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Anonymous Coward 1728500203458

divorce au is gonna actually kill me I think. gonna be crying real tears over fictional scumbags.

It made ME cry, that shit hits way harder than you'd expect. Don't worry, they'll be fine long term, though.

#CyLynn #Divorce AU #AU
null 1728504412737
Anonymous Coward 1728491403897

Oooh interesting. Why does divorce Cy stop going for teens?

The fact they were a big factor in the divorce + him quitting his job at Trinity to go teach in a college because being around Lynn all day long is excruciating

#CyLynn #Divorce AU #AU
null 1728492269991
Anonymous Coward 1728482335085

Would Cy ever actually do anything to the daughter once they hit puberty in the baby AU or is Lynn's clear but silent threat of blowing his brains out enough for him to restrain himself?

Cy sees Olivia more as a minion/pet/mini-him than a potential target, Lynn doesn't have anything to worry about.

#CyLynn #Baby AU #AU
null 1728486460934
Anonymous Coward 1728451502321

wait, baby AU? O: Did you ever draw this? I'm crazy curious of how their kid would look like/be like.

I did! You can read a part of it here.

#CyLynn #Baby AU #AU
null 1728481746205
Anonymous Coward 1728449980130

In the CyLynn divorce AU, does Lynn ever report Cy? Or does she just kinda internalize everything?

She doesn't report him, and he stops going for teens after the divorce anyway.

#CyLynn #Divorce AU #AU
null 1728481689967
Anonymous Coward 1728443011354

What would have happened to Cy and the rest of the lore if Lynn had died in the hospital incident?

Honestly, even if he didn't go to prison for it, he'd be absolutely miserable and live the rest of his life just a shell of his former self. Lynn is everything to him.

null 1728481639861
Anonymous Coward 1728412770840

How is it that Kate can make Cy not cheat on her but Lynn can't? Like, not even in the divorce AU Lynn legit threating to leave is enough for Cy to stop cheating, so what'd you say is the difference there? I'm curious!

The difference is history and circumstances. For the Kate AU, you have to keep in mind Cy never met Lynn in college, didn't become as socially developed, and key point here, never was introduced to kink. Even if Cy has a pretty strong libido across most universes, the reason he starts cheating on Lynn is because they were doing chastity kink play and he got frustrated at the fact denying her meant denying himself too, in a way. This version of Cy isn't kinky, doesn't see cheating as a "game" between Kate and him, so when she asks him to quit sleeping around if he wants to go steady with her, it's not a very big demand— they're not in a D/s relationship! As for the Divorce AU, it's less that Lynn threatened to leave, and more that she just up and decided to leave one day because Cy wasn't taking her emotional needs seriously, the cheating was just one part of it.

#CyLynn #Kate Anderson #AU #Divorce AU
null 1728481484659
Anonymous Coward 1728318997398

how would Kate AU!Cy feel if he ever met canon Cy and Lynn? would he feel like he missed out on something or?

He'd probably be weirded out by how joyful and expressive canon Cy is, and he'd probably be a little envious, but also very glad he ended up with his Kate.

#CyLynn #Kate Anderson #AU
null 1728389576262
Anonymous Coward 1728352189302

On the topic of Isabelle and aus, where does she fit in with the divorce au? Does she get with just Cy or just Lynn; does she find another dom? Spend her life lonely? I'm so attached to her already please

While Mac and I have played with the idea of her also getting with Cy because it would be very funny, ultimately for dramatic purposes she doesn't fit in that AU. She'd probably be off somewhere getting therapy, somewhat reconnecting with her mother and probably getting herself an OK Dom after looking for a while.

#CyLynn #Underwoods #Divorce AU #AU
null 1728389400703
Anonymous Coward 1728354597722

Would Cy want to see Lynn and Kate fuck? I feel Kate would obviously be against it (and Lynn probably would to some degree) but idk if them both being against it would turn him off of it if he was ever even interested in the first place tbh

I think it's the kind of thing he'd have a weird horny dream about once and then dismiss.

#CyLynn #Kate Anderson
null 1728384943275
Anonymous Coward 1728345094595

Would Cy find it hot to see two women fuck? Just in general, then also Isabella and Lynn maybe? :) love ur work! Sincerely, a horny yuri enjoyer

Cy's disinterested in women he isn't personally familiar with, so Isabelle and Lynn might be the only combination he'd like to see fuck out of curiosity.

#CyLynn #Underwoods
null 1728347126894
Anonymous Coward 1728344077162

Would Cy ever chemically mess with Lynn? Like use pills to make hornier or something?

Outside of that one comic where he punishes her for smoking weed behind his back, no. He's not big on substance abuse.

null 1728344577284
Anonymous Coward 1728338296835

I know children are not in the cards for Cy and Lynn, but do they have names that they like/would go with/have an attachment to?

In the Baby AU where they have a kid, they named their daughter Olivia!

#CyLynn #Baby AU #AU
null 1728341761656
Anonymous Coward 1728329687230

I was looking at an old comic of yours and wanted to ask if Cy cheating habit has ever overlapped with his and Lynn's dates, and what would he do if that happened?

Cy tries to stay organized and not double-book, but if it happened he'd probably tell the girl he had an unforeseen emergency and go to his date with Lynn.

#CyLynn #
null 1728332913074
Anonymous Coward 1728330129282

In the CyLynn divorce au what does lynn do about the collar, does she keep it on, take it off?

She removes it and gives it back to Cy, as a keepsake. He definitely doesn't feel extremely emotional about it.

#CyLynn #Divorce AU #AU
null 1728331732312
Anonymous Coward 1728318025874

Does eden get his dick chopped off in the yaoi au? (Plsplsplsplspls)

No but I could see Cy messing with Eden's dick to make sure it never gets hard again.

#CyLynn #CyEden #AU
null 1728318409683
Anonymous Coward 1728261097333

(It’s pest I’m just not logged in) but I forgot if you ever mentioned this, would cy still cheat w other teens and adults if he was with Kate instead of Lynn or would Kate slap him into position if she found out. I have a feeling kate would be a lot less tolerant than lynn

Oh yeah, one of her conditions for going steady in that AU is them being exclusive. Cy relents.

#CyLynn #Kate Anderson #AU
null 1728318348493
Anonymous Coward 1728225583116

In the AU where Cy marries Kate, did the Gloria Patton incident happen to? Would Kate ever find out? What would her reaction be if she did?

It could happen too, and if Kate ever found out she'd find some way to justify it ("it was a long time ago, he's changed since then").

#CyLynn #Kate Anderson #AU
null 1728227816224
Anonymous Coward 1728018376906

I've been thinking about domestic cylynn today, so I have some mundane questions about them :] sorry in advance if they've been asked before! who does the laundry mostly? are either of them particularly neat freaks in their space, or do they not mind a bit of mess and clutter? do they cook everyday, or cook one day have leftovers for the next couple days, or maybe even cook all their food on one day and unfreeze it throughout the week? do they garden? who takes care of the bills? (might be obvious lol considering cy and math but could also be a dom thing that he takes care of that and not lynn?) and an isabelle question thrown in! how often is she with them? do they hang out and watch movies and stuff, go out on dates (whether as platonic dates for lynnsabelle or cy taking out his girls)? I love hearing about their domesticities, I feel like simple questions like above can say a lot about a person/relationship. thank you for taking the time to answer if you do!

Lynn strikes me as the kind to enjoy doing laundry, so she probably does it more often than Cy, while he's more likely to be the one cooking because he likes that. They're both fairly neat people, but Lynn does get a little messy whenever she's extremely depressed so I think Cy picks up the slack more often. As for cooking- usually it's every other day, but I could see Cy prepare one week's worth of food because he's in That Kinda Mood from time to time. The times when Lynn cooks, they kinda like leaning into it a little and play tradwife, it's both horny and weirdly cute. No gardening, I think their backyard and frontyard are quite bare for most of their lives up until the moment they retire, after which they start gardening to keep busy at home.

As for Isabelle, she sees them (or just Cy) at least once a week, usually to have sex with Cy, but quite frequently she'll be there to hang out, either to have dinner/watch a documentary, or to go on an outright date with either Cy or both Foresters. On much rarer occasions, she goes on "dates" with Lynn where Lynn will take her shopping, or go to the Spa, usually as a treat after exams. They like having a little girl time together on occasions. It makes Isabelle crush on Lynn all that much harder (Lynn’s just very happy to be taking care of this lost puppy).

#CyLynn #Underwoods #Isabelle
null 1728050229297
Anonymous Coward 1727542156208

Been very into like earlier century things (18th - 19th century) and like silly idea of Cy being like a teacher then... idk i just think the difference in terms of everything is interesting. Like there's even like a higher emphasis on the privilege Cy receives as a white passing man.. and more acceptance as to what he does because women's rights are far less... just a silly thing hahsbdb

Me and Mac had a fit of laughter when he remarked that Cy would probably have been seen as a feminist had he been born a century earlier, simply because he likes seeing women go into STEM.

null 1727556900297
Anonymous Coward 1727471375815

What kinds of pressure would you say Lynn is better at handling than Cy is, if there are any?

She's better than him at handling social situations with other adults. Better at dealing with anger sometimes too.

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