book series in a few years so it’s rlly refreshing 2 get back into it. II was introduced to it in 6th grade and it’s insane how like? IIt’s been 4 yrs since then and it’s nice 2 revisit smth that holds a special place in my heart. II luv reading and I constantly find excuses 2 dive into a book. Aand 4 anyone else seeing this (since u already know wut book I’m talking abt, Arcjec), I’m talking abt the Percy Jackson series. II luv PJO raaaaa RAAAA EATS THE BOOK SO LOUD.

流失 1725139050744


Thank you, I really like yours too. It’s so sick and pleasing to look at. But, to answer those two things;

🫧 I’m currently playing Ensemble Stars, so I’ll talk about that. I just pulled a 5* Tatsumi card and I really love his character. I associate him with my boyfriend so this made me incredibly happy. I enjoy the unit he’s apart of, too. ALKALOID has hella good music and I also love Mayoi for the same reason I adore Tatsumi. I like characters that I can associate my partner with. They both have amazing character designs and I love their voices. Their voice actors did an incredibly good job with those two and I can’t get enough of hearing them. Mayoi has a very unique voice with a lot of vocal range, too. Tatsumi’s voice is smooth while singing but especially while he speaks regularly in his voice lines. Overall, both of them have a special place in my heart for their respective reasons. (I’m going to answer the next thing in a comment, running out of space) -

Pulls up to a resturaunt, walks in asks for a table. Pulls out a chair. Takes my jacket off and puts it on the chair. Sits down and puts a napkin on my lap. Pulls up the menu to cover my face and orders. One 🌈 and 🫧 please ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️

Hehe hiii! Okay ^w^ So, currently I feel pretty good! I’m really out of it, but with that out of the picture, I’m having a good day. Thank you for askinggggg! To answer your second inquiry, hhhhm… Got one! Alright, sit down for this one. Coming at you with more Pokémon stuff, of course. I really love Decidueye! From it’s first from, all the way to its final evolution, I adore them all. Pokémon Sun and Moon was the first Pokémon game I EVER got the opportunity and pleasure of playing for myself. Up until that point, I was always on the TCG side of things and liked collecting plushies, too! It stayed that way until I was aroundddd 9? And then I got to play that on the 3DS! I know it sounds dramatic, but it really changed my life. It only made my love for Pokémon grow even more. The first time I played actually, I chose Litten. I was very obsessed with any cat-related Pokémon so that was my pick! Though, over the years, I’ve grown to really appreciate the Rowlet line.

I got oneee!ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞

In my (very based) pokémon opinion, being an asshole ≠ being a good rival. Listen as I further elaborate my thoughts on this matter; I don’t think being a try-hard and difficult rival to beat automatically makes a rival “good”. In the earlier generations, rivals wouldn’t have much character outside of attempting to take the player down and be a Pokémon champion, but failing in the end. Not to say I don’t like this “archetype”? Of characters within the game, seeing as Blue/Green is one of my favorite rivals. That being said, in hindsight, these types of characters can be a bit “bland”, per se. Because if you take away their drive to crush the player in battle, what more do they have to them?

With that being said, I propose another factor into this argument. Hop, from Pokémon Sword and Shield is an objectively “better” character in terms of ideals and fleshed out personality. It makes him far more interesting since -



Againnn, can people seriously shut the fuck up? No one gives a shit about petty crap that doesn’t involve a single person they’re sending anonymous asks to and berating. Nobody cares! :3

Σ(°ロ°) OKAYYY!

🍏 ABT ME! Hmmm I’m the hugest Pokémon fan to have ever walked the earth and I have an amazing cute handsome pretty GORGEOUSSSSS boyfriend (you) ;3

🌈 CURRENT MOOD! Hmmm I’m doing good today! Feeling extra silly and especially giddy over this ask. I’m having quite the fine afternoon if I do say so myself

🫧 POKÉMON!!!!! TEEHEE OHMYVNOB OKAY SO RANDOM FACT ABOUT POKÉMON (that I’ve already told you b4 but I’ll say it again) Some Pokémon have have unique designs depending on their gender. For example, a male Eevee has a different tail pattern at the end of it (more spiky), whereas female Eevees have a more softer and rounded tail pattern! This goes for numerous other Pokémon as well, and sometimes, even having different colors depending on the variant!

🌾 RANDOM RANT! I kind offf already did that with the Pokémon part and I’m running out of space, so take that as my rant instead hehe


Okayyy laylout is all done :3c WOOOOHOOOOO (guys guys check out my ask game!)

YOU’VE ENCOUNTERED A  WILD  ANON! ( ˶°ㅁ°) !! 1725033804403

❮  :: ASK GAME  ☆ ⋆






Also uhh current mood I can't think of anything else to ask I already know so much about you help

I’m feeling extra silly 2day TYTY FOR ASKINGGGG KISSES UR CHEEK

Good morning you don't have an ask game so just ramble rant do something

GOOOOD MORNING SILLY :3 I’ll make an ask game very very soon……

BUTTT okay I got a rant 4 u! SOOOO ENSTARS!! I really really luv Ensemble Stars X3 ESPEEECIALLY KOGA OGAMI AND MIDORI TAKAMINE! They’re the silliest ever in Enstars and I won’t take criticism for that take because it’s FACTUAL and TRUE. But, onto specifics, it makes me really upset when people hate on Midori. At first, I wasn’t really drawn to him and always had my focus on Koga and Ritsu (I’m a big KnightsP too! Normalize being a commited PD 4 multiple characters & units). I also just didn’t like RYUSEITAI’s music because it didn’t really stick with me. But over the years that I’ve been playing since ENGstars released, he’s grown on me and RYUSEITAI as a whole. People tend to call Midori a bland character, or even calling him straight up unattractive and unappealing character design. Everyone in held to their own opinions, yes, BUT ITS JUST BAFFLING BECAUSE (I have to finish this in a reply) -

In addition, I understand wanting to bring awareness to someone’s actions. But a lot of what I see is just petty Discord drama that really doesn’t need to be shared beyond the platform the problem originated from. It’s really immature and if you don’t want people interacting with the person you don’t like, then just stay away from said people and the person you have an issue with. I’m not some soft little bitch, but what I’m saying is the fact it’s just plain annoying at this point. (ᵕ—ᴗ—)

Whyyy can’t everyone just be nice? I’m really starting to get tired of people sending rentries on random peoples pages spreading drama around and starting a wildfire every other day. :’3 Of course, toxicity is everywhere on the Internet, I wasn’t born yesterday. HOWEVER!! I don’t really see the big deal in a lot of these things when they could easily be situated in private. Or, at least just, oh I dunno… Not interact with the person you have issue with? It’s not that hard or that deep.

Kit 1724953668242



venven ﹒⠀♰ 1724789638522

ur theme is so cute omgg, it reminds me of a forest and green tea!!

Ohmygodohmygod thank you!! :3 I love urs too, so adorable and pleasing to the eye ( ≧ᗜ≦)


Gguys he’s just embarrassed that he rlly liked the backshots last night

Yyes!!! Tthats my kink moans so loud it could be confused w a scream

YOU’VE ENCOUNTERED A  WILD  ANON! ( ˶°ㅁ°) !! 1724760698878

Kill yourself please

YOU’VE ENCOUNTERED A  WILD  ANON! ( ˶°ㅁ°) !! 1724760785379

Hey uhm.. so your boyfriend is actually a really problematic person. He says the f slur online... yeah...... I can get you proof if you want,,,

IIk he does and it rlly turns me on when he calls me one moans

YOU’VE ENCOUNTERED A  WILD  ANON! ( ˶°ㅁ°) !! 1724760664076

You're a faggot

jester/po⠀⚲ 1724634114273

user pokemon do you fuck with zangoose...


Apologizing for Arcjec,, undoes the death threat and kisses you ^^ -purple one

LYCAN ✮ 1724343585444

whos ur favorite pokemon !!!!

OJDMDHENEJDB OHMYGOD I can answer this!! Raises hand!! So I have a few… Not in any particular order, however; Decidueye, Lucario, Arcanine (and Growlithe), Marshadow + more! I love Pokémon so so so much and it’s been my fixation ever since childhood and there’s just too many that I adore. Hope this was a decent answer! (˶˃ᆺ˂˶)

Whats a human like you doing around these parts...leans on a doorframe..hi..

Hii troll boy (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) Nothing much, you?

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