anonymous 1726849674728

are you actually depressed or are you just faking

When have I ever said I had depression? Hello? Where are you getting this from, anon.. Anywho!

I guess I can say that I do have depression. I do take meds for it, Lamotrigine and Fluoxetine to be specific. (Prozac and Lamictal if you're a brand name type of person).

I just don't let myself be defined by.. Well, depression. That isn't really me. I'm just.. Andy, y'know? None of my illnesses / ailments define me, in my eyes.

Ehm, anyway, I just.. Idk, I don't care if people assume things (that aren't harmful) about me. If you don't think I am a certain way, you can think that. If you think I am ____, you can think that as well! But to really confirm what I have - BPD, Depression, ADHD + Autism, and OSDD-1B.


It's nice you don't let yourself be defined by depression BUT REALLY WHY ARE ANONS LIKE THAT JEEZ 😭


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"or are you faking" EYE LASERS!

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