anonymous 1727632871513

who/ how do u message neospring developers? I need them threads sorry im so impatient and lazy and easily irked, opening a new window, switching tabs and sometimes accidently clicking the link and u go back the top and have to rescroll is so annoyyying so I might hit them up in a nice way ofc, maybe if they realize a lot of ppl like the threads function they'll add it or work on it cause seeing the entire thread of convo was such a great feature

ask on ive already explained the feature to the developer and it would take a lot more work since its not an add on feature but reworking foundation i think? so if we get it itll take time you can try tho. i feel bad cuz its harder for you guys but the only suggestion i have is long clicking it doesnt actually open a brand new tab you get a preview of it and if you let go it goes away but i hope its soon i miss the feature

requeefiem 1727634370096


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