hii just wanted to say that it's completely valid that u want yukinii to be acknowledged as a character too instead of part of a ship,, so many people reduce him to either shipping him with mc or with other r1ze members and don't gaf about him unless they can make everything about their ships when he is such a lovable character by himself.. you're yukikaze's #1 warrior and you are right don't let anyone tell you otherwise
hi anon thanks for your message! yeah idk 😠in no way do i see myself as some sort of yukikaze authority or anything i just like him and want others to like him too. my argument wasn't at all "i wish people would stop talking about shunin and other ships with him period grrr" like obv i get that shunin is very important to him and his character and he has very sweet relationships with everyone else in hama tours. it just makes me a bit upset when people are so often negative about him especially in my translation qrts.... like i understand the intent isn't directed at me but i put time and effort into my tls bc i love yukikaze and want to share his stories with people that it makes me a bit sad to be met with negativity ODBFKFND like that's all i want to say...!