Waves so much. I'll have every single one of them🧢🩵💤🐬

WAVES BACK SO FAST MY HAND BREAKS 🧢◟ thank you for doing this emoji bc i need to RANT. so i finished the game yesterday and holy fuck MY HEART. I MISS IT SO BAD like yes i can replay it but UGH there's nothing like the first time you play a game. i've grown attached to the characters and knowing there might not be a ghosts 2 BUT HOPING THERE IS ONE it makes me mad about the cliffhanger. i won't spoil it in case you ever play but they better make a ghosts 2 bc the cliffhanger is ANNOYING. other than that i've been sad about it being over. i can do my analysis paste finally but at what cost GAH. maybe i'll add speculations or write out a map on what i think will happen if ghosts 2 gets released ever... 🩵◟ keegan has a monster every so often. idk what flavor he would like but once he's retired he'll have one occassionally when mun is sipping on one. 💤◟ I'M HAPPY BC I'M GONNA STREAM ART TO MY FRIENDS SOON! i'm making them matching icons of bell and adler from call of duty :3 🐬◟ sipping on monster and chilling out... talking to my friends :D



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I'll have to check out that game sometime it sounds cool, also oh my god ART that sounds so fun, It'll look awesome

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