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#Kate Anderson

Anonymous Coward 1728412770840

How is it that Kate can make Cy not cheat on her but Lynn can't? Like, not even in the divorce AU Lynn legit threating to leave is enough for Cy to stop cheating, so what'd you say is the difference there? I'm curious!

The difference is history and circumstances. For the Kate AU, you have to keep in mind Cy never met Lynn in college, didn't become as socially developed, and key point here, never was introduced to kink. Even if Cy has a pretty strong libido across most universes, the reason he starts cheating on Lynn is because they were doing chastity kink play and he got frustrated at the fact denying her meant denying himself too, in a way. This version of Cy isn't kinky, doesn't see cheating as a "game" between Kate and him, so when she asks him to quit sleeping around if he wants to go steady with her, it's not a very big demand— they're not in a D/s relationship! As for the Divorce AU, it's less that Lynn threatened to leave, and more that she just up and decided to leave one day because Cy wasn't taking her emotional needs seriously, the cheating was just one part of it.

#CyLynn #Kate Anderson #AU #Divorce AU
null 1728481484659
Anonymous Coward 1728318997398

how would Kate AU!Cy feel if he ever met canon Cy and Lynn? would he feel like he missed out on something or?

He'd probably be weirded out by how joyful and expressive canon Cy is, and he'd probably be a little envious, but also very glad he ended up with his Kate.

#CyLynn #Kate Anderson #AU
null 1728389576262
Anonymous Coward 1728354597722

Would Cy want to see Lynn and Kate fuck? I feel Kate would obviously be against it (and Lynn probably would to some degree) but idk if them both being against it would turn him off of it if he was ever even interested in the first place tbh

I think it's the kind of thing he'd have a weird horny dream about once and then dismiss.

#CyLynn #Kate Anderson
null 1728384943275
Anonymous Coward 1728261097333

(It’s pest I’m just not logged in) but I forgot if you ever mentioned this, would cy still cheat w other teens and adults if he was with Kate instead of Lynn or would Kate slap him into position if she found out. I have a feeling kate would be a lot less tolerant than lynn

Oh yeah, one of her conditions for going steady in that AU is them being exclusive. Cy relents.

#CyLynn #Kate Anderson #AU
null 1728318348493
Anonymous Coward 1728225583116

In the AU where Cy marries Kate, did the Gloria Patton incident happen to? Would Kate ever find out? What would her reaction be if she did?

It could happen too, and if Kate ever found out she'd find some way to justify it ("it was a long time ago, he's changed since then").

#CyLynn #Kate Anderson #AU
null 1728227816224

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