☆  bronya (retheming + Wip)


      ❝ 雨上がりの朝は ❞

ⁿ..ⁿ  sylus is so bbg

This profile does not allow anonymous questions.

︵⊹ ︵︵. QOTD — 01 ︵︵⊹︵

  what is a media you enjoy and what is it about  

︶⊹︶︶. @iris on ns ︶︶⊹︶

Chat I got the first tbhk book set and LOOK

Someone give me character ideas to use /cedar, /sorbet and /attract for since I got no ideas

Hey chat should I change my theme again since the autism is getting to me and I really wanna change it again

Hey chat should I start a qotd on this website

Could people give me things to add to my resources for decor I’m begging

You people give me fandoms to make stamps of

Is it just a me thing or did the homepage BREAK. Everything else works just not the home page

Second ask all but could someone choose one of these gay ass looking men (this better work.)

Should I change my theme and my username or just change my theme? (I can’t decide so I’m asking you guys :P)

Second global question since Idfk what to do for a lovemail so could I have your guys love mails (if you have one) for inspo of what to add

What the hell do you use a bundlrs/rentry for but you don’t want to use it for basic information , since I can’t decide

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