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#20 , 17 / 10 / 2024 , QOTD

What is something you're currently looking forward to? A release date, a special occasion or event, etc.

Current Theme : General Questions


red 1729173344992

pretty hyped for wwwyf even though i cant FUCKING go. i got a friend thats gone 2 vegas 4 it already and they r likely gonna facetime me during it but still id kill to go man... i get sad thinking abt it so many of my fav bands are there

ivan / renato 1729171854685

Later this October to see if I'll be going to an anime event nearby, Alien Stage round 7, and my art class's halloween art event
December because my science class will be on break, and later in December to again see if I'll be going to an anime con
It's a pretty big convention though (Comic Fiesta), and I heard the lines were bad so I'm kinda worried, but if I do go, I get to meet with some art classmates, go in cosplay, and potentially get more ORV merch and see other ORV cosplayers in person that would be so cool I'd freak out

twilight 1729171351512

nov 12th. no explanation only rentry addicts will get it

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