skykristal 1733604344316

From 0 - 10 how would you rate your handwriting? (10 is best)



I have different handwriting for сyrillic and latin сyrillic maybe 5-6, latin 7

K. 1733711264265

A solid 10!

my classmates failed the exam they tried cheating off me from how bad it was. how do you get a 9/48, HOW!?

-900 holy shit bro my handwriting sucks

boombox 1733626869096

everyone says my handwriting is good but i think it's like. a 4 it is not that good

twilight 1733626604590


My handwriting is so messy (it’s still sorta readable) and for some reason I could be writing small letters then few seconds later they suddenly look big :( tho I’m trying to write better and hopefully get better at writing cursive too 5/10

-10 πŸ˜€

Ehh, my cursive handwriting is like a 4th grader's handwriting, and my printed handwriting can also be a bit mehhh. I think it's safe to say 4/10 on worse days and 6/10 on good days? Lol

n/norman 1733611537975 *

Bad. Boooo. Can't read my handwriting for the life of me XD I'd give it a 4.

fern/elliot ! 1733608217077

on mobile, its alright i think its readable like uh 7 above average computer handwriting is a bit messier i have sizing issues with writing ….. but its readable, 5 dont get me started on my handwriting irl it sucks so fucking bad

randompcb 1733606238213


fucking like . a 5 . i write like a 6th grade boy

f00f the f00fy 1733605488228
  1. Legible, but uneven.

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