PEOPLE GOOD AT CSS..... is there any to hide only my comments tab on my profile using css.... i tried ".pillmenu.convertible a:last-child { display: none; }" but then it hides both comments and questions, and i am a complete noob at css... HALP!
it's not that you're bad at CSS. distinguishing between items in different pillmenus is going to require one of those extra arcane CSS features that no one uses unless they're working around someone else's code (which we are, in this case)
try this:
.pillmenu.convertible a[href$="/comments"] {
display: none;
keep in mind, this will not stop people from manually typing
into their browser's URL bar. it just makes the link invisible.
if you want to prevent people from seeing your comments it's probably better to request that as a feature
it worked thank you.... i was kinda losing it at this new showing all of a persons comments on their profile feature because i comment a lot of stuff and some of it i do not want to be blasted to the world๐