
Can you give me Tatsumi facts or opinions or what you like about him all that, I wanna learn more

Eerm 🤓 Oofc ofc Sso, I rlly fucking love Tatsumi Kazehaya 4 SOOOOOOO many reasons. Llike I’m literally gonna die. Hhes my pookie bear y’all don’t know him like I do. II luv how open minded he is, despite him being a very religious character. II rlly like this aspect 2 him bc it brings 2 the table the concept of holding faith towards smth, while also being open 2 all possibilities even if they don’t align w ur beliefs. Tthis makes him a very interesting character 2 me and rlly sticks out. Hhe runs a talk show where he allows ppl 2 come on and spill wtv worries they have, as he seeks out 2 help ppl. Wwhen he was first starting his idol career, it was nearly cut entirely short due 2 an injury he underwent. Bbc of this, he’s all the more thankful 4 wuts presented 2 him and doesn’t take things lightly. Hhe has no issue expressing gratitude 4 everything around him and although that sometimes gets him into situations bc of the fact he has such good intent and a pure heart, it’s so fucking admirable nonetheless. II rlly see him in u and that makes me adore him all the more. Hhe always goes out his way 2 spread joy 2 others and doesn’t hesitate 2 put everything he has on the line 4 those he cares abt. Eeven if he doesn’t know someone personally, if @ all, he’s always more than willing 2 lend a helping hand. Tthis can be shown within his actions he took towards completely re-modeling his ENTIRE fucking dorm room into a whole ass dance room 4 his fellow idols, and otherwise. Tthough, bc of this willingness 2 help others, it can often times be rlly hard 4 him 2 accept help 4 himself. Tthis can often turn sour (as stated b4), though every1 around him knows and agrees that his end goals are always in others favors and never filled with malice. Aa very known fact about him to mention is that his family is in possession of a church, and also, his dad being a priest and all that. Tthere is a lot more to him, but there’s some basic information about him. Iif u wanna learn some more on ur own, check out his wiki page too bc that’s always a good place 2 start w learning more abt him.



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