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#001 , 28 / 9 / 2024 : QUESTION OF THE DAY

-- What makes your ideal sleeping environment / conditions? How many blankets and pillows? Any plushies or stuffed animals? Specific lighting needs?

( Current Theme : General Questions. )


Steven !!! 1727873085409

Bed. Dark room all the way, I won't ever be able to sleep when it's bright. Not even a lamp can be on. I always need at least two pillows ( don't care which type ) because I like to hug a pillow when I sleep! Also two blankets at least, one thick and one thin. I used to have plushies by me but I kept shoving them off my bed in my sleep so I stopped using them. I can sleep in silence but sometimes my brain doesn't shut up and I can't stop thinking of two million things at once so I often listen to repetitive music or audio, it has to be consistent or constant! Like white noise or a looping tune from a song. It can't have lyrics or various notes because my brain won't shut up and will start to sing along or do wild stuff to do with the song. I also find it really difficult to sleep in places I'm unfamiliar with or heavily accustomed to, so I won't be able to sleep anywhere that isn't my own bedroom. Anyways I'm rambling, this is useless anyway so that's it!

maxine / ethan 1727701585264

two pillows, two blankets. no plushies or nothin... i just leave the room completely dark. what matters to me is that its soft and the door is locked

BLUE 1727613817878

minimum two pillows and a nice blanket. i also like listening to something if im by i usually end up accidentally sleeping with my headphones on (music) or with youtube

EXPLOSIONTOWN 1727569658160

squishy bed, lots of heavy blankets, and rock hard pillow. also completelydark


We need it to be extremely cold in order to sleep ( solely for the purpose of cuddling up under 3 blankets ). Typically we sleep with 4 pillows and a plushie or two, some amount of lighting is preferred but not 100% mandatory to sleep.

wasian bf♪ 1727556144348

Give me three pillows, a blanket, and sunset lamp. I'll will be OKAY

boombox 1727548651887

i use my comfort blanket all the time :] i turn my led lights to the lowest brightness or just turn them off as a whole. i also sleep with my split, bive, and jard plushie! broker will soon join them when she arrives

twilight 1727545257745

At least two blankets, four pillows, seven plushies, dark lighting, and an eye mask.

Elisya 1727545090320

As long as the surface under me is soft and I have a blanket.

Ink 1727544104384

I literally sleep with a giant paintbrush & 3 pillows and one cartman plushie


No pillow, no blankets, only one sheet under me, sometimes a small pillow under my neck for support. I can sleep with the lights on, I don't mind it. I don't need stuffed animals if real ones invade my bed every night, my cats like sleeping by my side.

People have told me I sleep like a corpse, though I don't see the resemblance. I sleep like that because my back hurts if I don't & it's currently hot as hell 24/7 where I live.


many blankets cause i get cold and i need like 5 billion stuffed animals and also lights/a TV on cause i am scared of spiders #ihave4lightsoneverynight

Vivienne 1727542466784

All I need is my seal plush then I can sleep anywhere!

KORE / BENJAMIN 1727539556710

hhhHHMM probablu... whole tied up in blanket like cocoon witb maybe 2 layers of 1 big blanket and an another smaller one a few plushies on my head so i can sleep on them and 4 pillows (2 of them stacked) and also with @seraph :33


Idk about yall but I sleep anywhere 🙏 I have no issues sleeping in noisy places like public transport or uncomfortable places like chairs . . I literally just eep . . The grind NEVER starts I am sleeping This image is me cause I said so

(⌒▽⌒)☆ 1727537351222

I have TOO MANY sonic plushies, also no light at all I blend into the darkness and steals ur shit in ur house. :333/j

Okay so either lots of blankets or a very light blanket depending on the temperature, and stuffed animals, with lighting it needs to either be dark or warm, dim lighting. Sometimes I like making those bed nests though theyre so comfortable and fun

LEO / AYIN 1727535128172

plushies .... plushies but not too much or ill get sad i cant kiss them all good night OK atual answer would be a minimum of quanity of 1-2 of all of these or ill get uncomfortable i fear... lighting should be NO LIGHTNIT AT AL!!!! i like the dark

LEO / AYIN 1727535128171

plushies .... plushies but not too much or ill get sad i cant kiss them all good night OK atual answer would be a minimum of quanity of 1-2 of all of these or ill get uncomfortable i fear... lighting should be NO LIGHTNIT AT AL!!!! i like the dark

alelex 1727535005756

I LIKE SLEEPING ON THE FLOOR. like one pillow and on the ground, it's so so so so nice. I don't mind noise or light at all, if the ground is either cold or warm and there is one pillow I'm absolutely happy and ok to sleep

f00f the f00fy 1727534737260

I need quiet (white noise is okay but nothing that could hold attention), darkness, and a flat, somewhat soft surface. Necessity of blankets depends on ambient temperature (I prefer some warmth). Still figuring out the ideal number of pillows.


i dont have any set rules i need, but 2 pillows, a weighted blanket and just another general blanket is nice…

albeit i used to sleep on a hammock at my dads b4 we got an actual bed for me so im not that picky


Both my pillow and mattress should be made of memory-foam or I'm going to be in pain. A regular body pillow also helps me sleep, since I'm so boney and need something to keep my legs from piling on each other other (I sleep on my side after all).

I'm not actually sure what the blanket I like is called in English (I think it's a duvet, in French it's une couette), but I like the bulkier/fluffier ones used for Winter, even when it's very hot outside.

Sometimes, a stuffed animal doesn't hurt to hug wile asleep, but I roll around a lot and they always end up on the floor eventually :C

randompcb 1727529149299

A dark room, a soft pillow and a warm blanket. And a nightstand where I can place my glasses. Oh, and in summer, air conditioning instead of a blanket (and cool, but not too cold...)

And let's not forget the fluffy slippers near the bed XD (I like fluffy slippers what's wrong with it)

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