In an event that split the entirety of my friend group at the time, one of my former friends was outed for manipulating another one of my (mentally ill) former friends into a relationship. To this day, his actions are defended by many people in my former friend group, and to this day everybody involved in the situation doesn't really know what to make of it.
In a community, far far removed from Rentrycord and it's outlying territories, I was responsible for bringing to light the "interesting" political and cultural of a semi-popular YouTuber. (≈150k subscribers) I was a member within their discord community for different reasons, and found a cultivated community of blatant anti-semitism, borderline, if not outright white supremacy, and more. I spent a week or so gathering relevant infractions, and shared them in small personal communities to mock the insanity they spewed.
Months later, completely unrelated, someone made a Twitter post regarding how they did not appreciate the YouTuber for some vague reason. I used this as an opportunity to spread my evidence, and my evidence picked up on the digital winds and spread.
The twitter account was deleted from this, and as far as I can tell, a financial opportunity was lost over this, and their discord was purged, causing a stir in that community.
I feel no pity for the divisive, baser behavior...
So I had this drama where this one person decided to remove ALL the capital letters on my schools power point project, I ended up getting framed (I was not the popular kid) and then that person ended up hating me the whole school year, but I was kinda like 'whatever'
The other one was I was in orchestra and this girl thought i liked my friend (boy) so she literally dated him for no more then 2-3 days, and when I said i didnt care that she was dating him or whatever, they broke up the next day.
I could make a google doc with every single drama i been involved and i wolulndt be able to remember half of them
I almost died because of a short white boy in my school that spread rumors about me last year lmao enough said
I think a lot about one particular fediverse drama where the mods of two large servers posted screenshots of the same DM conversation between them, but in one of them, one of the mods said a slur. Someone took the screenshots to an expert, and the expert said they couldn't prove either of them were faked, but at least one of them must have been. In the end, everyone went on believing whichever mod they liked more, and neither lost any influence. Nothing ever changes.
current drama im in right now!!!
so, one of my ex friends.. this is online. I'm a FORMER higher ranking staff member in a pretty popular server. though, I've quit many months ago due to them becoming very toxic. but, I had this former friend, paku. he disgusts me to this day and recently had some drama come up again. Back in the server I was staff in, he had made a joke. he put on a sign, "I touch little kids." or something and obviously I got disgusted about that. told him to not ever do that again and how that's absolutely unacceptable. if he did it again, I would've warned him (and ps I know I should've auto warned him now so please dont attack me) guess what he did. he did it again and made another joke about toddlers this time. (still a little kid) now, since this was around 1-2 years ago, its extremely fuzzy but I'm gonna assume I warned him and he most likely argued back with me. now onto current time. oh my gosh. I'm an actual mess with this fucking staff thing (I'm staff in a new server n...
i try to avoid any drama as much as i can, but ive had this one classmate who straight up copied the design of my project i did at school
shamelessly used the exact same materials and copied the design. MY BLOOD WAS BOILING AND MY GROUPMATES WERE PISSED. but like if i try telling our teacher that she copied our group's design, it might go wrong in case she somehow convinces the teacher that we're the ones who copied.
so i just decided to change our design last minute and make it look more extravagant than my previous design HAH what she imitated now just looks like a cheap version IM A BIGGER BITCH THAN HER AND IM MAKING SURE SHE ENDS UP LOOKING PATHETIC, YOU CANT OUTDO ME WAHAHA and since that was like the last minute, she could no longer really go and copy the changes i did
but im scared of that girl ngl, she's been envying me for years and quietly wishing for my downfall from like kindergarten to 7th grade, and also doing the same bullshit to other students too 🏃 thank god i moved...
I've been close to a person who had beef with several rentrycords. Got banned, kicked, harassed because of rentry URLs... Mainly Fyodor (BSD) URLs, and URLs like /cute, /rosary, etc. They used to own those URLs. I don't plan on namedropping since I don't want any issues LOL