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Anonymous Coward 1728221884285

You mentioned before that Robin is a Christian. Do any of your other OCs have religious beliefs or is it just her?

Hm, I could see Lola as being culturally catholic and a passive believer but never going to church, and Elodie's Jewish but not a believer.

#Lola & Joji #Kass & Elodie
null 1728227697219
Anonymous Coward 1728198375806

does cy exclusively cheat on lynn with students or does he have sex with women their age as well? like if he met a lady out somewhere and she was interested, would he go for it?

Oh, definitely, it's just that students are more readily "accessible" to him, but he does occasionally date older women.

null 1728221233696
Anonymous Coward 1728157022710

Ik it's extremely unlikely to be canon but if, theoretically, Cy had the chance to beat the shit out of Isabelle's dad, would/could he do so?

Cy wouldn't really do that kinda thing out of anger, it would have to be out of the urge to protect Isabelle, were they ever to run into Alec again and Cy saw just how terrified she is of him. He'd be going for the kill.

#Underwoods #
null 1728159448809
Anonymous Coward 1728018376906

I've been thinking about domestic cylynn today, so I have some mundane questions about them :] sorry in advance if they've been asked before! who does the laundry mostly? are either of them particularly neat freaks in their space, or do they not mind a bit of mess and clutter? do they cook everyday, or cook one day have leftovers for the next couple days, or maybe even cook all their food on one day and unfreeze it throughout the week? do they garden? who takes care of the bills? (might be obvious lol considering cy and math but could also be a dom thing that he takes care of that and not lynn?) and an isabelle question thrown in! how often is she with them? do they hang out and watch movies and stuff, go out on dates (whether as platonic dates for lynnsabelle or cy taking out his girls)? I love hearing about their domesticities, I feel like simple questions like above can say a lot about a person/relationship. thank you for taking the time to answer if you do!

Lynn strikes me as the kind to enjoy doing laundry, so she probably does it more often than Cy, while he's more likely to be the one cooking because he likes that. They're both fairly neat people, but Lynn does get a little messy whenever she's extremely depressed so I think Cy picks up the slack more often. As for cooking- usually it's every other day, but I could see Cy prepare one week's worth of food because he's in That Kinda Mood from time to time. The times when Lynn cooks, they kinda like leaning into it a little and play tradwife, it's both horny and weirdly cute. No gardening, I think their backyard and frontyard are quite bare for most of their lives up until the moment they retire, after which they start gardening to keep busy at home.

As for Isabelle, she sees them (or just Cy) at least once a week, usually to have sex with Cy, but quite frequently she'll be there to hang out, either to have dinner/watch a documentary, or to go on an outright date with either Cy or both Foresters. On much rarer occasions, she goes on "dates" with Lynn where Lynn will take her shopping, or go to the Spa, usually as a treat after exams. They like having a little girl time together on occasions. It makes Isabelle crush on Lynn all that much harder (Lynn’s just very happy to be taking care of this lost puppy).

#CyLynn #Underwoods #Isabelle
null 1728050229297
Anonymous Coward 1727880070839

What would isabelles dog breed be 👁️👁️

I know her dog nickname is Izoibelle but she'd actually be a Silken Windhound (basically the babier version of borzois)

null 1727985986143
Anonymous Coward 1727871745397

Lynn fells like she's a dad who says she never wanted a dog (Isabelle) and then like two weeks later is curled up with her on the couch (denies this and will take months to admit she likes the dog)

That is exactly it lmao. She gets pretty attached to Isabelle and will never admit to it

null 1727874485291
Anonymous Coward 1727839158794

I'm making Lynn fanart and I want to see how you feel about it! It's a goth look for her with piercings on her scars, and I'm thinking of giving her tattoos on her scars!

By all means, have fun hitting her with the goth laser beam!

null 1727850999346
Anonymous Coward 1727750337862

Silly unserious question but how would Cy feel or react to nsfw art of underage cartoon characters?? lol I know he probably wouldn’t care but would there be an art style that captures what interests him or?

He's pretty disinterested by cartoons, really not his thing.

null 1727850663068
Anonymous Coward 1727652974070

Hello! Idk if anyone asked before, but do you follow a specific process when making comics? Like do you use thumbnails or just start sketching, etc?

I rarely thumbnail, I just sketch and usually ink stuff!

null 1727715745716
Anonymous Coward 1727647007236

forgive me if you already answered this but the prepubescent question lynn asked cy, didn't he have pictures of her in her childhood that were much younger than 15-17?

That comic takes place long before the "pic exchange"

null 1727660573137
Anonymous Coward 1727622686598

do you also get annoyed when people ship the most bland het couple and pretend headcanoning them as bi4bi or t4t makes them interesting??? i feel like i'll get called homophobic/transphobic despite being queer if i complain about this publicly lmao

YEAH and like.... I crave well-written het t4t and bi4bi, it's really not a question of what it is, just a question of people being utter dogshit at writing it.

null 1727625965818
Anonymous Coward 1727587136389

How are you so knowledged in linguistics? Do you know translators, or take a class in several languages?

I've learned a few languages over the years and I have friends to cover for me for ones I'm not that proficient in!

null 1727590397721
Anonymous Coward 1727582789702

i am so sorry if this is a repeated question but i love the nullverse and i am so confused where this isabella chick came from? I love her im just very confused if this happens to be a fic im missing or if its canon i did see that its from a different creators collaboration but i just would love to be informed since kate has left!!

Isabelle belongs to my friend @macthedke! Right now most of the Isabelle stuff I've drawn is Substar exclusive.

null 1727590316514
Anonymous Coward 1727542156208

Been very into like earlier century things (18th - 19th century) and like silly idea of Cy being like a teacher then... idk i just think the difference in terms of everything is interesting. Like there's even like a higher emphasis on the privilege Cy receives as a white passing man.. and more acceptance as to what he does because women's rights are far less... just a silly thing hahsbdb

Me and Mac had a fit of laughter when he remarked that Cy would probably have been seen as a feminist had he been born a century earlier, simply because he likes seeing women go into STEM.

null 1727556900297
Anonymous Coward 1727474289555

Hi null,,, i really love ur art, but im a vtuber and i cant retweet or respond publicly otherwise my community would eat me LOL PLEASE KEEP DOING WHAT UR DOING!!!

Lmao thanks for your support. Feel free to DM me tho!

null 1727531313409
Anonymous Coward 1727471375815

What kinds of pressure would you say Lynn is better at handling than Cy is, if there are any?

She's better than him at handling social situations with other adults. Better at dealing with anger sometimes too.

null 1727472982355
Anonymous Coward 1727470503823

oh my gosh hiiiiiiii null

Hewwo :3

null 1727470588561

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