Hello, I'm a person and I draw
This user
YOO ASK ME!! I love to yap about art (and other things)
This profile does not allow anonymous questions.
Are you a 'chat person'? (someone who messages others, DM/PMs a lot, starts convos etc)
What's your current hairstyle? Are you happy with it?
(Probably the most random question ever) What's the door in the room you're currently in made off?
Small game: Describe your pet to me poorly & I have to guess what it is
If you had the chance to transform into something else (species, object) , what would it be? You can only pick one thing besides your human-self
From 0 - 10 how would you rate your handwriting? (10 is best)
What's your favorite theme/aesthetic in profiles? And do you like it more simple or overly decorated?