aoi ⭑ 2/6/2025

Question of the day except it isn't beautiful or meaningful, like, at all.

Imagine you are fighting an alligator. Your only available weapons are a spear and a bucket of mayonnaise.

Which do you choose? Reply with your answer and receive an ENDING!

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I'd get the bucket & put it over its snout so if it acts like a muzzle or whatever & forces it to eat the mayo

uhmndjsndkahs I'll go with mayo

they liked when I fed them marshmallows maybe they'll like mayo and skitter away ??

nate 2/7/2025

The bucket of mayonnaise cus I can blind it with it and put it over its head and run off

now if that bucket is a 200 gal drum and I can drown it and seal it and problem solved

twilight 2/6/2025 *

I'm choosing the bucket of mayonnaise. I have like 0 arm strength, so the spear is useless

im gonna pour the mayonnaise in the alligators eyes

Lei 2/6/2025

Mayo! So the alligator and I can have a picnic instead of fighting

Tokyo ★ 2/6/2025

i will feed the alligator with the mayo and befriend it :) then we will have an epic pizza party and go to a laufey concert together best friends forever fr!!!

bucjet of mayo

can i use the spear and play fetch with the alligator

duo 2/6/2025

I will feed it with mayo -🎼

  1. How big and heavy is this bucket of mayo?

  2. I'd like more options for weaponry please.

  3. IF I HAD TO CHOOSE, I would choose the spear.


Bucket of Mayonnaise