anonymous 11/23/2024

I have a hard time figuring out when it's just Ritsu being lazy or It's one of his conditions making his life hell, do you have any tips for figuring this sort of stuff out?

whether you believe in the CFS theory or not, i think it's fair to assume that ritsu is always some level of tired, at all times lmao

but seriously now, you can usually recognize it through the text itself. when ritsu is just acting lazy he'll be more whinny and clingy, demanding more attention or saying things like "don't wanna~ too much trouble..." etc. usually in these moments he is tired but not physically incapable of doing things, he just doesn't want to kgjjkfmbh when his condition flares up tho, the change is clear bc usually he'll act more retracted, and instead of acting like a spoiled child, he'll actually hide how bad he feels bc he doesn't want people over-worrying or pitying him.

the best example of this is, of course, Dark Night Halloween, but there are other good ones like in Fragrance, when even though he was feeling ill bc of the perfume he didn't tell the others bc he didn't want to make them worry and cancel the smell test. so you can definitely tell whe...

★☆ mia. 11/28/2024

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