Gotcha 🌈 So I’m getting my hair done right now and I really love the hair stylists here. They make me feel really welcomed and I never feel forced to speak or do anything I don’t wanna. She knows I’m really socially awkward with shit usually do she makes sure I have space from the other clients here when needed. So, in other words, I’m doing good. Also, I get to talk to you so I’m extra good 🐛 Uhhh opinion, I got one. I think people should stop trying to speak on disorders they don’t have and quit speaking OVER those who do. It’s not helping adding to the stigma that people with said disorders are bound to face, one way or another. Not only that, but it adds literally nothing to the conversation. Those who struggle shouldn’t have to put 10x the amount of work to be accepted when they can’t even accept themselves. Just leave people the hell alone if you have no place to speak on the matter, simple as that


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Yay I'm glad thats going good <3 AND YEAH RIGHT people act so educated when it comes to hating on anyone with a disorder it's insane

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