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♡( ◡ ◡) QOTD #16  ✦ what is / was your least favourite subject in school ?



anything involving equations. mathematics, physics, chemistry, all of it.

Any and all math. It makes me feel bad.

In elementary school it was PE. Absolutely exhausting and I couldn't physically do some of the things they asked. One day after I complained too many times the teacher punished me by having me sit in the corner while the other students ran... and I just did that on purpose for the rest of the year because I wanted to skip the class.

In middle and high school it was science. I actually loved the subject matter but had terrible luck with professors.

I don't have a least favorite subject now! I get to choose my classes as a college student :D

Phys ed or math. I like running around and playing games but our physical education classes had the most boring shit and annoying people i dreaded it

social studies it was boring as hell idgaf about the british

Math, dyscalculia

math because i absolutely suck at it & no matter how hard i try i can’t focus or get anything right

math mostly bc of the teacher ok now for a quick like story or smth idk when iw as in math class i prob one of the best naps ive ever took like i was drooling and shit i felt like i could gutpunch someone i felt etheral yes ik i spelt etheral wrong its 1 am

I really hate Physics and Maths!

gym. i have gym in semester 2 with the most hated teacher in the entire school wish me luck

it was always PE... i could never be as good at sports and physical activities as my peers, and it would upset me. this was especially true in elementary school, where my teachers would belittle me, too. i often tried to find ways to evade PE classes...

mine is any kind of math...... sigh 🚬

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