current drama im in right now!!!
so, one of my ex friends.. this is online. I'm a FORMER higher ranking staff member in a pretty popular server. though, I've quit many months ago due to them becoming very toxic. but, I had this former friend, paku. he disgusts me to this day and recently had some drama come up again. Back in the server I was staff in, he had made a joke. he put on a sign, "I touch little kids." or something and obviously I got disgusted about that. told him to not ever do that again and how that's absolutely unacceptable. if he did it again, I would've warned him (and ps I know I should've auto warned him now so please dont attack me) guess what he did. he did it again and made another joke about toddlers this time. (still a little kid) now, since this was around 1-2 years ago, its extremely fuzzy but I'm gonna assume I warned him and he most likely argued back with me. now onto current time. oh my gosh. I'm an actual mess with this fucking staff thing (I'm staff in a new server n...
btw forgot to add this: the server my best friend is staff in, I'm the former high rank member from there<3