We're doing like argumental presentations, and my class is debating if people are born gay... what do you think are people born gay?
As a kid, your main focus is to play, learn, and socialize. Only white liberal parents who have no true concern for their next of kin will enforce this "sentiment".
No longer speaking on this matter.
technically, yes. however, society normalized heterosexuality, likely because it is more common. people can choose to accept their attraction, or suppress it. either way, they cant control it biologically i guess. animals have been shown to be homosexual as well. (mating tendencies towards males and no regard for females), and... clearly they cant be "brainwashed" into being gay
I think people are born without any concept of sexual orientation, and are then raised to think heterosexuality is normal and homosexuality is deviant. The actual reasons why people end up preferring one gender or another are mysterious even to the people who experience such attraction, and while scientists generally believe there are biological and early childhood factors in sexual orientation, and it definitely isn't "just a choice", no "gay gene" has been identified. Besides, heterosexual people are very often capable of experiencing same-sex attraction. It's much more fluid than binary models would suggest.
I would also like to stress in all of these discussions that being gay would be exactly as okay if it were a choice, as if it were genetic, because it is not inherently a problem. Homosexuality does not cause any harm that heterosexuality does not, and greatly benefits society in the ways that all forms of love do.
From a genetic standpoint, homosexuality does seem to be at least somewhat influenced by your DNA. However, a large portion of your traits, including homosexuality, may or may not develop based on outside factors.
That being said, homosexuality has been observed in many different animals, so it is definitely natural.